The Observer template displays a scene with a dynamic scoreboard that shows basic statistics (count, sum, average, minimum, and maximum) for specified fields. As users navigate the scene, values update in the scoreboard to summarize data for features in the current extent. Displaying statistics facilitates interpreting the scene in which 3D symbols can sometimes obscure features as the scene is viewed from different perspectives. To learn more, see the blog article about using Observer.
Choose this template to create an app for use cases such as the following examples:
- View the impacts of flooding on underground assets, such as pipelines.
- Summarize construction status, costs, or lease availability while viewing the development of buildings in a city.
- Compare the structural and financial impacts from an environmental event in an area of interest while visualizing the data.
Data requirements
The Observer app requires a web scene. A scene layer must have an associated feature layer to show its statistics in the scoreboard.
App capabilities
The following list includes key settings and capabilities that you can configure to create an app with this template:
- Scoreboard summary—Displays statistics to summarize the data in the scene for specified layers and fields. Provide a label for each and choose a position and style for the scoreboard. You can float the scoreboard over the map or pin it to the edge of the app so the scoreboard fully spans the app. When the scoreboard is on the side, the toolbar of map tools is automatically moved to the opposite side.
- Display preset slides—Zoom and pan the map to a collection of preset extents that are saved in the scene like bookmarks.
- Measurement tools—Provide tools that measure distance and area and find and convert coordinates.
- Layer list—Displays a list of layers with options to turn visibility off and on in the scene.
- Basemap gallery—Display a collection of basemaps in the side panel that users can add to the map. Use the Esri default set or choose a basemap group to offer app users.
- Daylight animation—Animates the change in daylight over time with options for users to adjust sun position by date and time and turn shadows on or off.
- Attribute filter—Configure map filter options that are available to app users.
- Time filter—Filter features in the map based on time. The map layers must be time enabled.
All Instant Apps templates include settings for a Home button and zoom controls, a legend, and the ability to search the map or data.