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Use the Slider template to display historical, live, or future data using any time interval. App users can play or move a time slider to animate data based on numeric values or changes over time to see how the data evolves.

To learn more, see the blog article about using Slider.


Choose this template to create an app for use cases such as the following examples:

  • Display the migration patterns of endangered species to support conservation efforts.
  • Animate crime data based on the day of the month that an event occurred.
  • Create an app that displays an interactive weather forecast.

Data requirements

The Slider template requires a feature layer with at least one numeric field. To use the time option, the web map must contain a time-enabled layer.

App capabilities

The following list includes key settings and capabilities that you can configure to create an app with this template:

  • Numeric slider—Configure sliders to animate data based on a numeric field in one or more layers.
  • Time slider—Configure a time slider to show changes in data over time. Simplify the appearance of the slider by excluding markers and labels.
  • Select slider mode—Choose how features are shown as the slider progresses.
  • Live and forecast time settings—Enable the live option to show data for the specified period of time for live and recent data.
  • Cover page—Include a cover page with custom text and logos to establish the purpose of the app.
  • Basemap toggle—Change the look of the map by switching to a different basemap.
  • Bookmarks—Allow users to zoom and pan to a collection of preset extents that are saved in the map.
  • Hover pop-ups—Provide users quick access to attribute information that appears when hovering over a feature in the map.
  • Export—Capture an image (PDF, JPG, or PNG) from the app that a user can save.
  • Language switcher—Provide translations for custom text and create a multilingual app.
  • Attribute filter—Configure map filter options that are available to app users.

All Instant Apps templates include settings for a Home button and zoom controls, a legend, and the ability to search the map or data.