Frequently asked questions

Where can you create a survey in ArcGIS Hub?

You can create a survey for a site using the New button located in the site’s content library and selecting Feedback. You can also create a new survey when adding a survey card to a site’s layout.

What survey templates are available?

When creating a new survey, there are four templates available to help you get started: Map survey, Quick Poll, Questionnaire, and Default. You can also use survey templates published by your organization, Esri, and the public.

Are surveys available in ArcGIS Hub Basic and ArcGIS Hub Premium?

Yes, you can create surveys and activate survey templates using either ArcGIS Hub license.

What items are added to ArcGIS Online when a survey is created through ArcGIS Hub?

ArcGIS Hub generates the following items in ArcGIS Online and stores them in a folder named after the survey: form item, feature service (Schema system file), fieldworker view (Inputs system file), and stakeholder view (Results).

What privileges do you need to create a survey?

To create a survey, you must have a Publisher role or equivalent role assigned to your account. You must also own the site for which you're creating the survey or be a member of its core team or supporting team with edit access.

How are surveys created in ArcGIS Hub different Survey123?

ArcGIS Hub uses the Survey123 survey editor and analysis tools within the context of the ArcGIS Hub application, so all surveys created through ArcGIS Hub generate the same items as surveys created in Survey123.

How do you add a survey to a site or page layout?

Anyone with edit access to a site or page can add a survey card to the layout. You can also add a button with a link to the survey to the layout. To add a survey link in the site's header, use a menu link.

Can you configure a survey to collect spatial data?

Yes, you can add a map question when designing a survey and select one type of drawing tool (point, line, or polygon) for respondents to add a geographic feature. You can also set an extent to help respondents navigate to the area in question. Any survey that has a map question can use a Map focused display.

What is the difference between a Map focused display and a Standard display?

All published surveys appear exactly as they've been designed. This is called the Standard display in ArcGIS Hub. If the survey includes a map question, the map is displayed inline with the survey's questions. The Map focused display presents questions alongside a full-screen view of the map extent set for the map question. This option is the recommended display for all map based surveys and is the default experience for surveys created with the Map Survey template. Survey123 Connect does not support the Map focused display.

Why is the Embedded apps setting recommended for all surveys?

The Embedded apps setting determines how content opens that is shared on a site layout or through its search results. This setting is recommended for all surveys, regardless of their display setting. It ensures that the survey opens immediately to the selected display. If the Embedded apps setting is disabled for a site, any survey that uses the map focused display will not open as a full-screen map and instead will open to the standard Survey123 display. A survey that uses a standard display opens to the About page (/survey/id/about). This page is populated by the metadata included in the survey's content details. It also includes a link which opens the survey in standard display.

Can you change a survey's display after it has been published?

Yes, you can reset a map focused display to a standard display by changing the survey’s map display setting and republishing the survey. Any survey that has a map question and is set to the standard display can be changed to a map focused display.

How can you configure a survey for mobile devices?

All surveys are mobile-responsive, but you can consider how they’re displayed on your site to ensure high performance on mobile devices. Surveys that are embedded on a site using the Embed option should use the disable on mobile setting. Otherwise, scrolling becomes limited on smaller screen sizes. Instead, use the Feature option so the survey opens in a new tab. Spatial surveys should use the map focused display to give respondents a full-screen navigable map and drawing tools.

Will a new survey show up automatically in a site's search results?

For surveys to be accessible in your site’s search results, you must share it to the site’s content library. Ensure that the survey is also shared to the audience for whom you want it to be visible.

With whom can you share a survey?

All surveys have sharing settings for controlling who has access to take the survey and/or view its results. These settings can grant view access to the public, members of your primary ArcGIS Online organization, and specific groups, including ArcGIS Hub teams.

Who can view survey results?

Survey results can be kept visible to only the survey’s owner or they can be shared with the organization, specific groups, and the public.

Where can you view survey results?

If you are a survey owner, core team member, or organization member and have access to view a survey’s results, you can view them within the survey editor in ArcGIS Hub or by opening the survey in Survey123. You can also use the survey results feature layer to add data visualizations to a site or page layout.