Configure Crime Reduction Statistics

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Crime Reduction Statistics can be used to generate key statistics and reports, monitor crime trends, and modernize CompStat practices.

In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the Crime Reduction Statistics solution to meet specific needs of your organization.

Organize your data

Crime Reduction Statistics uses crime and calls for service data from your authoritative systems to generate maps and statistics used in the solution. Before you begin configuring the solution, take some time to organize your source data.

Four foundational data sets (beat, district, crimes, and calls for service) are required to configure the solution. An additional administrative area, division, can optionally be used for organizations with a larger administrative area hierarchy.


Organizations may use different terminology to describe beat, districts, and division. If your organization utilizes terminology other than beat to describe your smallest unit of administrative area or district to describe this administrative area covered by each police station in the organization, you can update the layer name of the feature layer.


Beats, or the area that represents the smallest unit of administrative area utilized by your organization, are required to configure the solution. This data must be a polygon, each beat must have a unique name, and, to ensure that preset filters and dashboard actions work properly, this value must match exactly to the value found in the corresponding field in the Crimes and CallsForService layers.


Districts, or the equivalent area that represents the administrative area covered by each police station in the organization, are required to configure the solution. This data must be a polygon, each district must have a unique name, and, to ensure that preset filters and dashboard actions work properly, this value must match exactly to the value found in the corresponding field in the Crimes and CallsForService layers.


When configuring the solution with a division layer, each division will have multiple districts. This data must be a polygon, each division must have a unique name, and, to ensure that preset filters and dashboard actions work properly, this value must match exactly to the value found in the corresponding field in the Crimes and CallsForService layers

Calls For Service

The solution requires a minimum of two years (optimally, four years) of reported calls for service data that is typically sourced from your computer-aided dispatch system and is updated on a nightly basis. This data must be in a flattened form and must be accessed from a database table (or table view), CSV file, or spreadsheet. The data must have existing XY coordinates or addresses of sufficient quality to be geocoded. If you are using address data, an address locator is also required. The data should also have the following minimum required fields:

  • Call ID
  • Call Type
  • Call Category
  • Call Priority
  • Call Source
  • Full Address
  • Beat
  • District
  • Call Datetime
  • Call Date Year
  • Call Date Month
  • Call Date Hour
  • Call Day of Week
  • Dispatch Datetime
  • Enroute Datetime
  • Arrival Datetime
  • Clear Datetime
  • Call to Dispatch Time (min.)
  • Dispatch to Enroute Time (min.)
  • Enroute to Arrival Time (min.)
  • Arrival to Cleared Time (min.)
  • Total Response Time (min.)
  • First Responding Unit ID
  • Disposition
  • X (only if rendering geometry from coordinates)
  • Y (only if rendering geometry from coordinates)


The solution requires a minimum of two years (optimally, four years) of reported crime data that is typically sourced from your records management system and is updated on a nightly basis. This data must be in a flattened form and must be accessed from a database table (or table view), CSV file, or spreadsheet. The data must have existing XY coordinates or addresses of sufficient quality to be geocoded. If you are using address data, an address locator is also required. By default, the solution conforms to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) standard for crime incident reporting in the United States. The data should also have the following minimum required fields.

  • Offense ID
  • NIBRS Code
  • NIBRS Description
  • NIBRS Offense Category
  • NIBRS Crimes Against Category
  • Full Address
  • Beat
  • District
  • Weapon Type Code
  • Weapon Description
  • Weapon Category
  • Location Type Code
  • Location Description
  • Location Category
  • Case Status
  • Reporting Officer
  • Reported Date
  • Reported Date Year
  • Reported Date Month
  • Reported Date Hour
  • Reported Day of Week
  • Reported Day of Week Number
  • X (only if rendering geometry from coordinates)
  • Y (only if rendering geometry from coordinates)

Review layers

Review the required and optional feature layers used in the Crime Reduction Statistics solution and compare the feature layers to the source data sets that you previously organized.

To update data, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Crimes feature layer item.
  2. Click Data, and then click Fields.
  3. Click a field and review Description, Field Value Type, and Settings.
  4. Compare the Crimes feature layer to the data that you organized previously.
  5. This comparison will determine whether you need to add or modify your source data to work with the feature layers provided in the solution.
  6. After you have completed reviewing the Crimes feature layer, follow steps 1 - 4 for the CallsforService, Beat, District, and, optionally, Division feature layers.

