Feature information

The ArcGIS for Microsoft 365 Feature information pane is a tool that adds useful, interactive context to your map. The pane uses available attributes from layers added to your map from ArcGIS and displays selected data that helps you to visualize and analyze key information about the added layers.

Chart-enabled layers—such as demographic data layers, climate maps, and indexes—may include infographics containing charts and other interactive graphics. Weather and traffic live feed layers may include dynamic attributes such as current conditions. Other layers may include dataset lists or more static content.

In the below image, the Esri Demographics US 2023 Population layer has been added to the map and included on the Feature information pane with interactive charts related to population at the County level. Users can interact with all available attributes, charts, and infographics in this dataset.

Feature information pane with Esri Demographics 2023-2028 CAGR example data


The availability of layers added from ArcGIS can depend on your user type, role, and privileges. See the Accounts topic for more information.

Related topics

The Add the Feature information pane topic provides more information about the Feature information pane in ArcGIS for Power BI.

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