The February 2025 update includes support for managing feature templates and configuring symbol animation in Map Viewer, along with other enhancements and new functionality throughout the ArcGIS Online website. Highlights are provided below. For more information, see the What's new in ArcGIS Online blog article.
- You can now manage feature templates for hosted feature layers in Map Viewer if you are the layer owner, organization administrator, or have layer management privileges.
- If you authored display filters on a layer in ArcGIS Pro, you can control these display filters in Map Viewer. Display filters limit which features of a layer are shown on the map and impact the display only.
- When adding features to a layer, you can now use additional drawing tools to create line and polygon features by selecting an option from the shape menu. You can also zoom to, edit, and delete pending features from the Create features and Edit feature panes.
- When getting directions and creating route layers, you can now add stops and barriers by placing them directly on the map. You can also optimize the route order.
- If a feature layer includes attachments, you can now choose how attachments are sorted and displayed in the pop-up by selecting the attachment property by which they are sorted and the sort order.
- When styling symbols available in the Animated symbol set, you can now configure additional animation properties depending on the symbol type. These properties include color transition, rotation, scale factor, size, and transparency.
- When working with map image layers, you can now set the feature display order and add attachments when configuring pop-ups, including displaying attachments as a list or gallery.
- You can now add Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and Web Coverage Service (WCS) layers to maps using their URLs in Map Viewer.
- In Map Viewer, you can now select imagery layers or WCS imagery layers and zoom to their source resolution. This option sets the display scale to view the raster data at its optimum resolution.
- You can now access variable and dimension information for a multidimensional imagery layer when configuring pop-ups. These fields include variable name and dimensions such as time and depth.
- When working with oriented imagery, you can now perform ground-related measurements in the oriented imagery viewer. These measurements include ground distance, ground area, height above ground, and ground location.
- Explore multiple building scene layers simultaneously by showing full models for each layer.
- Enhance 3D presentations with Slide Manager. Add slide captions and automatically display legends when presenting a scene.
- Scene Viewer provides a new and simplified phone user experience that supports the capabilities of 3D presentations.
- Feature and scene layers can be duplicated to efficiently copy layer styles and properties.
- Voxel layers now support pop-up configurations.
- Add the new OGC WCS layer type to Scene Viewer.
- Improve editing workflows with advancements to batch editing and drawing tools.
For more information on what's new in 3D, see the What's new in Scene Viewer blog article.
App configuration
- ArcGIS Dashboards includes several updates. Dashboard authors can now add a secondary value axis in a multi-series Features serial chart to create a dual-axis chart. Element headers are now available in the General tab to provide consistent styling for titles and include the More information button which provides authors with an option to include disclaimers, metadata, or background information for metric or charts. Authors can now also connect their dashboards to Google Analytics using a Measurement ID under Analytics in the action bar. For more information, see What's new in ArcGIS Dashboards.
- Three new widgets are available in ArcGIS Experience Builder. The Oriented Imagery Viewer widget allows you to view imagery captured from unique angles, including oblique, street-side, and 360-degree images. The Processing Templates widget allows you to apply predefined chains of raster functions to imagery layers. The Flow Row widget is a layout container that you can use to organize content into a single continuous row on a page. Other enhancements include new tools for turning all layers on or off in the Map Layers widget, support for limiting the zoom scale range of 2D maps in the Map widget, and support for viewing attachments with the Table widget. For more information, see What's new in Experience Builder.
ArcGIS Instant Apps includes several updates. The home page updates include an enhanced user interface. Atlas has had several design updates to the Map layers panel. For more information, see What's new in Instant Apps.
Content management
- When you add features to a hosted feature layer from a file geodatabase, attachments that are associated with features in feature classes in the file geodatabase will be added to the features in the hosted feature layer.
- Support is added for grid coverages from Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Coverage Service (WCS) layers. You can add them as an item using their URLs and use them in Map Viewer and Scene Viewer.
- For information about improvements in ArcGIS Arcade, see the Arcade release notes.
- You can now maintain folder structure when transferring content owned by one member to another.
- The maximum number of active notebook tasks per user increased from five to 10.
Spatial analysis
- ModelBuilder (beta) now supports sharing analysis model items to groups, your ArcGIS organization, and the public.
- Model items that you own or that have been shared with you can now be copied to create a new analysis model item using Save as.
- Enrich Layer and Generate Travel Areas are now supported in ModelBuilder (beta).
- Subtype sublayers from subtype group layers are now supported when running an analysis tool from the tool pane. Subtype sublayers are not yet supported as inputs in ModelBuilder (beta).
- The new Tabulate Area raster analysis tool calculates the cross-tabulated areas between two datasets and reports the results as a table.
- The new Zonal Geometry as Table raster analysis tool calculates geometry measures for each zone in a dataset and reports the results as a table.
- Select ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World imagery layers can now be optimized for raster analysis. Currently, Landsat Level-2, Sentinel-1 RTC, and NAIP imagery layers are supported. This feature is currently in beta and is turned off by default.