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Share document feature layers

You can share document feature layers as hosted web feature layers when signed into an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal with valid privileges. Shared document feature layers will be promoted to web feature layers. The capabilities of the resultant web feature layers and the sharing access parameters are set during the publishing workflow. Sharing document feature layers as hosted web feature layers enables other GIS applications to view and edit the data you have created in AutoCAD.


Sharing to PKI portals on ArcGIS Enterprise is supported for version 11.4 only.

The following are details of sharing feature layers:

  • The geometry of features in the resultant hosted feature layers may include modifications, such as the tessellation of curves or the flattening of z-coordinates, to conform to the geometric limitations of a GIS hosted feature layer.
  • The resultant hosted feature layers replace the shared document feature layers in the Esri Contents pane, and entities of the document feature layers will be moved to the new AutoCAD layers generated for the web feature layers. The layer symbology for the newly created layers will mimic the layer properties of the source document feature layer's layer symbology.
  • If no document feature layers are present in the drawing, choosing Share from the ArcGIS ribbon button will first assign similar entities together automatically as document feature layers by geometric type and then share those layers. This is a quick way to share all the geometric content of a CAD drawing as GIS layers.
  • If no Esri coordinate system is defined in the drawing, you are prompted to identify the coordinate system with the coordinate system user interface before you can proceed.

Share one or more document feature layers as a hosted web feature layer

To share document feature layers, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click a feature layer or the Document Feature Layers category heading in the Esri Contents pane, and click the Share All or Share Feature Layer context menu option, or the Share button on the ArcGIS ribbon.

    The Share as Hosted Feature Layer dialog box appears, allowing you to select and sign in to your selected portal.

    Portal list

  2. Click the Next button to confirm the portal where you will add the requested feature service.

    The Select additional layers option panel appears with the selected document feature layers checked, allowing you to add or remove document feature layers to share.

    Share as Hosted Feature Layer dialog box

  3. Add or remove document feature layers you want to share using the check boxes next to the list of document feature layers, in combination with the Select All and Deselect All buttons.

    The Select additional layers option panel appears, allowing you to select additional document feature layers to share.

  4. Click the Next button to confirm the list of document feature layers to be shared.

    The Item Details tab appears, allowing you enter the item details.

    Share as Hosted Feature Layer Item Details tab

  5. Set the Name, Description, Tags, Folder, and Share with parameters, and select any actions under After Sharing to specify the item details.
  6. Switch to the Configuration tab to enter the configuration options.

    Share as Hosted Feature Layer Configuration tab

  7. Click the Share button to confirm your configuration option choices.

    The selected document feature layers are promoted to web feature layers within the drawing with the capabilities established by the sharing settings. A new item is added to the web feature layers section of the TOC and the document feature layer definition is removed from drawing. If you have requested any actions to perform after sharing, those interfaces are displayed in your default web browser.

You can configure additional settings on the service by opening the item in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.

See also

For more detailed information, see the Share as Hosted Feature layer user interface topic.

Use the esri_featurelayer_share function to automate workflows that include sharing using AutoLISP.