ArcGIS for AutoCAD has options and practices that can make the deployment of the application across a large organization more seamless.
Installation location
Due to the restrictions of AutoCAD, the ArcGIS for AutoCAD application must be installed in the ApplicationPlugins folder at the AutoCAD installation location:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins
Moving the application outside of this installation folder is not supported and prevents ArcGIS for AutoCAD from loading properly.
Application settings
User-configurable options in the application are saved in a .json file in your temporary folder: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\ESRI\ArcGIS for AutoCAD\400\ApplicationSettings.json.
The following settings are stored in the file:
- Favorite WKID(s)
- ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal URL(s)
- Locator service URL(s)
- Disable splash screen on startup option
These changes can be made through the application UI or they can be done manually by changing the contents of the ApplicationSettings.json file. A customized file can be deployed to multiple machines at once, creating a customized installation for your organization.
Example usage
"PortalDtoList":[{"PortalName":"ArcGIS Online","PortalUrl":""},
{"PortalName":"My Portal","PortalUrl":""}],
"LastUsedPortalName":"ArcGIS Online",
"LocatorDtoList":[{"LocatorName":"World Geocode Service","LocatorUrl":""},
{"LocatorName":"My Custom Locator","LocatorUrl":""}],
"LastUsedLocatorName":"World Geocode Service",
"Language": 0,
"DisableSplashScreenOnStartUp": false,
"TemplatePaths": [
"C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\ApplicationPlugins\\ArcGISForAutoCAD.Bundle\\Contents\\Resources\\Templates"
As an example, the ApplicationSettings.json file has been modified to include the following information.
- Favorite WKID—6430
- An ArcGIS Enterprise portal—
- A custom locator—
This modified application settings file can be deployed to multiple machines at once. The users of those machines will then have the customized information as part of their ArcGIS for AutoCAD application.
Automatic loading of application
By default, the ArcGIS for AutoCAD application is loaded automatically whenever AutoCAD or Civil 3D is opened. To suppress this behavior, you can edit the PackageContents.xml file found in the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\ArcGISForAutoCAD.Bundle folder of the AutoCAD installation directory. You can control whether or not ArcGIS for AutoCAD loads automatically when AutoCAD is opened by modifying the PackageContents.XML text file. Modify the file such that the value for LoadOnAutoCADStartup on both the Arcgisforautocada.dll and Arcgisforcivil.dll are set to "True" or "False".