Change the style settings


Some workflows may require specific privileges. For more information about user types, roles, and privileges, see the Accounts topic.

Some of the options or features described in this workflow are available only to users with an ArcGIS organizational account.

You can change symbol, color, and other style settings for a map layer.

See Style map layers to learn about methods for styling data and Symbol types to learn about smart mapping and default applied styles.

The available style setting options depend on the symbol type in use (also known as smart mapping), the type of data attributes selected, and the features' geometric shape (point, line, or polygon).

To change a map's style settings, complete the following steps:

  1. Follow the steps in the Apply a style workflow for your component:
  2. Choose a symbol type.
  3. Click the Style options tab Style Options to customize the look of the layer.

    Depending on the symbol type, feature geometry, and selected data attributes, different options are shown on the Style options tab.

  4. Optionally, do any of the following:
  5. When you are satisfied with the style settings, click the Layer Properties tab Layer Properties to update the layer settings or click Close Close to close the Layers pane.


Expand the Clustering section and do any of the following:

Style typeInstruction


Turn on the Enable clustering toggle button to aggregate point symbols into default configuration options based on the symbol type.


  • To change the number of features grouped into each cluster, adjust the Radius slider.
  • Move the slider to the left to specify a lower cluster radius, grouping fewer features in each cluster, or to the right to specify a higher radius, grouping more features in each cluster.

Text color

To change the Text color on the cluster symbols, choose a color from the options table or specify a custom RGB or hexadecimal color value.

Symbol styling

To update the geometric symbol styles in use—for example, for point, line, or polygon symbols—expand the Symbol styling section and do any of the following:

Style typeInstruction

Shape and size

To change the shape of point symbols, choose a symbol set from the drop-down menu.

  • To use a basic shape, such as a circle or square, choose the shape from the Basic symbol set.
  • Optionally, enter a pixel amount to increase or decrease the basic shape's size.
  • To use an icon, such as a tree or a building, choose a symbol set category from the drop-down menu and click the icon.

Color ramp

  • To change the color range for basic symbols styled using a types or types and size symbol type, expand the Color ramp section and choose a ramp from the collections.
  • Click Reverse ramp colors Reverse ramp colors to change the sequence of colors in the ramp.

    Hover over a color ramp to see its name.

Size range

  • Adjust the Size range slider to set a minimum and maximum symbol size value in pixels. You can either drag a handle or click the default value and type a new value.
  • Check Adjust size automatically to optimize the symbols for the current map zoom level and automatically adjust them at other zoom levels.


  • Choose a shape Fill color from the options table or enter a custom RGB or hexadecimal color value.
  • Optionally, enter a transparency percentage, from 0 (fully transparent) to 100 (completely opaque), to apply transparency to the fill.

    To clear the fill value, click the Clear button Clear.

Outline color and width

  • Choose an Outline color from the options table or specify a custom RGB or hexadecimal color value.
  • Optionally, enter a transparency percentage, from 0 (fully transparent) to 100 (completely opaque), to apply transparency to the outline.

    To clear the outline value for point features, click the Clear button Clear.

  • Optionally, enter an outline pixel amount to increase or decrease the outline's width.
  • Optionally, for line and polygon features, choose a line pattern from the pattern drop-down menu.

Heat map

To change the appearance of layers styled using a heat map, do any of the following:

Style typeInstructions

Color ramp

  • Expand Color ramp and choose a ramp from the collections.
  • Click Reverse ramp colors Reverse ramp colors to change the sequence of colors in the ramp.

    Hover over a color ramp to see its name.

Area of influence

  • Expand Area of influence to see the available options.
  • Use the slider to adjust the appearance of the heat map. Drag the top handle down to make the clusters smaller and more distinct; drag the bottom handle up to make the clusters larger and smoother.

Blur radius

Adjust the Blur radius slider to the right to increase the distortion field or to the left to decrease the radius or type a radius value in the text box.


ArcGIS for Power BI users can drag a numeric value into the Size field well to better define heat map properties.

Size or color classification

To update the data classification for layers styled by size, color, or color and size, do any of the following:

Style typeInstructions

Size or Color classification

Expand Size classification or Color classification to see the available settings.

Divided by

If the data is not normalized or standardized, choose an attribute field from the Divided by drop-down menu to turn the raw data into rates or percentages. Examples of normalized data include x per capita, y per square kilometer, or a ratio of x to y. Raw counts, by comparison, are better visualized with colors after they are standardized.


The Divided by menu is not available in ArcGIS for Power BI.


  • Adjust the bounding handles along the histogram to change how the classification is applied to your data.
  • You can either drag the handle or click the number next to the handle and type a value. Experiment with the position of the handles.

    The standard deviation (or sigma) and the calculated average mean x̄ show the distribution of the highest, lowest, and mean (or average) data values. These update automatically as you move the histogram handles.

Out of range or no value data

Turn on the Show features with no value or out of range toggle button to draw or extrapolate locations with missing data on the map.

Classify data

  • Turn on the Classify data toggle button to enable classification settings.

    This setting is not enabled for all data types.

  • Choose a classification Method option from the drop-down menu.
  • Specify the number of Classes to further generalize the map, or, if you are using standard deviation, choose the interval.

    To use the Manual classification option, adjust or move the handles on the histogram.

Unique values

The Unique values menu provides a preview of the appearance of symbols on layers styled using types or types and size. To update the unique values settings, do any of the following:

Style typeInstruction

Unique value

  • Expand the Unique values section to see the categories from the selected data attributes shown on the map, including the color ramp in use and a count of each category.
  • Click the remove button next to a category to remove it from the unique values list.
  • Click Add to select and add a category from your data attributes to the unique values list.
  • To change the color ramp, see Symbol styling in this topic.

Show other symbols

Turn on the Show other symbols toggle button to show any categories from your data attributes on the map that are not included in the unique values list.

Transparency and rotation

To change the transparency and rotation settings per attribute, do any of the following:

Style typeInstruction

Vary by attribute

Expand the Vary by attribute section to see the available transparency and rotation settings.


This group is not available in ArcGIS for Power BI.

Transparency by attribute

Turn on the Transparency by attribute toggle button. Options for configuring attribute transparency appear.

Field (Transparency)

Select an attribute to which you will apply transparency.


Transparency can only be applied to numeric or date attributes.

Divided by

From the Divided by drop-down menu, choose a numeric attribute by which to standardize or normalize the data for transparency, such as population by area or costs by total population.

Transparency range in %

  • Adjust the data sliders or the handles in the histogram to change the range of the transparency gradient.
  • Move the left slider to the left or the top histogram handle upward to increase attribute opacity. Zero percent transparency is fully opaque.
  • Move the right slider to the right or the lower histogram handle downward to increase the range of the gradient transparency.
  • The histogram graphic automatically updates to illustrate the current transparency settings as you move the slider or the histogram handles. The standard deviation (or sigma) and the calculated average mean x̄ show the distribution of the highest, lowest, and mean (or average) data values to which transparency is applied.

Rotate by attribute

Turn on the Rotate by attribute toggle button. Options for configuring attribute rotation appear.

Field (Rotation)

Select an attribute to which you will apply rotation.


Rotation is not informative if the attribute has been styled using round symbols.


Choose whether to use Clockwise Clockwise or Counterclockwise Counterclockwise rotation.

  • Clockwise—Angles are measured clockwise from the 12 o'clock position.
  • Counterclockwise—Angles are measured counterclockwise from the 3 o'clock position. With this rotation, the symbol—assumed to be pointing north—is first rotated 90 degrees clockwise to align with 0 degrees before the counterclockwise rotation is applied to the attribute.