The closer your source data sets match the feature layer schema provided, the easier it is to configure the solution.

Load data

The Law Enforcement Data Management ArcGIS Pro project includes series of tasks that can be used to load your administrative areas into the Beat, District, and Division feature layers and configure nightly automated loading of crime and calls for service source data from your authoritative system into the Crimes and CallsForService feature layers used by the solution.

To load data complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Law Enforcement Data Management item.
  2. From the item page, click Download.
  3. Unzip the downloaded folder, and then from the unzipped folder, open the ArcGIS Pro project.
  4. In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder.

    If you do not see the Catalog pane, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.

  5. Double-click the Law Enforcement Data Management task item.
  6. In the Tasks pane, expand the Getting to know Law Enforcement Data Management task group to see the collection of tasks.
    Click a group heading or task name to view its description at the bottom of the Tasks pane.
  7. Each task group includes a set of steps for using the solution.
  8. Open each task and follow the steps provided.

    Law Enforcement Data Management ArcGIS Pro project is used to load data used in the solution apps.


The Law Enforcement Data Management ArcGIS Pro project is used in other law enforcement solutions, such as Police Transparency and Daily Activity Dashboard. If you already implemented data loading and automation for the layers used in the Crime Reduction Statistics solution and you are using the same feature layers within your ArcGIS organization then you do not need to do it.

Generate statistics and reports

The Crime Reduction Statistics solution includes the Crime Reduction Statistics ArcGIS Pro project, which can be used to create statistics used in feature layers (CrimeStatistics and CallsForServiceStatistics) that are used by the dashboards in the solution. Optionally, the project can also be used to automate the generation of hard copy statistical reports using included templates. To begin, follow the instructions provided in the Generate Incident Statistics task item included in the project.

To generate statistics and reports complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Crime Reduction Statistics item.
  2. From the item page, click Download.
  3. Unzip the downloaded folder, and then from the unzipped folder, open the ArcGIS Pro project.
  4. In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder.

    If you do not see the Catalog pane, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.

  5. Double-click the Crime Reduction Statistics task item.
  6. In the Tasks pane, expand the Getting to know Crime Reduction Statistics task group to see the collection of tasks.
    Click a group heading or task name to view its description at the bottom of the Tasks pane.
  7. Each task group includes a set of steps for using the solution.
  8. Open each task and follow the steps provided.

    Crime Reduction Statistics is used to create the statistics used in the Crime Statistics Dashboard, Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard and, optionally, the creation of hard copy reports.

Configure layers and maps

You will configure the layers and maps in Crime Reduction Statistics solution to use your preferred time zone, and, optionally, update the maps and layers to meet needs of your organization.

Update preferred time zone

Both the Law Enforcement Data Management and Crime Reduction Statistics ArcGIS Pro projects are required to use the Update Features With Incident Records tool to load and update crimes and calls for service data. This tool automatically converts date field values data to universal time (UTC) prior to being appended or updated. The conversion is based on the time zone of the machine running the tool. Because of this conversion, the maps and apps will always display date information in the time zone of the machine you are using.

If you are using the Crime Reduction Statistics ArcGIS Pro project to Configure reports task group or using the crimes and calls for service layers in ArcGIS Pro, you will need to set a preferred time zone on the feature layers to ensure that the date field values are displayed in your preferred time zone instead of UTC. Use the Publish a feature service with a preferred time zone technical article to make this update. If the preferred time zone is not added to the feature layer, date values in the layer will display in UTC rather than preferred time zone in ArcGIS Pro.

Modify layers and maps

This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed to work with the solution.

Optionally, the Crime Reduction Statistics solution can be extended, modified, or optimized to meet the needs of your organization. You may choose to perform additional configuration of the feature layers and maps.

