Join layers


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You can join layers in ArcGIS for Power BI to provide spatial information about the data. The join layers functionality in ArcGIS for Power BI creates a link between a data layer and an ArcGIS reference layer. The joined layers can be connected to other Microsoft Power BI visualizations. See Layers, Data layers, and Reference layers to learn more about each type of layer.

When you add a data layer from Microsoft Power BI to an ArcGIS for Power BI map, the map interacts with other visuals in the report to provide additional information about the data.


To use the join layer functionality, ensure that the ArcGIS reference layer contains attributes that match those in the Power BI dataset. The attribute name does not need to be identical, but the data type must be the same. The joins are numbers to numbers, strings to strings, and so on.

Joined layers can be particularly useful when the Power BI data does not contain spatial (location) information, such as addresses or coordinates. Use the Join layer option to link data attributes from Power BI to those from a layer added from ArcGIS to provide insight into the data. Join the data layer and the reference layer by linking attributes of the same data type from each dataset.

For example, if you have a Power BI dataset that contains detailed information about your company's inventory, you can associate that data with geographic features in the reference layer, and the map can interact with other visuals in the report.


To learn more about joining layers, see the ArcGIS Blog article No location? No problem.

You can use Power BI Desktop or the Power BI service ( with the Join layer function.

To join a reference layer to a data attribute, complete the following steps:

  1. Add a data layer to an ArcGIS for Power BI map that includes other Power BI report visualizations and save the report.
  2. With the ArcGIS for Power BI visual active in Power BI, drag up to five nonspatial attributes from the Data pane to the Join layer field well on the Visualizations > Build visual tab.

    Attributes in the Join layer field well

  3. Add a layer from ArcGIS to the map.

    Ensure that the layer from ArcGIS contains attributes that match those in the Power BI dataset.

  4. From the map tools, click Analysis Analysis and click the Join layers tab Join layer.

    On the Join layers tab, the Reference layer field shows the layer added from ArcGIS. The Join to Power BI data section lists the data attributes you added to the Join layer field well on the left. The drop-down menu on the right lists the available data attributes from the layer you added from ArcGIS.

    Analysis pane Join layers tab

  5. To create a join between your data and the layer you added from ArcGIS, choose an attribute from the drop-down menu on the right that most closely matches the Power BI attribute.

    Take note of the following information:
    • You must select at least one attribute to create a join.
    • Joined attributes must be of the same data type; for example, associate a date value with another date value.
    • If you added more than one attribute to the Join layer field well, use the drop-down menu to match each attribute. You can match up to five attributes for each reference layer.

  6. When you have matched all the attributes you added to the Join layer field well, click Create join.

    The join is created, and the Join layer tab updates.

  7. Click the selection tool button Selection tool in the Features to highlight field.

    A collapsed Selection tools prompt appears at the right of the Analysis pane.

    Join layer tab with Selection tools prompt

  8. Optionally, do any of the following:
    • Use the selection tools in the prompt next to the Analysis pane to select locations on the joined reference layer.
    • Click Close Close in the Analysis pane and use either the selection tools in the prompt or the Selection tool pane in the map tools to select locations on the joined reference layer.

      In the Selection tool pane, joined layers are identifiable in the Active layer drop-down menu by a Join layer icon Join layer.

    Selection tool pane with joined layer icon in the Active layer field

  9. Select up to 250 map features.

    As you select locations on the joined layer, other visuals in the report with attributes matching those in the joined layer automatically update. If no match exists, a message appears indicating that no results were found. You can also select items in other visuals in the report, and the map immediately updates to reflect your changes.

  10. To update a joined layer, click Remove join on the Join layer tab and do any of the following:
    • Drag a new attribute into the Join layer field well and match it with a corresponding attribute in the layer from ArcGIS. Click Create join.
    • Select different features using the selection tools to connect different features to the joined layers.

    The joined layer is updated with the new values.