Share a map-enabled report


Some workflows may require specific privileges. For more information about user types, roles, and privileges, see the Accounts topic.

After you create a map-enabled report in ArcGIS for Power BI, you can share it with your colleagues. See Content sharing to learn general information about sharing ArcGIS content.

Your colleagues will see the map-enabled report as you designed and saved it. If you created a map using Microsoft Power BI data and publicly shared ArcGIS content, any user can view and interact with the map and other visualizations in the report. If the map contains proprietary ArcGIS content, recipients must sign in to a valid ArcGIS account to view the map.

To share a map-enabled report, do one of the following:

  • Share the .pbix file with your colleagues to open in Microsoft Power BI.
  • Publish the report to the Microsoft Power BI service (

You can also publish the report to the web or embed the report in a web location, which requires additional Microsoft and ArcGIS user privileges.