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This command opens the Attachments user interface where you can interact with documents attached to a selected feature.

Attachments provide a flexible way to manage additional information that is related to your features. Attachments allow you to add files to individual features and can be images, PDFs, text documents, or ZIP or most any other type of file. For example, if you have a feature representing a building, you can use attachments to add multiple photographs of the building taken from several angles, along with PDF files containing the building's deed and tax information.

Attachments are similar to hyperlinks but allow you to associate multiple files with a feature and store the attached files in the geodatabase. You can also access attachments from the View Attachments context menu of the GIS Contents pane.

In the Attachments UI, you can delete, add, preview, and download selected attachments according to your privileges and the capabilities of the layer. To add attachments to a new feature the feature must have already been synchronized.

Usage example


Select features: <select a feature>

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