Layer properties tab


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The Layer properties tab is used to manage settings for ArcGIS for Microsoft 365 map layers. See Layers to learn about the different layer types that can be added to a map.

To customize the properties of layers on your map, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Layers pane, click the Layer properties tab Layer properties.
  2. Choose the layer to modify from the Active layer drop-down menu.

    Not all layer types have properties that can be managed or updated. When a layer property is unavailable, it is not shown on the Layer properties tab.

  3. Optionally do any of the following:
    • Expand the Feature information category to manage the fields in this layer to be shown or hidden in the Feature information pane.
    • Expand the Layer visible range category to set the maximum and minimum zoom levels for this layer.
    • Expand the Labels category to manage and configure the label settings for this layer.
    • Expand the Layer transparency category to change how transparent or opaque the layer is on the map.
    • Expand the Layer refresh category to manage the automatic layer refresh settings and optionally configure a refresh interval.
  4. When you complete configuration, continue styling the layer or click Close Close to close the Layers pane and view your changes to the layer settings.

Layer properties options

On the Layer properties tab, expand any of the categories to update the settings.

The following categories and options are available on the Layer properties tab:


Layer visible range

To set the maximum and minimum zoom levels for layer visibility, drag one or both handles of the slider.

You can use labels such as Country, City, and Building when choosing the best zoom levels. To set a more precise scale, click the drop-down arrows and choose a predefined zoom level. The arrow on the slider indicates the current zoom level of the map.

As you drag the handle along the slider, a thumbnail map shows the zoom level on hover.

Feature information

  • Select a Title field option from the drop-down menu. This field is displayed at the top of the list of data values in the Feature information pane.
  • Select which fields to show in the Feature information pane from the second (unlabeled) drop-down menu.


  • Turn on the Show labels toggle button. The label configuration options become active. The options available may differ based on the selected layer type.
  • Select a Title field option from the drop-down menu.
  • Specify the label's Font configurations, including font family, point size, font color, and emphasis settings.
  • Specify the label's Placement option relative to the feature's location.
  • Turn on the Enable halo toggle button to add a halo outline around the text and optionally specify the halo color and size in pixels.
  • Set the Visible range value to set a minimum and maximum label visibility. Drag the slider handles outward to expand the range or inward to lower it. The scale identifier arrow and label below the slider, such as Country or Building, indicates the current zoom level. To set a more precise scale, click the scale identifier and choose a zoom level from the drop-down menu.
  • Turn off the Show labels toggle button to remove labels from the selected active layer.

The labels on the map immediately update as you make your changes.

Layer transparency

Adjust the position of the slider handles to change how the transparency gradient is applied. You can also click the numeric values next to the slider handles and type the values.

Adjust the percentage of transparency for the high and low ends of the ramp. Zero percent transparency is a solid color (fully opaque).

Layer refresh

  • Turn on the Automatically refresh layer toggle button.
  • Type a time interval in the text box or use the arrows to increase or decrease the time interval. Specify the time interval in minutes, from 6 seconds to 24 hours. For example, 6 seconds is represented as 0.1 minute; 1 day (24 hours) is represented as 1440 minutes.

In this topic
  1. Layer properties options