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The Insets template displays noncontiguous geographic locations within a single app layout so users can view and interact with data from a layer in multiple locations at once. Choose from a list of predefined layouts or customize the inset locations with the option to use bookmarks from the map. You can style the insets and set their position in the layout. (To learn more, see the blog article about using Insets.)


If you preview the app before creating it and the preselected map includes bookmarks, the app preview displays inset maps for each bookmark so you can see how it works. When you create the app, you must click Import bookmarks in the Insets settings to generate inset maps from bookmarks in the final app.


Choose this template to create an app for use cases such as the following examples:

  • View infectious disease rate information across all 50 U.S. states and make visual comparisons.
  • Create an app that shows the traffic impact of railway crossing locations for a new transit line proposal.
  • Visualize commute times for employees of all district offices compared to those at company headquarters.

Data requirements

The Insets app has no specific data requirements.

App capabilities

The following list includes key settings and capabilities that you can configure to create an app with this template:

  • Insets layout—Use a predefined or custom layout.
    • Predefined—Choose from a list of specific geographic locations for the insets layout, including Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, and the United States. The main map and each inset map are displayed in the appropriate coordinate system for each area. You can choose a color scheme for the basemap and also can remove the ocean color used in this layout so it's more suitable for your map's data. If you need to keep the original basemap to preserve the appearance of your map, use the custom layout instead.
    • Custom—Create a custom layout by adding insets for which you specify the map location. You can import bookmarks from the map to automatically create insets. Modify the extent and choose from three sizes for each inset map. Drag insets in the list to change the view order. (Use Position manager in the Theme & Layout settings to move multiple inset maps to the same corner of the app.)
  • Attribute filter—Filter by attribute which features display on each inset map in the custom layout. In the predefined layout, filters apply uniformly to the main map and each inset map.
  • Inset title headers—Include headers to display a name for each inset map. For the custom layout, headers display the inset names that you provide. When the layout contains more insets than the number of inset windows that you specify, title headers are automatically included so users can access additional inset maps from a menu.
  • Layer visibility and Layer list—Configure the layer visibility per inset window in the custom layout or include a layer list tool in the predefined layout for users to turn layer visibility off and on across all maps in the app.
  • Limit map navigation—Restrict the extent to which users can pan and zoom the custom inset maps. To keep them focused on the relevant locations, turn on this setting so users cannot pan or zoom beyond the boundary specified for the inset map extent. (They can zoom in but cannot zoom out.)
  • Inset style—Choose a style for the inset shapes and specify an outline width in the Theme & Layout settings. You can also apply a drop-shadow effect.
  • Pop-up position—Present pop-up content docked in a specific corner of the app. If the map has pop-ups configured, users can click features in the main map and inset maps to open pop-ups with attribute information.
  • Cover page—Include a cover page with custom text and logos to establish the purpose of the app.
  • Find current location button—Detect the user's physical location and zoom to it on the map. This option only works using HTTPS protocol.
  • Scalebar—Displays dynamic scale bars in the main map and each inset map as a visual indicator of the distance between features in units proportional to the map's scale.
  • Export—Prints or exports the map with options to include inset maps and applicable feature pop-ups.

All Instant Apps templates include settings for a Home button and zoom controls, a legend, and the ability to search the map or data.