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Esri_GenerateLabel invokes the generate labels user interface. The generate label user interface guides you in the placement of feature attribute linked text entities. Standard AutoCAD text entities are generated for the selected features based on the text placement parameters specified. The text values of the generated text are linked to the selected attribute field values. The position of the placed text uses the specified offset from the center of a calculated bounding box of the feature and rotates to the nearest tangent of linear features.

If there are no fields that support labeling on the feature layer, the command terminates and displays the message: No supported fields found.

New text entities are placed on an AutoCAD layer named according to the feature layer name appended with "_Label".

If not already created, an annotation document feature layer is generated with the name of the input feature layer name appended with "_Label".

You can link feature attribute field values to most kinds of feature attribute fields. You cannot link reporting fields to text or block attribute values.


-Esri_GenerateLabel invokes an AutoLISP callable command line command equivalent of Esri_GenerateLabel to generate new feature attribute linked text entities from existing feature attribute field values of selected features. Instead of a graphic user interface dialog box of the above command, you are prompted to enter the various parameters of the command from the command line.

Command prompts

Select Feature Layer | Enter the index number of the feature attribute layer for which you want to place labels.

Select field | Enter the index number of the feature attribute field for which you want to place labels.

Enter text size | Enter the real number of the text size of labels you want placed in drawing units.

Enter base point | Select a point in the drawing to define an offset vector you will define with two points. This vector defines the text placement offset point for text that is placed.

Enter offset point | Select a second point in the drawing to define an offset vector you will define with two points. This vector defines the text placement offset point for text that is placed.

See also

Feature linked labels


Esri_FeatureLayer command Label option

Esri_PickLabel command