Select objects

This 2019.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

One of the most basic actions when working in CityEngine is to select one or multiple scene objects and perform an action on them. When you select objects with the Selection (Q) tool Selection tool, you identify the objects to which you want to apply an action or operation.

  • You can select objects in the Viewport, Scene Editor or Select menu. When selecting objects in the viewport, they get highlighted in the Scene Editor as well and vice versa.
  • Selected objects are highlighted light blue / light grey.
  • Objects that are part of a layer that is locked or set invisible are not selectable.
  • Activating Isolation mode ( I ) and altering scene object type visibility (viewport menu) do not affect the current selection.
  • Map layers can be selected in the Scene Editor only.

Select in Viewport

The Selection (Q) tool Selection tool offers different methods to select objects:

Left click

Selects an individual object. On an already selected object components are selected (faces, edges, or vertices).

Double click

Selects and frames an individual object.

Left-to-right selection rectangle

Selects objects or components that are fully inside the selection rectangle. Map layers are not added to the selection.

Right-to-left selection rectangle

Selects objects that intersect with the selection rectangle. Map layers are not added to the selection.

These selection methods can be combined with modifiers:

Shift+Left click

Add to existing selection

Ctrl+Left click (Mac: Cmd)

Deselects a selected or adds an unselected object to selection

Ctrl+Shift+Left click (Mac:Cmd+Shift)

Remove objects from an existing selection. Unselected objects are not added to the selection. This feature is especially handy when selecting using a selection box.

Right click in the Viewport offers a subset of selection methods that are described below under the Select menu.

Select in Scene Editor

Tthe following options are available to perform selections in the Scene Editor:

Left click

  • On a layer / group layer: selects the layer, but does not select the scene objects inside.
  • On a scene object: selects individual object, deselects already selected objects.

Double click

  • On a layer / group layer: has no effect.
  • On a scene object: select and frame individual object.

Shift+Left click

Add to selection, in lists: add adjacent objects.

Ctrl+Left click (Mac: Cmd)

Deselects a selected or adds an unselected object to the selection.

Select main menu

The Select menu provides methods to grow a current selection you made in the Scene Editor or in the Viewport.

Select All, Deselect All, Invert Selection

  • In this case "All" means scene objects that are not locked and with visibility = true. Map layers are not included.
  • Select all and deselect all can also be triggered using the shortcuts Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Shift+A (Mac: Cmd + A; Cmd+Shift+A).

Select Objects in Same Layer

All objects in the same layer(s) are selected.

Select Objects by Map Layer

See May Layers for details.

Select Objects in Same Layer Group

All objects in the same layer group(s) are selected.

Select Objects of Same Type

Selects all objects with the same type(s) as the current selection.

Select Objects of Same Group

Selects all objects belonging to the same group as the objects in the source selection. For example, if the source selection contains a block, the resulting selection will contain the block and the block's shapes.

Select Objects with Same Rule File

Selects all objects having assigned a rule file that is present in the source selection.

Select Objects with Same Start Rule

Selects all objects having a start rule that is present in the source selection.

Select Continuous Graph Objects

This method can be used to select graph segments that are continuous, e.g. if they together define one street. The search for continued segments starts at the source selection.

Multi selections and lead selection

When you create multi selections you might have noticed that the highlight color of one selected object is slightly different to the rest. This object is called the "lead selection". The lead selection is used for operations where additional information is needed. For example the subtract tool uses the lead selection to determine whether object A shall be subtracted from B or B from A.

  • Typically the last object selected becomes the lead selection.
  • The lead selection is marked with a slightly brighter selection color.
  • To change the lead selection in an existing selection, use Shift+Click in the Viewport.

Save and load selections

Over the course of a project it is likely that there are selections that you will use repeatedly. In order to have an easy access to frequently used selections, you can store and retrieve selections through the Select menu.

  • Selection sets use an internal identifier to reference the selected objects. Therefore, previously created selection sets do not break when you rename objects.
  • When deleting a selection set the objects within don't get deleted.
  • When loading a selection set, objects that have been deleted in the meantime are ignored.

Save Selection Set As...

Saves a selection.

Apply Selection Set

Loads a selection set.

Edit Selection Sets...

To rename, reorder, or remove saved selections.

Isolate selection

When working with large scenes, it is often useful to hide objects temporarily in order to declutter the scene. To do this, use the Isolate (I) button Isolate in the Viewport.

  1. Select the object to isolate.
  2. Click the Isolate (I) button Isolate to remove all other models in the scene.

    Modify the isolated objects. You can also change the selection

  3. Click the Isolate button Isolate again to reveal all (according to visibility settings in the Scene Editor) models in the scene.

Isolate selection toggle button; isolated object in the Viewport