Licensing requirements for spatial analysis

The administrator of your organization needs to grant you the required privileges to perform analysis. You must have the privileges to create, update, and delete content; publish hosted feature layers; and perform spatial analysis.

The required privileges are available through the following user types and roles:

  • Creator or GIS Professional user type
  • Publisher, Facilitator, or Administrator role, or an equivalent custom role

Raster analysis tools and functions require additional privileges for imagery analysis, including ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online.

Additional privileges may be required for some tools. The tables below summarize the licensing requirements for all tools.

Summarize data tools

The following table summarizes the licensing requirements for tools in the Summarize data category:

ToolUser type extensionsAdditional privileges

Aggregate Points



Join Features

Summarize Within

Summarize Center and Dispersion

Summarize Nearby


Network Analysis privilege (required to use travel modes)

Zonal Statistics (Summarize Raster Within in Map Viewer Classic)

ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online


Zonal Statistics as Table

Find locations tools

The following table summarizes the licensing requirements for tools in the Find locations category:

ToolUser type extensionsAdditional privileges

Find by Attributes and Location (Find Existing Locations and Derive New Locations in Map Viewer Classic)



Find Centroids

Find Similar Locations

Create Viewshed

Create Watersheds

Trace Downstream

Choose Best Facilities


Network Analysis privilege

Locate Regions

ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online


Enrich data tools

The following table summarizes the licensing requirements for the tool in the Enrich data category:

ToolUser type extensionsAdditional privileges

Enrich Layer


GeoEnrichment privilege

Network Analysis privilege (required to use travel modes)

Analyze patterns tools

The following table summarizes the licensing requirements for tools in the Analyze patterns category:

ToolUser type extensionsAdditional privileges

Calculate Density



Find Point Clusters

Interpolate Points

Calculate Composite Index

Find Hot Spots


GeoEnrichment privilege (required to use Esri population data)

Find Outliers

Calculate Density (raster analysis)

ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online


Interpolate Points (raster analysis)

Use proximity tools

The following table summarizes the licensing requirements for tools in the Use proximity category:

ToolUser type extensionsAdditional privileges

Create Buffers



Distance Accumulation

ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online


Distance Allocation

Optimal Path as Line

Optimal Path as Raster

Optimal Region Connections

Generate Travel Areas (Create Drive-Time Areas in Map Viewer Classic)


Network Analysis privilege

Plan Routes

Find Closest (Find Nearest in Map Viewer Classic)


Network Analysis privilege (required to use travel modes)

Calculate Travel Cost (Connect Origins to Destinations in Map Viewer Classic)

Manage data tools

The following table summarizes the licensing requirements for tools in the Manage data category:

ToolUser type extensionsAdditional privileges

Extract Raster (available in Map Viewer Classic)

ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online


Remap Values (available in Map Viewer Classic)

Convert Feature to Raster

Convert Raster to Feature



Dissolve Boundaries



Extract Data

Generate Tessellations

Merge Layers

Overlay Layers

Analyze terrain tools

The following table summarizes the licensing requirements for tools in the Analyze terrain category:

ToolUser type extensionsAdditional privileges

Derive Continuous Flow

ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online


Derive Stream As Line

Derive Stream As Raster


Flow Accumulation

Flow Direction

Flow Distance

Geodesic Viewshed (Create Viewshed in Map Viewer Classic)

Stream Link

Surface Parameters


Use deep learning tools

The following table summarizes the licensing requirements for tools in the Use deep learning category:

Use multidimensional analysis tools

The following table summarizes the licensing requirements for tools in the Use multidimensional analysis category:


Use the following resources to learn more: