Use the tooltips function


Some workflows may require specific privileges. For more information about user types, roles, and privileges, see the Accounts topic.

You can configure tooltips in ArcGIS for Power BI to display selected attributes about the active layer on a map. See Layers to learn general information about layers.


You can also use ArcGIS for Power BI maps in a Microsoft tooltip. You need to create, enable, and configure a map-based report tooltip page. See the Microsoft Create tooltips based on report pages article for more information.

To use the tooltips function, complete the following steps:

  1. Add a data layer to an ArcGIS for Power BI map.
  2. With the ArcGIS for Power BI visual active in Power BI, drag an attribute from the Data pane to the Tooltips field well on the Visualizations > Build visual tab.

    The Tooltips field well containing attributes

  3. To change the order in which tooltips appear on the map, drag an attribute to a new position in the Tooltips field well.
  4. Save the report.
  5. To view a tooltip, hover over a location on a data layer.

    The tooltip appears with information about the location in the order you placed it in the field well.

    Tooltip on an ArcGIS for Power BI map

  6. You can configure the text and background format for tooltips on the Visualizations > Format visual > General tab in the Tooltips section. See Manage map visualization and data settings for more information.

    Tooltips options in the Visualizations pane