To modify layers and maps complete the following steps:

  • Update field display names—You can update field display names when terminology used in solution does not match your organizations language. For example, administrative areas are described as beat, district, and division, which may differ from how your organization describes its administrative areas.
  • Update pop-ups—You can update the pop-up display to meet your organizational preferences. For example, if you updated fields in the Crimes and Calls for Service layers, you'll likely want to include that information in your pop-up. While pop-ups can be configured in the web maps of the solution; they are configured by default within the feature layer views (Crimes_dashboard and CallsForService_dashboard). Updating the pop-ups in the feature layer view will make it easier to manage your pop-up configuration across multiple solutions rather than a specific map. Update pop-ups from the Visualization tab or configure within the map.
  • Update symbols—You can update the symbols, including color and size to meet your organizational preferences. While symbols can be configured in the maps of the solution; they are configured by default within the feature layer views (Crimes_dashboard and CallsForService_dashboard). Updating the symbols in the feature layer view will make it easier to manage your pop-up configuration across multiple solutions rather than a specific map. Update symbology from the Visualization tab or configure symbology within the web map.
  • Modify clustering—You can modify or remove clustering from Crimes and Calls for Service in the web maps.
  • Modify basemap—By default, the solution's web map leverages the Color Dodge blend mode with a background color and a heightened contrast style to lighten the basemap and coordinate with the dashboard colors. You can use this blended basemap or use another basemap.

Manage performance

This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed to work with the solution.

Some organization have a large volume of Crimes and Calls for Service data and adjustments can be made to enhance dashboard performance. By default, the solution looks at 365 days of data by using a filter on the feature layer view; however, if you notice that your dashboards are not updating as quickly as you would like, consider updating the solution to look at 28 days of data by updating the filter on the crimes_dashboard and callsforservice_dashboard hosted feature layer view.

In general, if you find the map and dashboard are performing slowly after loading a large number of features, rebuild the spatial index of the Crimes and Calls for Service layer.

Configure Calls For Service Statistics Dashboard

The Crime Reduction Statistics solution includes the Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard that your organization can configure to fit your organizational data. Some configuration of the dashboard is required when your data differs from the data used to create the solution. For example, you can modify call source and disposition charts, and modify map selector filters. The following sections will guide you through the configuration of the dashboard to ensure the dashboard functions correctly and suits your requirements.

Modify call source and disposition charts

The Calls tab of the Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard contains two dashboard chart elements that display call disposition and call source information. Each dashboard element includes default categorization of these values. In most cases, the default values displayed in the Call source and Call disposition charts on the Calls tab will be different from the data of your organization. If your values differ from the default values, you will need to update each dashboard element to reflect the correct values in your data.

To modify the call source and disposition charts using your data, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard.
  2. From the item page, click Edit Dashboard.
  3. Click the Calls tab.
  4. Hover over the upper-left corner of the Call source element and click the Configure button.
  5. Click Slices, delete the existing categories, and click Load categories.
  6. Click Apply colors and choose the blue color ramp.
  7. Choose Done.
  8. Repeat steps 3 - 7 for Call disposition.
  9. After you are satisfied with the content and appearance of the dashboard, click Save.

Modify map dates selector

The Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard contains the Map dates selector, which includes two defined options: Current 28 days and Current 365 days. These dynamic date range selectors will be misaligned with the statistical periods used in the CallsForServiceStatistics table if you configured the Generate Incident Statistics tool with a value greater than 0 in the Report Period Lag Time in Days parameter. If you used a value greater than 0, you will need to update each dashboard element to reflect the correct values in your data.

To modify the map dates selectors, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Crime Reduction Statistics ArcGIS Pro project, click Analysis, and click History
  2. In the History pane, select the last successful run of the Generate Incident Statistics tool for the CallsForServiceStatistics and make a note of the value of the used in the Report Period Lag Time in Days parameter.

    This value will be used throughout the workflow and will be referenced as the day lag period. When the lag period value is 0, this workflow is not required.

  3. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard.
  4. From the item page, click Edit Dashboard.
  5. Hover over the upper-left corner of the Map dates selector and click the Configure button.
  6. In the Selector tab, in Selector options, select Combination type and expand the Defined options menu.

    You will see a defined option that says Current 28 days is within the last 28 days.

  7. Update the day value to 28 days plus the day lag period value.

    For example, if you used a 3-day lag period, you will change the Current 28 day expression from is within the last 28 days to is within the last 31 days.

    You will see a defined option that says Current 28 days.

  8. Click AND directly below the option.
  9. Choose is before the last, add the day lag period, and choose days.

    For example, if you used a value of 3 (to represent the 3 day lag period), the option should read is before the last 3 days.

  10. After you have updated the Current 28 days selector options, update the option Current 365 days selector options using step 5 - 8.
  11. Choose Done.
  12. After you are satisfied with the content and appearance of the dashboard, click Save.

Modify statistical periods

This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed to work with the solution.

