Imagery Viewer

ArcGIS Online    |

Use Imagery Viewer to visualize and explore imagery through time and space. This app includes tools for navigating through time, recording locations, measurement, and more. A single-image configuration allows users to focus on one imagery layer and a two-image configuration allows users to compare two imagery layers using a swipe tool.


Choose this template to create an app for use cases such as the following examples:

  • Investigate urban expansion in a major city by comparing changes to imagery over time.
  • Record the location of a point of interest identified from a high-resolution satellite image.
  • Document notes about newly constructed houses, including calculating building heights in-app.

Data requirements

The Imagery Viewer app requires a web map with at least one imagery layer.

App capabilities

The following list includes key settings and capabilities that you can configure to create an app with this template:

  • Imagery visualization—Visualize imagery layers (and nonimagery layers) from the app's web map.
  • Bookmarks—Allow users to zoom and pan to a collection of preset extents that are saved in the map.
  • Image search—Enable individual image selector to allow users to search dynamic imagery layers for specific images.
  • Swipe—Allows users to compare differences between images in a map.
  • Navigation boundary—Restrict map navigation to a particular region and zoom scale to maintain focus on key map areas. You can also rotate the map or prevent map rotation.
  • Image measurement—Enable this tool to allow users to perform image measurement on imagery layers that have mensuration capabilities.
  • Share—Export an imagery layer to the user's local machine as a TIFF or as a layer in their organization.

All Instant Apps templates include settings for a Home button and zoom controls, a legend, and the ability to search the map or data.