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esri_featurelayer_selectspecial (AutoLISP)

Returns an AutoCAD selection set from a specified feature layer based on a special criteria. This function is useful for quality assurance and compliance checking before synchronizing web feature layers or to find entities based on various editing and data states when working with feature layers.

The special search criteria include the following:

  • OutsideProjectArea—AutoCAD entities that qualify as features of the specified feature layer and that are outside the current project area boundary.
  • FlaggedAsModified—AutoCAD entities that qualify as features of the specified web feature layer and that have their editing state flagged as modified.
  • FlaggedAsNew—AutoCAD entities that qualify as features of the specified web feature layer and that have their editing state flagged as a new feature.
  • IncorrectGeometry—AutoCAD entities that would qualify as features because of the AutoCAD layer they reside upon but that are not considered features because they are of the wrong geometric type. Example: Polylines drawn on an AutoCAD layer of ArcGIS point features.
  • UnclosedPolylines—AutoCAD polyline entities that would qualify as polygon features but where the polyline closed flag is not set on the entity.


(esri_featurelayer_selectspecial flname select_settings)


  • flname | string | required | An existing web feature layer or document feature layer name in the drawing.
  • select_settings | associated list | required | An associated list of select settings.

Associated labelValue typeValue descriptionRequired or optional


Search criteria : "UnclosedPolyline", "IncorrectGeometry".

Web feature layer only options: "FlaggedAsModified" , "FlaggedAsNew", "OutsideProjectArea"




Subtype name as a string. Use empty string "" to include all subtypes.


Example usage 1

Attempt to create a selection set of all the entities that belong to the Shelters feature layer that are outside the project area of the current drawing:

(esri_featurelayer_selectspecial "shelters"
  (list (cons "CRITERIA" "OutsideProjectArea"))

Result example usage 1

A selection set all of the entities that belong to the Shelters feature layer that are outside the project area of the current drawing:

<Selection set: 9f>

Example usage 2

Attempt to create a selection set all of the entities that belong to the Public subtype of the Roads web feature layer that are considered by ArcGIS for AutoCAD to have been modified before synchronizing within the current drawing:

(esri_featurelayer_selectspecial "Roads"
 (list (cons "CRITERIA" "FlaggedAsModified")(cons "Subtype" "Public"))

Result example usage 2

Returns a selection set all of the entities that belong to the Public subtype of the Roads web feature layer that are considered by ArcGIS for AutoCAD to have been modified before synchronizing within the current drawing:

<Selection set: d0>

Return values

  • If successful, returns an AutoCAD selection set object.
  • If failed, returns a list with the first value of nil and then an associated list containing the key value "Error" and an associated error message as a string: (nil ("Error" . "<message>"))

Failed return values

A failed return value can occur for any of the following reasons:

  • (nil ("Error" . "Missing required argument."))

    One or more of the required arguments is not supplied.

  • (nil ("Error" . "No feature layer specified."))

    The required feature layer value was not valid or missing.

  • (nil ("Error" . "Subtype name does not exist."))

    The required subtype name was not valid or missing.

See also
