To access content on Enterprise 10.7.0 and earlier portals, portal administrators must register ArcGIS for AutoCAD as a portal application. ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 and later portals are preregistered and no action is required.
Add an application to the portal
To add ArcGIS for AutoCAD as an application to your portal, complete the following steps:
- Browse to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal contents page (https://(your portal)/portal/home/contents).
- Click Add Item.
- Click An Application on the extended menu.
- Set Type to Application.
- For Title, type ArcGIS for AutoCAD.
- For Tags, type ArcGIS for AutoCAD.
Retrieve the app ID
To get the app ID, complete the following steps:
- On the ArcGIS for AutoCAD item page, click Settings.
- In the App Registration section, choose Registration Info.
- Note the value in the App ID section.
Change the app ID
To change the app ID, complete the following steps:
- Browse to the portal admin change AppID page (https://(your portal)/portal/portaladmin/security/oauth/changeAppID).
- Enter the app ID from step 3 of the Retrieve the app ID section above in the App ID section of the web page.
- Type arcgisforautocad in the New App ID section of the web page.
- Click Change App ID.
ArcGIS for AutoCAD is now registered with your portal.