ArcGIS for Microsoft 365 analysis tools can help you gain a better understanding of your data. The following analysis tools include a variety of methods for examining, displaying, and revealing aspects of the data:
- Use the selection tools to identify, locate, and visually analyze a set of features or data on a map.
- Perform a Buffer/Drive time analysis to assess travel times between locations on a map, proximity of locations to resources or commercial centers, or to make comparisons for site selections.
- Add an information tool to view key indicators and summarized information for locations and answer location-based questions.
- Measure a linear distance or an area and its perimeter on a map using the Measure tool.
- Add a time-aware layer to a map containing temporal and geographic data, and enable a time animation to show how patterns in the data change over time.
- Quickly identify locations with attributes similar to those currently selected on a map using the Find similar tool.
- Compare two layers that match specific input spatial criteria to generate a result dataset with the Create spatial filter tool.
- Use the join layers feature to join your ArcGIS for Power BI data to a layer added from ArcGIS to improve its spatial information. The joined layers can be connected to other Microsoft Power BI visualizations.