Use the Public Notification template to allow users to create a list of features that they can export to CSV and PDF format. They can create lists of features by searching for a single location, drawing an area of interest to include intersecting features, or using the geometry of an existing feature as the area of interest. Users can include a search buffer around a defined area of interest to expand the list of features.
To learn more, see the ArcGIS Blog article about using Public Notification.
This template allows agencies to streamline the process of generating public notices. They can identify a collection of affected properties based on proximity to a location or an area drawn on the map, and create formatted mailing labels to notify property owners or occupants.
Choose this template to create an app for use cases such as the following examples:
- Export a .csv file with addresses for residents to alert about road closures.
- Create an inventory of contact information for parents in a school district.
- Generate a .pdf file to print address labels and the corresponding map for community members.
Data requirements
The Public Notification template requires a feature layer to use all of its capabilities.
App capabilities
The following list includes key settings and capabilities that you can configure to create an app with this template:
- Sketch tools—Draw graphics on the map to select features to add to a list. Users can also use features from a layer to select intersecting features from the input layer.
- Search radius—Define a distance for a search buffer that selects intersecting input features to include in the list.
- Export—Save the results from the lists created in the app. Users can export the data to CSV and PDF format.
- Refine selection—Allow users to revise the selected features in the lists they create by adding or removing features with sketch tools.
- Splash screen—Include an introduction window that appears when users first open the app. Describe the purpose of the app and provide relevant instructions to guide app users.
- Cover page—Include a cover page with custom text and logos to establish the purpose of the app.
- Navigation boundary—Restrict map navigation to a particular region and zoom scale to maintain focus on key map areas. You can also rotate the map or prevent map rotation.
- Bookmarks—Allow users to zoom and pan to a collection of preset extents that are saved in the map.
- Find current location button—Detect the user's physical location and zoom to it on the map. This option only works using HTTPS protocol.
- Basemap toggle—Change the look of the map by switching to a different basemap.
- Layer list—Display a list of layers with options to turn visibility off and on in the map.
All Instant Apps templates include settings for a Home button and zoom controls, a legend, and the ability to search the map or data.