By default, the Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard is configured to use 28 day and 365 day periods. The values for these statistical periods are calculated using the Crime Reduction Statistics ArcGIS Pro project in the CallsForServiceStatistics table. Your organization may wish to change either of the periods to another statistical period, such as 7 day, 14 day, 56 day, month to date, or year to date.


If you'd like to use a 14-day, 56-day, or month-to-date statistical period instead of 7 day, 28 day, 365 day, or year to date, you will need to use the Crime Reduction Statistics ArcGIS Pro project and run the Generate Incident Statistics tool using the appropriate parameters to generate additional statistical periods in the CrimeStatistics table to be used in the dashboard.

To modify statistical periods and use a different statistical period, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard.
  2. From the item page, click Edit Dashboard.
  3. Using the following table as a guide, browse to the correct tab and dashboard element, hover over the upper-left corner of the element, and click the Configure button for each item listed in the table, and then follow the dashboard element, option, and required change information to make the changes in your dashboard.

    The following chart uses the replacement of the default 28-day with a 7-day statistical period value:

  4. Tab and dashboard elementOptionRequired change


    Map dates



    Defined Options

    Update filters reflecting statistical period change. For example, Current 28 days would be Current 7 days for a statistical period value of 7.

    Overview tab

    Call volume

    Current 28 days


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    Overview tab

    Call volume

    Current 28 days


    Advanced Formatting

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the three variables below.

    var ave = $datapoint["pzave_28days"]
    var z  = $datapoint["pz_28days"]
    var perc = $datapoint["perc_28days"]
    For example, "pzave_28days" would be "pzave_7days" for a statistical period value of 7.

    Overview tab

    Call volume

    Current 28 days


    Line item template

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the four variables below.

    vs. 3-year avg: {expression/spikelevel} 
    Cur: {curcnt_28days} | Pre: {prevcnt_28days} | Avg: {pzave_28days}
    For example, {curcnt_28days} would be {curcnt_7days} for a statistical period value of 7.

    Overview tab

    Median response times

    Current 28 days


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    Overview tab

    Median response times

    Current 28 days


    In the setting section, update the filter value to the new statistical period value.

    In the reference section, update the filter value to the new statistical period value.

    28-day tab

    28-day call volumes by district


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    28-day tab

    28-day call volumes by district


    Click Add series and choose the current count and Poisson Z comparison period average for the statistical period value. For example, you would add Current Count 7 Days and Poisson Z Comparison Period Average 7 Days for a statistical period value of 7.

    Remove Current Count 28 Days and Poisson Z Comparison Period Average 28 Days.

    28-day tab

    28-day call volumes by district



    Click the current count and update the color to the HEX value of 007ac2.

    Click the Poisson Z comparison period average and update the color to the HEX value of 00304d.

    28-day tab

    28-day percent change by district


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    28-day tab

    28-day percent change by district


    Click Add series and percent change for the statistical period value. For example, you would add Percent Change 7 Days for a statistical period value of 7.

    Remove Percent Change 28 Days.

    28-day tab

    28-day percent change by district


    Update the color to the HEX value of 00304d.

    28-day tab

    28-day call statistics by type


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    28-day tab

    28-day call statistics by type


    Advanced Formatting

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the 6 variables below.

    var cur = $datapoint.curcnt_28days
    var prev = $datapoint.prevcnt_28days
    var perch = $datapoint.perc_28days
    var perchround = Text(Round(perch,1)+'%')
    var ave = Round($datapoint.pzave_28days,1)
    var z  = $datapoint.pz_28days
    For example, $datapoint.prevcnt_28days would be $datapoint.prevcnt_7days for a statistical period value of 7.

    28-day tab

    Click the pencil and rename the tab to reflect the statistical period value.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Percent Change


    Update name to the new statistical period value.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Percent Change


    Update previous count and percent change filters to new statistical period value field. For example, Previous Count 28 Days would be Previous Count 7 Days and Percent Change 28 Days would be Percent Change 7 Days for a statistical period value of 7.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Percent Change


    Sort by

    Remove Percent Change 28 Days.

    Click Add field and choose the percent change field of the new statistical period value and set Sort descending.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Percent Change


    Line item template

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the three variables below.

