Cemetery Management can be used to develop an authoritative cemetery and gravesite inventory and share gravesite and burial information with the public.
In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the Cemetery Management solution to meet specific needs of your organization.
As you configure the solution, record the configurations or alterations you make with each version in a change log. This information will be valuable if you upgrade to a new version and need to evaluate the effort required.Populate operational hours
This solution leverages the Opening Hours Specification to display operating hours for a cemetery. When you populate the data fully, an Arcade expression interprets the data and displays the operating hours in a human-readable format in the Cemetery Viewer map pop-up. Understanding the data specification and options in the Arcade expression will help you populate your data and display it in the Cemetery Viewer app.
Operating Hours specification
The Operating Hours Specification allows you to store a combination of operating hours in a single field but relies on a series of data standards to render the information correctly. To ensure operating hours are displayed correctly, follow the standards below:
- Enter all times using a 24-hour clock without a leading 0—for example, Tu (7:00-19:00).
- Use a two-letter abbreviation for each day, with the first letter capitalized—for example, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su.
- When a location is open 24 hours a day, use 24 Hours—for example, Mo (24 Hours).
- When a location is closed on a specific day, use Closed—for example, Sa-Sun (Closed).
- Enclose all times and closed statuses in parentheses—for example, Tu (7:00-19:00); We-Mo (Closed).
- Separate days and ranges with a semicolon to denote the two (or more) groups—for example, Th-Fr (7:00-19:00); Sa (24 Hours).
Using the standards above, a diverse set of operating hours can be populated for your places and services. Some common examples include the following:
- To specify the place is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. seven days a week, populate the operating hours field with the following: Mo-Su (9:00-17:00).
- To specify the place is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the week and closed on weekends, populate the operating hours field with the following: Mo-Fr (9:00-17:00); Sa-Su (Closed).
- To specify the place is open one day (Tuesday) a week, populate the operating hours field with the following: Tu (7:00-19:00); We-Mo (Closed).
- To specify the place has operating hours that vary by day, populate the operating hours field with the following: Mo-Tu (9:00-17:00); We (Closed); Th-Fr (7:00-19:00); Sa (24 Hours); Su (Closed).
Operating hours data can be populated all at once for many places and services using Calculate field values or uniquely entered for each place or service using an application provided with the solution.
Arcade expressions
The Operating Hours Arcade expression includes several settings that allow you configure the look and feel of the operating hours when they are displayed in the web map pop-up. The expression works with the cemetery operating hours data and Cemetery Viewer web map pop-up configuration to display current operating hours in your map and app.
To modify the expression, complete the following steps:
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Cemetery Viewer map.
- Open the item page and click Open in Map Viewer.
- On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Layers
to open the Layers pane and select the Cemetery Points layer.
- On the Settings (light) toolbar, click Pop-ups
- Click the Operating Hours Arcade pop-up element.
- Click Edit expression.
The editor window for the Operating Hours Arcade expression appears.
- Review the expression notes and modify the variables as needed, but do not modify anything else in the expression.
- In the editor, click Done.
- On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Save and open
and click Save to save the pop-up changes to the map.
- In the Layers
pane, expand Cemeteries, if necessary, and select the Cemeteries layer.
- Repeat steps 4–9 for the Cemeteries layer.
Configure cemetery visible ranges
The Cemeteries feature layer includes five levels of cemetery geography:
- Cemeteries
- Sections
- Blocks
- Lots
- Gravesites
Multiscale maps allow you to view geographic data across a range of scales—also known as zoom levels—from buildings to the entire globe. Specifying the zoom level at which content is drawn is known as setting the visible range. Because most data does not need to be shown across all zoom levels, it is a good practice to confirm and, if necessary, change the visible range.
To configure visible ranges, complete the following steps:
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Cemeteries feature layer.
- Open the item page and click Visualization.
On the Visualization tab, you can make changes to the default properties of a feature layer without opening the layer in Map Viewer.
- On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Layers
to open the Layers pane and select the Cemeteries - Cemeteries layer.
- On the Settings (light) toolbar, if necessary, click Properties
- In the Visible range section, use one of the following steps to set the maximum zoom level:
- Drag the handle on the slider to the maximum zoom level, and then below the slider, click the maximum zoom scale drop-down button and choose the best zoom level—for example, World or Country.
- Below the slider, click the drop-down arrow, click Custom, and type the maximum zoom level.
- Below the slider, click the drop-down arrow and click Current map view to use the current extent of the map.
- Repeat the previous step to set the minimum zoom level.
- Click Save to save the default visible range setting for the layer.
- Repeat steps 3-7 for all other layers.
- Browse to the Cemetery Viewer map.
- Open the item page and click Open in Map Viewer.
- On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Layers
to open the Layers pane and select the Cemetery Points layer.
The Cemetery Points layer is used to represent the cemetery as a point at zoomed-out scales.
The Cemetery Points layer only appears in the Cemetery Viewer map. - Adjust the visible range of the Cemetery points layer using steps 4-6 above.
- Review how the layers appear in the map and adjust the visible ranges if necessary.
- If you made any changes in the map, click Save and open
and click Save on the Contents (dark) toolbar.
- Repeat steps 9-14 to review layers and visible ranges for all other maps in the solution.
The Burials, Cemeteries, Memorials, and Owners maps used in the Cemetery Manager app have filters set that disable the visibility of the layers in the map. You will need to set visible ranges in the map, and then review the changes by viewing the app.Share items with the public
Several items included in the Cemetery Management solution must be shared with everyone so they can be accessed by the public in the Cemetery Viewer app.
To share your items with the public, complete the following steps:
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Cemetery Management folder.
- Next to each of the following items, check the check box:
Name Item type Cemeteries_public
Feature Layer (hosted, view)
Feature Layer (hosted, view)
Feature Layer (hosted, view)
Feature Layer (hosted, view)
Cemetery Viewer Web Map
Cemetery Viewer Web Experience
Loving Memorial Form
- Click Share.
- In the Share window, click Everyone (public) and click Save.
The Warning: Sharing editable layers publicly message appears notifying you that you are sharing editable layers publicly.
- Click Update.