New features and functionality are described below for recent releases.
435 release of ArcGIS for AutoCAD
This incremental release focuses on enhancing the flexibility, customization, and automation of feature symbology and the display of imagery as well as a host of other improvements as follows:
New functionality
The following new functionality has been added to this release:
- Image layer processing templates- Imagery layers you add to the drawing may have processing templates that you can select between to change the visual display of the imagery and the included information layers. For example, some information layers may include raster functions for vegetation indices, elevation products (such as slope, aspect and hillshade), or image classification results.
- Configurable symbol layer- You can now specify which AutoCAD layer is used for web feature layers. The specified AutoCAD layer will determine where web features will be draw on and the layer that that is tracked when edits are made. Prior to this release all web feature layer were drawn and tracked on AutoCAD layers dictated by ArcGIS for AutoCAD based on the web feature name; prefixed with "esri_". This is still the default behavior, but can now be overridden using the Change Symbol Layer configuration option of the new Web Feature Layer Properties user interface.
- Query Expression - This is the query you would like to apply to the service when we request features to be drawn. (ex: STATENAME = "TEXAS", in order to only draw features from the state of Texas) You can modify the web feature layer's query expression when you use the Change Query Expression configuration option of the new Web Feature Layer Properties user interface
- Web feature layer property templates- The various configurable options of a web feature layer can be stored within the current drawing and, or a standard AutoCAD template drawing to jump start these desired properties within new drawings. These properties can be persisted with the drawing and will be used anytime the corresponding web feature layer is added the drawing. Web feature layer property templates are created and saved when you use the Add to Layer Templates configuration option of the new Web Feature Layer Properties user interface
- Expanded portal authentication support- Standard OAuth, SAML, PKI, IWA, KERBEROS options have been tested successfully.
User interface changes
New user interfaces and changes to existing interfaces have been made to provide you will control to new capabilities and improvements to using the software as follows:
- Attachments preview window- has been updated to use webview2 as the preview engine for attachments. This give us better tools to view photos and now lets us preview additional file types such as PDF files. Files that cannot be previewed will be downloaded to your machine.
- Credential Persistence- You can now save your login credentials so that you don't have to input your login info every time you work with a portal in ArcGIS for AutoCAD. Credentials are stored in an encrypted file in your user folder. Signing out of a portal will clear this file from your machine.
- Attribute Editor user interface- A combo box has been added to switch between feature layers for a more compact layout. The dialog box now also supports the dark theme setting.
- Suppressing the splash screen- You now have the option to suppress the display of the splash screen using the application settings JSON file, or using the new Esri_Config command.
New ArcGIS for AutoCAD AutoLISP functions and commands
New commands and AutoLISP functions have been added to help you in the automation and customization of ArcGIS for AutoCAD as follows:
- Esri_Config- You now have the option to suppress the ArcGIS for AutoCAD splash screen when the application is loaded and override the creation of curved features when synchronizing curves with a web feature layer.
Quality improvements and significant bug fixes
- Add Data- This release fixes an issue when searching within a group. The groups are now presented in the user interface alphabetically.
- Table of contents- The layers are now organized alphabetically.
- Branch versions- You can now add branch web layers that do not include a version management server. These layers are now be added as non-branch layer.
430.1 release of ArcGIS for AutoCAD
This release is functionally equivalent with the 430 release and adds support for AutoCAD and AutoCAD Civil 3D version 2025.
430 release of ArcGIS for AutoCAD
The primary enhancement in this release includes the added support for branch versioning on web feature layers with its supporting AutoLISP routines, commands, and user interface changes.
New functionality
- Support for the creation and editing of branch versions of web feature layers.
- Support for the setting and applying of coordinate system datum transformations.
User interface changes
- Reorganization of the context menus in the Esri Contents pane including support branch versions on web feature layers.
- New Branch Versions and Create Branch Version user interfaces to switch between and create new versions on web feature layers that support branch versioning.
New ArcGIS for AutoCAD AutoLISP functions and commands
- Esri_BranchVersion —Command to create or switch between web feature layer branch versions.
