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esri_featurelayer_setDefaultElementType (AutoLISP)

The function sets the default element type of a point feature layer and if successful, returns those settings.


(esri_featurelayer_setDefaultElementType flname subtype element_settings)


  • flname | string | required | An existing point feature layer name in the drawing.
  • subtype | string | required | An existing point feature layer subtype name in the drawing. Enter "" for an empty string if no subtype is provided.
  • element_settings | associated list | required | An associated list of settings as dotted pairs defined as follows:

Associated labelValue typeValue descriptionRequired or optional


The default element type of POINT, Block Reference, or AECC_COGO_POINT




The block name if the type is Block Reference, or a description if the type is AECC_COGO_POINT


Example usage

Set the default element settings of a feature layer named Damage_to_Residential_Buildings with no subtype to be an AutoCAD block reference named Damaged_Structure.

  (list (cons "TYPE" "Block Reference") (cons "DESCRIPTION" "Damaged_Structure"))

Result example usage

Set the default element type of the feature layer and return the element_settings as an associated list:

(("TYPE"."Block Reference")("DESCRIPTION"."Damaged_Structure"))

Return values

This function returns a value.

  • If successful, an associated list is returned in which the TYPE value is the POINT, Block Reference, or AECC_COGO_POINT entity type, and the DESCRIPTION value is the block reference name, or COGO point description prefix.
  • If failed, a list is returned with the first value of nil; then an associated list is returned containing the key value Error and an associated error message as a string: (nil ( "Error" . "<message>")).

Failed return values

A failed return value can occur for any of the following reasons:

  • (nil ("Error" . "Missing required argument."))

    One of the three required arguments was not provided.

  • (nil ("Error" . "Unsupported geometry type."))

    The function works with point feature layers only.

  • (nil ("Error" . "No feature layer specified"))

    No valid feature layer was provided.

  • (nil ("Error" . "Feature layer not found."))

    The specified feature layer does not exist in the file.

  • (nil ("Error" . "Subtype name does not exist."))

    The specified subtype does not exist.