    {curcnt_28days} from {prevcnt_28days}
    For example, {curcnt_28days} would be {curcnt_7days} for a statistical period value of 7.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Spike by intensity score


    Update name to the new statistical period value.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Spike by intensity score


    Update Poisson Z-Score 28 Days to new statistical period value field. For example, Poisson Z-Score 28 Days would be Poisson Z-Score 7 Days for a statistical period value of 7.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Spike by intensity score


    Sort by

    Remove Poisson Z-Score 28 Days.

    Click Add field and choose the Poisson Z-Score field of the new statistical period value and set.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Spike by intensity score


    Line item template

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the three variables below.

    {curcnt_28days} from {pzave_28days}
    For example, {pzave_28days} would be {pzave_7days} for a statistical period value of 7.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Top 10 increases in current 28 days

    Update text to match the statistical period value.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Click the pencil and rename the tab to reflect the statistical period value.

    Response time tab

    28-day median response time by call type


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    Sort descending

    Response time tab

    28-day median response time by call type



    Update the filter value to the new statistical period value.

  5. Repeat step 3 for the 365-day dashboard changes, if needed.
  6. In the Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard every occurrence of elements based on the statistical period of 28 days has the mirrored elements based on 365-day statistical period. This means that all of step 3 can be applied to the same 365-day elements.
  7. After you are satisfied with the content and appearance of the dashboard, click Save.

The 7-day, 14-day, 56-day, month-to-date, and year-to-date statistical periods need to be represented in the CallsForServiceStatistics table field names for the dashboard to display the statistics used in the dashboard. The field name convention is <value>_7days. For example, the pattern for each statistical period is as follows: pzave_7days, pz_14days, perc_56days, curcnt_mtd, prevcnt_ytd.

Configure Crime Statistics Dashboard

The Crime Reduction Statistics solution includes the Crime Statistics Dashboard that your organization can configure to fit your organizational data. Some configuration of the dashboard is required when your data differs from the data used to create the solution. For example, you can modify data filters, charts, and map selector filters. The following sections will guide you through the configuration of the dashboard to ensure the dashboard functions correctly and suits your requirements.

Modify crime against filters

The overview tab of the Crime Statistics Dashboard contains six dashboard elements displaying statistical totals for each of the three NIBRS Crimes Against Categories: Crimes Against Persons, Crimes Against Property, and Crimes Against Society. Each dashboard element includes a default filter for its corresponding crimes against category total.

By default, filter values correspond to NIBRS naming conventions; however, your organizational data may vary slightly. For example, instead of Crimes Against Persons Total, your values may be crimes against persons Total, persons crime Total, or persons Total. If your values differ from the default filter, you will need to update each dashboard element filter to reflect the correct values in your data.

To modify the crimes against category total field in the dashboard elements, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Crime Statistics Dashboard.
  2. From the item page, click Edit Dashboard.
  3. Click the Overiew tab.
  4. Hover over the upper-left corner of the Current 28 days element. In the Crimes against persons section, and click the Configure button.
  5. Click Data.

    In the filter section, you see NIBRS Offense Code equal Crimes Against Persons Total.

    For filtering purposes, field values for NIBRS Crimes Against Category totals can be found in the NIBRS Offense Category, NIBRS Offense Description, and NIBRS Offense Code fields.

  6. Update the value Crimes Against Persons Total to corresponding value to the your data.

    The value you choose must include the word Total at the end of the value.

  7. Choose Done.
  8. Repeat steps 3 - 7 for Current 365 days in the Crimes against persons section.
  9. Repeat steps 3 - 7 for Current 28 days and Current 365 days in the Crimes against society and Crimes against property sections.
  10. After you are satisfied with the content and appearance of the dashboard, click Save.

Modify major crimes filters

The 28-day tab of the Crime Statistics Dashboard includes a table titled 28-day statistics by major crime category. A corresponding table, called 365-day statistics by major crime category, exists on the 365-day tab. By default, the major crimes shown in these tables are based upon default filters for NIBRS Offense Category totals corresponding to the original Part 1 categories used in the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Summary Reporting System.

By default, filter values correspond to NIBRS naming conventions; however, your organizational data may vary slightly. For example, instead of "Assault Offenses Total", your values may be "All Assaults Total, assault offenses Total, or assaults Total. If your values differ from the default filter, you will need to update each dashboard element filter to reflect the correct values in your data.


Alternatively, you may designate other crime groupings to display in this table and will need to update these filters to reflect your selected crimes to display.

