ArcGIS for AutoCAD provides tools to import feature layer definitions along with default symbology within your drawing. Esri-provided feature layer template files provide you with access to industry-standard GIS data schemas.
Any block symbols added to the drawing from a template will be added at the scale they were created in the template drawing. You can use the AutoCAD units command to adjust the insert units for blocks inserted into your drawing.
Document feature layers from feature layer template files
You can import the schema and predefined symbology for document feature layers to a drawing from the Create tab of the Add Data dialog box. A gallery of feature layer template files are displayed and can be added to the drawing by selecting one of the tiles and confirming with the Create Feature Layers button from the template files details pane on the right side of the interface.
Once the adding of the feature layer template file is confirmed, the included document feature layer definitions will be added to the current drawing session according to the contents of the chosen file. Default AutoCAD layers with predefined layer symbology will also be added to the drawing. Point feature layers will have a supplied AutoCAD block applied to the point feature layer. Block symbols added by the Esri data template will be sized according to the units of the drawing. You can use the AutoCAD units command to manipulate the units of your AutoCAD drawing.
You can assign a different default symbol to the new point feature layers using any of the assign symbol tools from the Esri Contents pane or the Esri_FeatureLayer command. Creating feature layers from the template file will add the definition of the feature layer to the drawing including its attribute field definitions.
You can use the Feature Layer Properties dialog box to modify the field definitions or other aspects of the feature layer such as the definition query.
Modifying the layer property values of a definition query is one way to apply the schema of a feature layer from a template file and have it instead point to one of your existing AutoCAD layers.
Create customized feature layer template files
Feature layer template files are composed of a AutoCAD .dwt file, an optional .png thumbnail image that is displayed in the gallery of the Create tab of the Add Data dialog box, and an optional .txt file that includes the description notes for the template file. All .dwt files located in the ...\Contents\Templates folder of the ArcGIS for AutoCAD application's install directory will be listed in the gallery. Thumbnail images and text descriptions found in .png files and .txt files that have a matching name will be included in the gallery of the Create tab of the Add Data dialog box.
Document feature layer definitions included in the provided .dwt file will be copied to the current drawing. This includes any point feature layers with applied block symbols and the referenced block symbol definition. Any referenced AutoCAD layers in the template drawing not already defined in the current drawing and their layer properties will be added to the current AutoCAD drawing when the feature layer template file is used to create feature layers.
Standard AutoCAD template files for use with ArcGIS for AutoCAD
The standard AutoCAD template files containing ArcGIS for AutoCAD definitions can be used to great advantage. You can store coordinate system definitions, web and document feature layer definitions, web feature layer property templates, project areas, and map and imagery layers along with all the standard layer definitions and block symbology that you will use. Adding this type of information within a standard AutoCAD .dwt file can be a quick start for your projects where you will be using a standard set of GIS layer and layer definitions and a known coordinate system. Whereas the import schema capability only imports document feature layers, block symbology and AutoCAD layer definitions, using an AutoCAD template file to start a new drawing can contain all of the different ArcGIS for AutoCAD GIS layer definitions and connections.
See also
See the following for more information:
Esri_ImportSchema command reference
- Import Schema button on the ArcGIS ribbon user interface