Introduction to Community Science

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Community Science can be used to solicit plant and animal observations from community scientists, manage each observation, and monitor community science programs.

It encourages engagement with community scientists, and the location-enabled observations help community science program managers evaluate the effectiveness of community science initiatives. Contributing plant and animal observations to a larger initiative gives community scientists a sense of ownership and investment in the protection of these areas, and exploring observations submitted by others encourages further engagement. Community Science is typically implemented by conservation organizations, natural resource departments, and other government agencies that want to take a data-driven approach to conserving plant and animal populations.

The Community Science solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you engage community scientists, manage incoming observations, and monitor community science programs.

Deploy the solution

This solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.

Deploy the solution

See Deploying a solution for more information.


Community Science requires the following:

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Survey123
  • Survey123 Connect

Information products

Community Science includes the following information products:

ItemDescriptionMinimum user type

Community Science Dashboard

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by conservation staff to explore reports


Community Science Manager

A Crowdsource Manager app used by conservation staff to monitor and verify reports


Community Science Survey

An ArcGIS Survey123 form used by community scientists to report plant and animal observations in wildlife areas

Mobile Worker

When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get a solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.

Release notes

The following are the release notes:

1.0 (Nov 2020)
  • First release of Community Science