- esri_webfeaturelayer_createBranch—AutoLISP function to create a web feature layer branch version.
- esri_webfeaturelayer_branchNames—AutoLISP function to get the branch version names from a supported web feature layer.
- esri_webfeaturelayer_branchInfo—AutoLISP function to get the branch version information from a version of a supported web feature layer.
- esri_webfeaturelayer_hasWebUpdates—AutoLISP function to identify whether or not the specified web feature layer has server side updates within the project area.
- esri_coordsys_DatumTransformations_set—AutoLISP function to set a datum transformation in the drawing.
- esri_coordsys_DatumTransformations_remove—AutoLISP function to remove a datum transformation definition from the drawing.
- esri_coordsys_DatumTransformations—AutoLISP function that returns a list of all of the datum transformation definitions within the drawing.
420 release of ArcGIS for AutoCAD
The primary enhancement in this release is the added support for Civil 3D COGO points.
New functionality
- Civil 3D COGO points are recognized as point feature geometries for web features and document feature layers.
- You can modify existing point features to COGO points using the Assign Default Symbol user interface if working within AutoCAD Civil 3D.
- You can import an Autodesk Geodata ESPG number to assign the Esri coordinate system definition using the Coordinate System user interface or the Esri_CoordinateSystem command.
- Enhanced attachments support now includes the ability to add and remove attachments on supported web feature layers.
- Support for GUID type fields has been added, which includes global ID fields.
- Expanded support for property fields includes Angle/Rotation and the textValue of annotation features.
User interface changes
- New symbol setting options have been added to the Assign Default Symbol user interface to accommodate COGO points and the redrawing of symbols according to user settings.
- New Redraw context menu option for point feature layers to redraw point symbols based on the current point symbol settings.
- New integrated web help and AutoLISP documentation formatting.
- The Attachments user interface has been updated with new add and delete attachment options.
New ArcGIS for AutoCAD AutoLISP functions and commands
- (esri_attributes_uniqueValues)—This function returns a list of the unique values for a specified field.
- (esri_feature_changeElementType)—This function changes the element type of a selection set of point features.
- (esri_featurelayer_applysymbol)—This function replaces the selected set of point features of the specified feature layer with the provided block insert entity.
- (esri_featurelayer_getattributes)—This function returns a list of associated lists of all the attributes of all the features of the specified feature layer in the drawing.
- (esri_featurelayer_getDefaultElementType)—This function returns an associated list of element settings.
- (esri_featurelayer_setDefaultElementType)—This function sets the default element type of a point feature layer and if successful, returns those settings.
- (esri_webfeaturelayer_AddAttachment)—This function attaches a file to a feature of a web feature layer that supports attachments and where the user's role supports editing or higher.
- (esri_webfeaturelayer_hasedits)—This function returns a list of true if the web feature layer contains edits that have not yet been committed to the source feature service.
- (esri_webfeaturelayer_listAttachments)—This function returns a list of attached file names as strings from a specified web feature entity.
- (esri_webfeaturelayer_extract)—This function converts a web feature layer to a document feature layer.
- (esri_webfeaturelayer_pausetracking) —Pauses the tracking of modification edits on web feature layer features used to track which features should be updated as modified when a web feature layer is synchronized.
- (esri_webfeaturelayer_restoretracking)—Restores the tracking of modification edits on web feature layer features used to track which features should be updated as modified when a web feature layer is synchronized.
- (esri_webfeaturelayer_setModified)—This function overrides the modification editing tracking value for an existing feature.
- (esri_webfeaturelayer_supportsAttachment)—This function verifies whether a web feature layer supports attachments by returning a list of true, or a list of false and a message if it does not.
- -esri_coordinatesystem command—This command includes a new option to import an Autodesk Geodata ESPG number to assign the Esri coordinate system definition.
- esri_featurelayer command (Redraw option)—This command option redraws a point feature layer according to the current default symbol setting.