To modify the major crimes fields in the dashboard elements, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Crime Statistics Dashboard.
  2. From the item page, click Edit Dashboard.
  3. Click the Overiew tab.
  4. Hover over the upper-left corner of the 28-day statistics by major crimes category table and click the Configure button.
  5. Click Data.

    In the filter section, you see NIBRS Offense Description include Larceny/Theft Offenses Total, Assault Offenses Total, Robbery, Arson, Motor Vehicle Theft, Sex Offenses, Burglary/Breaking & Entering, Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughter

    For filtering purposes, field values for NIBRS Offense Category totals can be found in the NIBRS Offense Description field and the NIBRS Offense Code field.

  6. Update the values in the filter to reflect the corresponding values in your data..

    When an offense category is grouping multiple offenses together—for example, Assault Offenses includes Aggravated Assault, Simple Assault, and Intimidation—the value displayed in this field will be name of the category and the word Total. If the offense category has only one offense type in it, the value displayed remains the same as the offense itself.

  7. Choose Done.
  8. Click the 365-days tab.
  9. Repeat steps 3 - 7 for 365-day statistics by major crime category table.
  10. After you are satisfied with the content and appearance of the dashboard, click Save.

Modify case status, weapon, and location charts

The crimes tab of the Crime Statistics Dashboard contains three dashboard chart elements that display case status, weapon, and location information. Each dashboard element includes default categorization of these values. In most cases, the default values displayed in the Case status, Weapon, and Location charts on the Crimes tab will be different from the data of your organization. If your values differ from the default values, you will need to update each element to reflect the correct values in your data.

To modify the charts using your data, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Crime Statistics Dashboard.
  2. From the item page, click Edit Dashboard.
  3. Click the Crimes tab.
  4. Hover over the upper-left corner of the Case status element and click the Configure button.
  5. Click Slices, delete the existing categories, and click Load categories.
  6. Click Apply colors and choose the blue color ramp.
  7. Choose Done.
  8. Repeat steps 3 - 7 for Location and Weapon.
  9. After you are satisfied with the content and appearance of the dashboard, click Save.

Modify map dates selector

The Crime Statistics Dashboard contains the Map dates selector, which includes two defined options: Current 28 days and Current 365 days. These dynamic date range selectors will be misaligned with the statistical periods used in the CrimeStatistics table if you configured the Generate Incident Statistics tool with a value greater than 0 in the Report Period Lag Time in Days parameter. If you used a value greater than 0, in then you will need to update each element to reflect the correct values in your data.

To modify the map dates selectors, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Crime Reduction Statistics ArcGIS Pro project, click Analysis, and click History.
  2. In the History pane, select the last successful run of the Generate Incident Statistics tool for the CrimeStatistics and make a note of the value of the used in the Report Period Lag Time in Days parameter.

    This value will be used throughout the workflow and will be referenced as the day lag period. When the lag period value is 0, this workflow is not required.

  3. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Crime Statistics Dashboard.
  4. From the item page, click Edit Dashboard.
  5. Hover over the upper-left corner of the Map dates selector and click the Configure button.
  6. In the Selector tab, in Selector options, select Combination type and expand the Defined options menu.

    You see a defined option that says Current 28 days is within the last 28 days.

  7. Update the day value to 28 days plus the day lag period value.

    For example, if you used a 3 day lag period, change the Current 28 day expression from is within the last 28 days to is within the last 31 days.

    You see a defined option that says Current 28 days.

  8. Click AND directly below the option.
  9. Choose is before the last, add the day lag period, and choose days.

    For example, if you used a value of 3 (to represent the 3 day lag period) then the option should read is before the last 3 days.

  10. After you have updated the Current 28 days selector options, update the option Current 365 days selector options using step 5 - 8.
  11. Choose Done.
  12. After you are satisfied with the content and appearance of the dashboard, click Save.

Modify statistical periods

This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed to work with the solution.

By default, the Crime Statistics Dashboard is configured to use 28 day and 365 day periods. The values for these statistical periods are calculated using the Crime Reduction Statistics ArcGIS Pro project in the CrimesStatistics table. Your organization may wish to change either of the periods to another statistical period, such as 7 day, 14 day, 56 day, month to date, or year to date.


