
ArcGIS Online    |

Use the Reporter template to allow users to submit issues and observations about a specific area using a smart form. Reports are then added onto the map used in the app and can be viewed by other users. You can also enable commenting and voting to allow app users to provide feedback about existing reports. Reporter also includes a basic set of map exploration tools to help navigate the map and submitted reports. (To learn more, see the blog article about Reporter.)


Choose this template to create an app for use cases such as the following examples:

  • View and gain nonemergency requests, such as damaged infrastructure, graffiti, and clogged drains, from the public
  • Collect health and safety reports from emergency management resources
  • Gather real estate locations for future development

Data requirements

Reporter requires a web map with at least one editable feature layer.

App capabilities

The following list includes key settings and capabilities that you can configure to create an app with this template:

  • Edit tools—Add and update features in editable layers.
  • Bookmarks—Allow users to zoom and pan to a collection of preset extents that are saved in the map.
  • Disable scroll—Prevent the map from zooming when app users scroll. Disable scrolling in the map if the app will be used primarily on a mobile device or embedded in a website.
  • Navigation boundary—Restrict map navigation to a particular region and zoom scale to maintain focus on key map areas. You can also rotate the map or prevent map rotation.
  • Cover page—Include a cover page with custom text and logos to establish the purpose of the app.
  • Enable sign in—Allow a sign-in prompt to appear on the cover page.

All Instant Apps templates include settings for a Home button and zoom controls, a legend, and the ability to search the map or data.