410 release of ArcGIS for AutoCAD
The primary enhancements in this release was the introduction of sharing document feature layers as hosted web feature layers, and improvements in standardized ways to create document feature layers from drawing templates. This release included the addition of AutoLISP routines designed to assist in the automation of common editing tasks, enriched user interfaces, improved help documentation, and software bug fixes.
New functionality
- Share document feature layers as hosted web feature layers to collaborate with GIS and field workflows.
- AutoCAD block properties persist during synchronize. Nonlinked block attributes and rotation are preserved after synchronization.
- Document feature layers can now be renamed in the feature layer properties user interface by editing the feature layer name edit box.
- Create feature tools to assist in the proper placement of new features on the correct layer, accessed from the Esri Contents pane action buttons of a feature layer and the Esri_FeatureLayer command.
- Linked text labels can be generated from the field values of features using the Esri_GenerateLabel/-Esri_GenerateLabel commands that will invoke the generate labels user interface, or the command line version.
- The Esri_PickLabel command in this release now supports the text of dimension entities (read-only).
- Industry standard data creation templates have been added to help jump start the creation of common data sets.
- The new Esri_ElevateToField command has been added to allow you modify the elevation of features to numeric field values, such as the elevation value of 2D GIS contour lines.
- Blocks can be applied to document feature layers in addition to web point feature layers using the Apply option of the Esri_FeatureLayer command or Apply Symbol context menu option of the Esri Contents user interface.
User interface changes
- Add Data Experience includes better portal search and browsing, including better organization of groups, and new data creation templates for setting up common GIS data schema and symbology.
- Quick access to the Esri Maps collection is now a separate ribbon button.
- The Esri Contents pane can access more functionality through action buttons and new context menu options.
- Sorting by field values has been implemented in the attribute table user interface.
ArcGIS for AutoCAD AutoLISP functions
- (esri_label_generate)—AutoLISP function to used to automate the placement of linked text labels
- (esri_featurelayer_share)—AutoLISP function used to share document feature layers as hosted web feature layers
- (esri_label_set)—AutoLISP function to link existing text entities to feature attribute field values
- (esri_maplayer_extract)—AutoLISP function to automate the extraction of dynamic map and image layer images as static AutoCAD image entities
- (esri_featurelayer_selectspecial)—AutoLISP function to select features by complex criteria such as being flagged as modified or inside or geometric type
400.2 release of ArcGIS for AutoCAD
This release included some minor documentation and software bug fixes.
Resolved issues
- Web layers loading when Windows decimal place indicator non-'.' .
- Linux portal connections with PKI.
- Rotation of blocks from layers with geographic rotation symbology now supported.
400 release of ArcGIS for AutoCAD
This major release featured the support for ArcGIS Enterprise portals and hosted feature layers, a simplified ribbon user interface, the consolidation of command line commands and added support for URL hotlinks and feature layer attachments.
ArcGIS Online support
An enhanced Add Data experience includes a graphic user interface to browse and search for content on ArcGIS Online. Starting with version 400, this becomes the primary way to add content to ArcGIS for AutoCAD. You can still add services directly from your server using the -Esri_AddData command.
You can browse content shared with everyone or you can sign in to ArcGIS Online with a valid subscription to see additional content you have created or that has been created for you within your ArcGIS Online organization. The following layer types are supported in ArcGIS for AutoCAD from ArcGIS Online:
- Map image layer
- Imagery layer
- Web feature layer
ArcGIS Enterprise portal support
In addition to ArcGIS Online support, ArcGIS for AutoCAD now supports browsing and adding layers from an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. To add a connection to your Enterprise portal, use the new Add Data interface in ArcGIS for AutoCAD. The following layer types are supported in ArcGIS for AutoCAD from an Enterprise portal:
- Map image layer
- Imagery layer
- Web feature layer
Add data from ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World
In the new Add Data interface, you can add layers from ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. This provides access to high-quality, authoritative datasets that can add further context to your CAD drawings.
View attachments from web feature layers
Some ArcGIS apps, such as ArcGIS Collector, support adding attachments to features in the layers, including images, documents, and so on. These attachments can be viewed in ArcGIS for AutoCAD by running the esri_viewAttatchments command.