If you'd like to use a 14-day, 56-day, or month-to-date statistical period instead of 7 day, 28 day, 365, or year to date, you will need to use the Crime Reduction Statistics ArcGIS Pro project and run the Generate Incident Statistics tool using the appropriate parameters to generate additional statistical periods in the CrimeStatistics table to be used in the dashboard.

To modify statistical periods and use a different statistical period, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard.
  2. From the item page, click Edit Dashboard.
  3. Using the following table, navigate to the correct tab and dashboard element, hover over the upper-left corner of the element, and click the Configure button for each item listed in the table, and then follow the dashboard element, option, and required change information to make the changes in your dashboard.

    The following chart uses the replacement of the default 28-day with a 7-day statistical period value.

  4. Tab and dashboard elementOptionRequired change


    Map dates



    Defined Options

    Update filters reflecting statistical period change. For example, Current 28 days would be Current 7 days for a statistical period value of 7.

    Overview tab

    Crimes against persons

    Current 28 days


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    Overview tab

    Crimes against persons

    Current 28 days


    Advanced Formatting

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the three variables below.

    var ave = $datapoint["pzave_28days"]
    var z  = $datapoint["pz_28days"]
    var perc = $datapoint["perc_28days"]
    For example, "pzave_28days" would be "pzave_7days" for a statistical period value of 7.

    Overview tab

    Crimes against persons

    Current 28 days


    Line item template

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the four variables below.

    vs. 3-year avg: {expression/spikelevel} 
    Cur: {curcnt_28days} | Pre: {prevcnt_28days} | Avg: {pzave_28days}
    For example, {curcnt_28days} would be {curcnt_7days} for a statistical period value of 7.

    Overview tab

    Crimes against property

    Current 28 days


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    Overview tab

    Crimes against property

    Current 28 days


    Advanced Formatting

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the three variables below.

    var ave = $datapoint["pzave_28days"]
    var z  = $datapoint["pz_28days"]
    var perc = $datapoint["perc_28days"]
    For example, "pzave_28days" would be "pzave_7days" for a statistical period value of 7.

    Overview tab

    Crimes against property

    Current 28 days


    Line item template

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the four variables below.

    vs. 3-year avg: {expression/spikelevel} 
    Cur: {curcnt_28days} | Pre: {prevcnt_28days} | Avg: {pzave_28days}
    For example, {curcnt_28days} would be {curcnt_7days} for a statistical period value of 7.

    Overview tab

    Crimes against society

    Current 28 days


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    Overview tab

    Crimes against society

    Current 28 days


    Advanced Formatting

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the three variables below.

    var ave = $datapoint["pzave_28days"]
    var z  = $datapoint["pz_28days"]
    var perc = $datapoint["perc_28days"]
    For example, "pzave_28days" would be "pzave_7days" for a statistical period value of 7.

    Overview tab

    Crimes against society

    Current 28 days


    Line item template

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the four variables below.

    vs. 3-year avg: {expression/spikelevel} 
    Cur: {curcnt_28days} | Pre: {prevcnt_28days} | Avg: {pzave_28days}
    For example, {curcnt_28days} would be {curcnt_7days} for a statistical period value of 7.

    28-day tab

    28-day statistics by major crime category


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    28-day tab

    28-day statistics by major crime category


    Advanced Formatting

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the 5 variables below.

    var cur = $datapoint.curcnt_28days
    var prev = $datapoint.prevcnt_28days
    var perch = $datapoint.perc_28days
    var ave = Round($datapoint.pzave_28days,1)
    var z  = $datapoint.pz_28days
    For example, $datapoint.prevcnt_28days would be $datapoint.prevcnt_7days for a statistical period value of 7.

    28-day tab

    28-day statistics by crime type


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    28-day tab

    28-day statistics by crime type


    Advanced Formatting

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the 5 variables below.

    var cur = $datapoint.curcnt_28days
    var prev = $datapoint.prevcnt_28days
    var perch = $datapoint.perc_28days
    var perchround = Text(Round(perch,1)+'%')
    var ave = Round($datapoint.pzave_28days,1)
    var z  = $datapoint.pz_28days
    For example, $datapoint.prevcnt_28days would be $datapoint.prevcnt_7days for a statistical period value of 7.

    28-day tab

    Click the pencil and rename the tab to reflect the statistical period value.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Percent Change


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Percent Change


    Update previous count and percent change to new statistical period value field. For example, Previous Count 28 Days would be Previous Count 7 Days and Percent Change 28 Days would be Percent Change 7 Days for a statistical period value of 7.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Percent change


    Sort by

    Remove Percent Change 28 Days.

