Configure Civil Support

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Civil Support can be used to manage events, missions, personnel, and resources during a military response in support of civilian authorities.

In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the Civil Support solution to meet specific needs of your organization.

As you configure the solution, record the configurations or alterations you make with each version in a change log. This information will be valuable if you upgrade to a new version and need to evaluate the effort required.

Load installations and resource data from a spreadsheet

After the Civil Support Management Center is deployed in your environment, you can import the included Example Installation and Resources Microsoft Excel file into the Resource Management feature layer by completing the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Example Installation and Resources Microsoft Excel item.
  2. From the item page, click Download.
  3. In your ArcGIS organization, browse to the Resource Management feature layer.
  4. From the item page, click Update Data.
  5. Follow the steps in the Update data wizard to load your data.

    To ensure the solution works correctly, follow the data structure in the file headers included in the attached empty layer.

  6. Tip:

    For more information about uploading data, see Manage hosted feature layers—Append data to layers.

  7. Repeat these steps to add additional resources into the Resource Management feature layer.

Modify surveys

The Civil Support solution includes the Personnel Tasker and Resource Tasker surveys. To prevent mistakes and ensure data quality, several fields in the surveys can use lookup lists generated from the unique values contained in a field from a separate layer. To complete the setup of this capability in the Personnel Tasker and Resource Tasker surveys, you must edit the surveys using ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and then republish them. In addition, you can modify the Personnel Readiness Report and Personnel Readiness Batch Report to fit the naming conventions of your unit.

Update Personnel Tasker

To improve data quality, you can update several fields in the Personnel Tasker survey with a dynamic list of values based on fields found in other layers. The Event and Mission fields in the Personnel Tasker survey are updated by a lookup list containing the events that have been created using the Create Event page or Event Entry survey in Operations Dashboard. Once a user selects the Event or Mission field, a choice list is populated to provide a list of created events and missions to select from.

To add dynamic field lookup lists to the Personnel Tasker survey, complete the following steps:

  1. Install ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  2. Start ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and sign into your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Click Personnel Tasker.
  4. Click Download and click OK.
  5. Click Personnel Tasker again.
  6. Click XLSForm.

    A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet opens.

  7. Click the survey tab.
  8. Delete the text in the type column of row 23 (event_id) and type select_one Event.

    When saving, you may see the following warning message: Please select yes if you are using a select_one or select_multiple XLS. Click Yes.

  9. Delete the text in the type column of row 24 (mission_id) and type select_one Mission.
  10. Paste the expression autocomplete search("events?url={your clipboard URL}/0") into the appearance column of row 23.

    Example: autocomplete search("events?url= 5b2c738c88234542bc7a683cd919d918_1/FeatureServer/0")

  11. Paste the expression autocomplete search("events?url={your clipboard URL}/1") into the appearance column of row 24.
  12. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  13. Search for and click Operations Management hosted Feature Layer.
  14. Scroll to the bottom of the Overview page for the Operations Management item, and in the URL section, click the Copy button.

    The layer service URL is copied to your clipboard.

  15. In row 23, replace {your clipboard URL} with the URL in your clipboard. Be sure the /0 remains at the end of the URL. Repeat this for row 24.
  16. Save and close the spreadsheet.

    When saving, you may see the following warning message: The appearance value you gave is not one of the standard supported appearance types. If you’re attempting to combine two different appearance types, ensure that they’re separated by a space. Click Yes.

  17. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, click Publish.

    After you click Publish, you should see a modal window that says The survey will be updated without affecting the existing data. If you see a different message or ArcGIS Survey123 Connect displays an error before you click Publish, you have made an error in editing the XLSForm and should review steps 5 through 17 for errors.

  18. Click Publish survey.
  19. When publishing is complete, click OK.

Update Resource Tasker

To improve data quality, several fields in the Resource Tasker survey can be updated with a dynamic list of values based on fields found in other layers. The Event ID field in the Resource Tasker survey is updated by a lookup list containing the events that have been created using the Create Event page or Event Entry survey in Operations Dashboard. Once a user selects the Event ID field, a choice list is populated to provide a list of created events to select from.

To add dynamic field lookup lists to the Resource Tasker survey, complete the following steps:

  1. Install ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  2. Start ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Click Resource Tasker.
  4. Click Download and click OK.
  5. Click Resource Tasker again.
  6. Click XLSForm.

    A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet opens.

  7. Click the survey tab.
  8. Delete the text in the type column of row 8 (event_id) and type select_one Event.

    When saving, you may see the following warning message: Please select yes if you are using a select_one or select_multiple XLS. Click Yes.

  9. Delete the text in the type column of row 9 (mission_id) and type select_one Mission.
  10. Paste the expression autocomplete search("events?url={your clipboard URL}/0") into the appearance column of row 8.

    Example: autocomplete search("events?url= 5b2c738c88234542bc7a683cd919d918_1/FeatureServer/0")

  11. Paste expression autocomplete search("events?url={your clipboard URL}/1") into the appearance column of row 9.
  12. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  13. Search for and click Operations Management hosted Feature Layer.
  14. Scroll to the bottom of the Overview page for the Operations Management item, and in the URL section, click the Copy button.

    The layer service URL is copied to your clipboard.

  15. In row 8, replace {your clipboard URL} with the URL in your clipboard. Be sure the /0 remains at the end of the URL. Repeat for row 9.
  16. Save and close the spreadsheet.

    When saving, you may see the following warning message: The appearance value you gave is not one of the standard supported appearance types. If you’re attempting to combine two different appearance types, ensure that they’re separated by a space. Click Yes.

  17. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, click Publish.

    After you click Publish, you should see a modal window that says The survey will be updated without affecting the existing data. If you see a different message or ArcGIS Survey123 Connect displays an error before you click Publish, you have made an error in editing the XLSForm and should review steps 5 through 17 for errors.

  18. Click Publish survey.
  19. When publishing is complete, click OK.

Modify readiness surveys

Included with Civil Support is a series of surveys that can be used to understand the capacity of your workforce.

To modify the Personnel Readiness Report or Personnel Readiness Batch Report survey, complete the following steps:

  1. Install ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  2. Start ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Click Personnel Readiness Report to download the survey.
  4. Note:

    Steps 4 through 9 apply to both the Personnel Readiness Report and Personnel Readiness Batch Report surveys.

  5. Click the Personnel Readiness Report survey again to open it.
  6. In the left pane, click Open XLSForm Spreadsheet.
  7. In the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click the Choices tab. This tab contains the selectable options for survey questions.
  8. Revise the survey to reflect your personnel readiness needs.
  9. Caution:

    Do not make any modifications to domain values that were not first updated in the feature layer.

  10. Save the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and preview your changes using the ArcGIS Survey123 Connect form preview.
  11. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, click Publish in the left pane to publish your changes.
  12. Note:

    To view your changes in the Survey123 field app, open Survey123 and browse to the Download Surveys page. Click Download to download the updated survey.

To modify the Battalion or Company names in the Personnel Readiness Report or Personnel Readiness Batch Report, you will need to also account for the modification of the calculation in the choice_filter column of the Survey123 Connect XLSForm. The choice_filter column controls the cascading select functionality associated with each of the battalions and companies that fall within it.

For example, in the Personnel Readiness Report, if you select 1st Battalion, the next question asking for Company will be limited to only those companies in the 1st Battalion (A through D). Likewise, if you select 2nd Battalion, you see companies in the 2nd Battalion (E through H).

Learn more about how to work with cascading selects.