This topic explains credit consumption when running analysis tools from the tool pane. Some analysis tools, such as Enrich Layer and Generate Travel Areas, also consume credits at the rates listed below when run in ModelBuilder. For more information on credits in ModelBuilder, see Analysis sessions.
Credits are the currency used across ArcGIS and are consumed for specific transactions, such as performing spatial analysis. The number of credits used when an analysis tool is run depends on the type of tool and the size of the dataset (number of input features or number of pixels processed).
You can click the Estimate credits button at the bottom of a tool pane to run a credit estimation before you run a tool. The input parameters and other required parameters must be set before estimating credit usage. The credit estimation is the maximum number of credits that the analysis could require; in some cases, the actual number of credits used by the analysis may be less than the estimated number of credits. You can also update the analysis settings for the web map or web scene to display a warning message for analysis jobs with an estimated credit consumption that surpasses a specified threshold.
Credits will only be consumed for successful analysis jobs. Credits will not be consumed when the analysis fails or is cancelled.
If your organization has enabled credit budgeting and the expected number of credits exceeds the number of credits allocated to you, an error message appears and prevents you from submitting the job.
The following tools do not consume credits when run in ArcGIS Online:
- Create Viewshed
- Create Watershed
- Trace Downstream
- Enrich Layer (when a custom GeoEnrichment service is used and the enrichment area is not defined using a travel mode)
Summarize data tools
The following table summarizes the credit usage by tools in the Summarize data category:
Tool | Capability | Credits used |
Spatial Analysis | 1 credit per 1,000 features | |
Spatial Analysis (used when a line distance is chosen for Measurement type) | 1 credit per 1,000 features | |
Service Areas (used if a travel mode is chosen for Measurement type) | 0.5 credits per service area | |
Imagery Analysis | Credit usage for imagery analysis depends on the number of pixels or features processed, which incorporates the number of bands in multiband imagery and the number of slices in multidimensional data. | |
Zonal Statistics (Summarize Raster Within in Map Viewer Classic) | ||
Find locations tools
The following table summarizes the credit usage by tools in the Find locations category:
Tool | Capability | Credits used |
Find by Attributes and Location (Find Existing Locations and Derive New Locations in Map Viewer Classic) | Spatial Analysis | 1 credit per 1,000 features queried |
Spatial Analysis | 1 credit per 1,000 features | |
Spatial Analysis | None | |
Location-Allocation | 0.1 credit per allocated demand point | |
Imagery Analysis | Credit usage for imagery analysis depends on the number of pixels or features processed, which incorporates the number of bands in multiband imagery and the number of slices in multidimensional data. |
Enrich data tools
The following table summarizes the credit usage by tools in the Enrich data category:
Tool | Capability | Credits used |
ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service | 10 credits per 1,000 attributes (data variables multiplied by total feature records) | |
Service Areas (used if a travel mode is chosen for Measurement type) | 0.5 credits per service area |
Analyze patterns tools
The following table summarizes the credit usage by tools in the Analyze patterns category:
Tool | Capability | Credits used |
Spatial Analysis | 1 credit per 1,000 features | |
Spatial Analysis | 1 credit per 1,000 features | |
ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service (used if Esri Population is chosen for Divide by) | 10 credits per 1,000 attributes | |
Spatial Analysis | 1 credit per 1,000 features | |
ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service (used if Esri Population is chosen for Divide by) | 10 credits per 1,000 attributes | |
Imagery Analysis | Credit usage for imagery analysis depends on the number of pixels or features processed, which incorporates the number of bands in multiband imagery and the number of slices in multidimensional data. | |
Use proximity tools
The following table summarizes the credit usage by tools in the Use proximity category:
Tool | Capability | Credits used |
Spatial Analysis | 1 credit per 1,000 features | |
Generate Travel Areas (Create Drive-Time Areas in Map Viewer Classic) | Service Areas | 0.5 credits per service area |
Imagery Analysis | Credit usage for imagery analysis depends on the number of pixels or features processed, which incorporates the number of bands in multiband imagery and the number of slices in multidimensional data. | |
Fleet Routing | 1 credit per vehicle route | |
Find Closest (Find Nearest in Map Viewer Classic) | Spatial Analysis (used when a line distance is chosen for Measurement type) | 1 credit per 1,000 features |
Closest Facility Routes (used when a travel mode is chosen for Measurement type) | 0.5 credits per closest facilities route | |
Calculate Travel Cost (Connect Origins to Destinations in Map Viewer Classic) | Spatial Analysis (used when a line distance is chosen for Measurement type) | 1 credit per 1,000 features |
Route analysis (used when a travel mode is chosen for Measurement type) | 0.005 credits per route |
Manage data tools
The following table summarizes the credit usage by tools in the Manage data category:
Tool | Capability | Credits used |
Extract Raster (available in Map Viewer Classic) | Imagery Analysis | Credit usage for imagery analysis depends on the number of pixels or features processed, which incorporates the number of bands in multiband imagery and the number of slices in multidimensional data. |
Remap Values (available in Map Viewer Classic) | ||
Spatial Analysis | 1 credit per 1,000 features | |
Analyze terrain tools
The following table summarizes the credit usage by tools in the Analyze terrain category:
Tool | Capability | Credits used |
Imagery Analysis | Credit usage for imagery analysis depends on the number of pixels or features processed, which incorporates the number of bands in multiband imagery and the number of slices in multidimensional data. | |
Geodesic Viewshed (Create Viewshed in Map Viewer Classic) | ||
Use deep learning tools
The following table summarizes the credit usage by tools in the Use deep learning category:
Tool | Capability | Credits used |
Imagery Analysis | Credit usage for imagery analysis depends on the number of pixels or features processed, which incorporates the number of bands in multiband imagery and the number of slices in multidimensional data. | |
Use multidimensional analysis tools
The following table summarizes the credit usage by tools in the Use multidimensional analysis category:
Tool | Capability | Credits used |
Imagery Analysis | Credit usage for imagery analysis depends on the number of pixels or features processed, which incorporates the number of bands in multiband imagery and the number of slices in multidimensional data. | |
Raster functions
Raster functions use the Imagery Analysis capability.
Credit usage for imagery analysis depends on the number of pixels or features processed, which incorporates the number of bands in multiband imagery and the number of slices in multidimensional data.
Custom web tools
Custom web tools created in ArcGIS Notebooks use credits as follows:
Tool | Credits used |
Running time | 1.5 credits per hour, per run using the Standard runtime, calculated per minute 4.5 credits per hour, per run using the Advanced runtime, calculated per minute 45 credits per hour, per run using the Advanced with GPU runtime, calculated per minute |
Tools used | Credits required for each tool |
Custom web tools created in Notebooks are hosted as tool items.