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Set application options to display or suppress the ArcGIS for AutoCAD product splash screen when the software loads and control over the densification of points when curves are synchronized with web feature layers.

Command prompts

Densify-curves | Enter the character D to specify whether curves should be densified (also known as tessellated) before synchronization with a web feature layer. You may want to use this configuration to override the default behavior of supporting curves to conform your editing session for all web feature layers when you do not want to create curved features even though the layers may technically support those curves.

Splashscreen| Enter the character S to specify whether the ArcGIS for AutoCAD splash screen will display when the software is loaded.

Usage example 1

To set the splash screen to display when the software loads- invoke the command and enter the character S for splash screen and then the character Y for yes at the command prompt.

Command: ESRI_Config

ESRI_CONFIG [Densify-curves Splashscreen]: S

ESRI_CONFIG Display splash screen on startup? [Yes/No] <No>: Y

Command: finished.

The ArcGIS for AutoCAD splash screen will display when the software is loaded.

Usage example 2

To densify all curved web features before synchronization with a web feature layer - invoke the command and respond to the prompt with the character D for densify and then with the character Y for yes.

Command: ESRI_Config

ESRI_CONFIG [Densify-curves Splashscreen]: D

ESRI_CONFIG Densify all new curve geometries before synchronizing?[Yes/No] <No>: N

Command: finished.

The ArcGIS for AutoCAD splash screen will display when the software is loaded.