This functionality is available only for ArcGIS feature layers or layers created using your data.
When a map layer contains a large number of point features, showing each feature in the layer makes it difficult to visually extract meaningful information from the map. The clustering function aggregates point features that are within a certain distance of one another into a single symbol.
Clustering helps you to see patterns in your data that might be obscured on a map that contains hundreds of overlapping points. Since clustering depends on screen extent, points are aggregated into fewer clusters as you zoom out. Conversely, points are divided into more clusters as you zoom in.
In the following pair of images, the first image shows point features styled with the Location style without clustering enabled; the second image shows point features with clustering enabled:

Cluster colors are inherited from the layer style.
In these images, the size of the symbol indicates the number of points in the cluster. Smaller cluster symbols contain fewer points, while larger cluster symbols contain more points. You can adjust the size range of cluster symbols.
If you zoom in to an extent at which the clustering area no longer contains enough point features to require clustering, the clustering function is automatically turned off.
If you style a point layer using shapes grouped by color and size, the clusters inherit the style of the dominant category in the cluster. As you zoom in, the cluster is divided into smaller groups and the style updates to reflect the dominant information in the new cluster.
In the following pair of images, the first image shows point features styled by color without clustering enabled; the second image shows point features styled by color with clustering enabled:

To learn more about how to configure clustering settings, visit Change the style settings.