    Click Add field and choose the percent change field of the new statistical period value and set Sort descending.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Percent change


    Line item template

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the three variables below.

    {curcnt_28days} from {prevcnt_28days}
    For example, {curcnt_28days} would be {curcnt_7days} for a statistical period value of 7.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Spike by intensity score


    Update name and title to the new statistical period value.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Spike by intensity score


    Update Poisson Z-Score 28 Days to new statistical period value field. For example, Poisson Z-Score 28 Days would be Poisson Z-Score 7 Days for a statistical period value of 7.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Spike by intensity score


    Sort by

    Remove Poisson Z-Score 28 Days.

    Click Add field and choose the Poisson Z-Score field of the new statistical period value and set Sort descending.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Spike by intensity score


    Line item template

    Update the value of 28 to the new statistical period value in each of the three variables below.

    {curcnt_28days} from {pzave_28days}
    For example, {pzave_28days} would be {pzave_7days} for a statistical period value of 7.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Top 10 increases in current 28 days

    Update text to match the statistical period value.

    Top 10 28-day tab

    Click the pencil and rename the tab to reflect the statistical period value.

  5. Repeat step 3 for the 365-day dashboard element required changes, if needed.
  6. In the Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard, every occurrence of dashboard elements based on the statistical period of 28 days has the mirrored elements based on 365-day statistical period, which means that all of step 3 can be applied to the same 365-day elements.
  7. After you are satisfied with the content and appearance of the dashboard, click Save.

The 7-day, 14-day, 56-day, month-to-date, and year-to-date statistical periods need to be represented in the CrimeStatistics table field names for the dashboard to display the statistics used in the dashboard. The field name convention is <value>_7days. For example, the pattern for each statistical period is as follows: pzave_7days, pz_14days, perc_56days, curcnt_mtd, prevcnt_ytd.

Configure dashboard statistics

This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed to work with the solution.

The Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard and Crime Statistics Dashboard leverage statistics to identify trends and patterns. Depending on your data and time period you have available you may want to configure aspects of the statistics used in the solution.

Modify numeric ranges for spike values

By default, Calls for Service Statistics Dashboard and Crime Statistics Dashboard contain dashboard elements that display spike information using Arcade advanced formatting to translate a numeric Poisson z-value to a plain language. You may wish to modify the ranges for spike values to be more sensitive to changes in crime or calls for service activity. For example, changing the spike value to be defined as a value greater than 2 and elevated value to a range of 1 and 2. The dashboard would be more sensitive to displaying spike values and less sensitive to displaying elevated values.

The dashboard formats the statistical values to plain language, as described in the following table:

Plain languagePoisson z-score value


A value greater than 3


A value between 1 and 3


A value between 1 and -1

Below Normal

A value between -1

Arcade is used to categorize the Poisson Z-values and can be found in the Advanced formatting section of each dashboard element displaying spike values. If you want to modify these values then, you will need to do so for each dashboard element that displays spike values.

Use the code examples below to help you visualize what values will need to modified:

This is an example of the code used in the dashboard element the convert a numeric Poisson z-value to a plain language category, defined the language used and color formatting.

// These variables control spike thresholds. T1 is below normal, T2 is normal, T3 is elevated, and T4 is spike.
//To modify the numeric values below to modify the spike threshold
var t1 = z < 0;
var t2 = z >= 0 && z < 1;
var t3 = z >= 1 && z <= 3;
var t4 = z > 3;

// These variables control plain language and color formatting
var spikelevel = When(t1, 'Below Normal', t2, 'Normal', t3, 'Elevated', t4, 'Spike', 'Error in calculation')
var spikecolor = When(t1, '#00b81b', t2, '', t3, '#f5d000', t4, '#d90012', '#00A0FF')

Modify averages

By default, the statistical calculations of the solution expects three years worth of crimes and calls for service data. If your organization does not have sufficient data to calculate a 3-year average (for generating Poisson Z-values), the Generate Incident Statistics tool automatically adjusts and calculates either a 2-year average or a prior year comparison depending on your data. Incomplete data for any comparison period will show in the hosted table as null values.


If you do not have a 3-year average, update labeling in all dashboard elements containing references to a 3-year average to reflect the appropriate value represented.