Configure site settings

Every site has settings and capabilities that administrators, the site's owner, and core team members can configure.

Configure basemaps and extent

Complete the following steps to set the basemap and extent to indicate the geographic area represented by your site. Datasets will display at this zoom level if an item extent is not set. If a site basemap or extent is not set, then the map will use the organization settings for each.

  1. Open a site in edit mode and select Settings on the side panel.
  2. Select Set basemap and use the drop-down menu to select a basemap.

    If you don't see the custom basemap you want, add the basemap to the gallery or contact your ArcGIS Online administrator.

  3. Add an extent by zooming and panning to a location on the map.

Configure meta tags

Meta tags are bits of HTML code crawled by search engine robots such as Google. Meta tags can help control and optimize how your site (and pages) appear in search engine results. Site editors can add custom meta tags in the site editor by navigating to the Customize side panel, Settings, then Meta tags.

A common practice to prevent a site from showing in public internet search results is to apply the <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> tag. Site editors cannot override or replace default meta tags set by Hub such as "description", "title", and "og:image". Default "title" and "description" meta tags can be changed by modifying the Name and Summary fields in the Settings, About section of the site editor.


We strongly recommend not configuring URL redirects on Hub sites using meta tags.

Configure interactions

Administrators, site owners, and core team members can enable or disable the following:

  1. Open a site in edit mode.
  2. Select Settings on the side panel.
  3. Select Interactions and choose to enable or disable the following:
    • Global Navigation—See Configure global navigation and menu links.
    • Product branding—See Configure consent notice and product footer.
    • Underlined Links—Any links, including button links, on a site and its pages are underlined per web accessibility standards.
    • Embedded Apps—All sites have this setting which controls how applications open when a user selects a configured gallery card, application card, or search result. Enable this setting if you want the application to open within the context of your site's header and global navigation bar (with information side panel). If the setting is disabled, the application will open externally.
    • Embedded Links—This setting controls how content opens that is registered as a document link in ArcGIS Online. Enable this setting if you want the item to open in an explore view, within the context of your site's header and global navigation bar (with information side panel). Document links may not always open as embedded, as many websites have security protocols that restrict embedding to one website only. If the setting is disabled, the application will open externally.
    • Follow Tab—Ensure that your initiative's followers group is shared publicly to display the follow star button as an in-page action.
    • Sharing—See Enable one-click sharing to social media.
    • Discussions—See how discussions work (requires ArcGIS Hub Premium license).
    • Content Side Panel—Enable the side panel that appears on all explore views to open automatically or remain closed for each of the apps, maps, data, and documents content families.
  4. Select Save.

Configure beta capabilities

Beta capabilities are features that are undergoing testing ahead of their intended release.


To test a beta feature without making it available to your audience, make a copy of your site by cloning it and enable the beta feature on the cloned site. For more information, see Clone a site.

  1. Open a site in edit mode.
  2. Select Settings on the side panel.
  3. Select Beta.
  4. Select the toggle button to enable or disable Private item views or Site translation.
    For more information on the site translation capability, see Translating ArcGIS Hub sites and pages.
  5. Select Save.