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Select features by attributes

Select features within a feature class in the drawing based on their attribute data.

  1. At the command line, type ESRI_SELECTBYATTRIBUTE. If multiple feature classes are present in the drawing, you are prompted to select one. At the command line, type the numeric value that corresponds to the feature class you want to select from and press Enter.

    The Select by Attributes user interface is displayed.

  2. Choose the method of selection. By default, the method is Create New Selection, which discards any previous selections and performs a new selection. The other selection types you can use are as follows:
    • Add to Current Selection—Perform a query for features that fit the parameters you set and add them to the features you selected in the drawing.
    • Remove from Current Selection—Perform a query for features that fit the parameters you set and remove them from the current selection in the drawing.
    • Select from Current Selection—Select a subset of the current selection.
  3. Create the filter using the creation tools or by manually entering your own selection clause in the text box at the bottom of the interface. This WHERE clause functions in the same way as an SQL WHERE clause, and the same syntax and many of the same operators can be applied.
  4. Click the Verify button to confirm the clause is valid.
  5. Click the Close button if you want to discard your work and return to the drawing.
  6. Click the Apply button if you are satisfied with the selection.

    The features that match the WHERE clause are selected on the map and the viewport zooms to them.

Also See

Command Esri_SelectByAttribute

Esri Contents pane feature layer context menu: Select by Attribute