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Esri_ElevateToField invokes the Elevate to field user interface that sets the elevation of selected features to the numeric field value of a chosen field for each feature. The user interface allows you to select the feature layer you want to modify. There is a reminder of the linear units for the selected feature layer. The Field Name parameter is used to pick the field values that will be used to set the elevation of the feature. The Field Units parameter is used to scale field values if they are different than the linear units of the coordinate system. Selecting the Elevate button will modify the selected features of the chosen feature layer. The Close button will close the user interface.

Elevate to field user interface.


  • Especially useful for modifying the elevations of 2D spot elevation and contour line features that have a field that contains the features elevation.
  • Will modify the entities of selected entities of the specified feature layer. If no entities are selected then all of the entities of the specified feature layer will be modified.
  • Supports point, polygon, polyline and annotation feature layers.
  • Does not support multipatch features.
  • Only planar objects will be modified. Polylines and polygons with differing vertex elevations will be skipped.


-Esri_AdjustElevation invokes a command line equivalent of Elevation to field user interface and elevates the selected entities of the specified feature layer to the numeric value of a given field. A scale factor can be applied to the field values if needed. Use a scale factor of 1.0 when the units of the field match the drawing units.

Command prompts

Select feature layer: | Enter the index number of the feature attribute layer for which you want to place labels.

Select a field as elevation field: | Enter the index number of the feature attribute field for which you want to place labels.

Enter a scale factor: | Enter the numeric scale factor to apply to the field values.

In this topic
  1. -Esri_ElevateToField