Manage projects

This 2019.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

In CityEngine all the files associated to a given scene or group of scenes are organized in a project. A project is a collection of folders for the following different file types:

  • assets: This is the default location for 3D models and textures that are used by CGA.
  • data: Use this folder to store mass models (as grouped ".obj" or ".dxf" files), for example. Dashboard configuration files for each scene and elevation delta files for each layer are also stored in this folder. If you have other project related resources such as artwork and sketches, place them into the data folder as well.
  • images: Additional imagery like Viewport snapshots are stored here.
  • maps: This folder contains the image maps used by the map layers. For example, a height- or obstacle-map is stored here. Downloaded data from Get Map Data is stored in this folder.
  • models: This folder is the default location for exported 3D models.
  • rules: This folder contains CGA shape grammar rule files (.cga). Double click on a CGA file to open the file in the CGA Editor.
  • scenes: CityEngine scene files (.cej) are stored here. Double click a scene file to close the current scene (if any) and open the newly selected scene.
  • scripts: This folder contains Python scripts (.py).

It is not recommended to delete or rename the default folders mentioned above. You can add folders on the root level or put your additional material in the data folder.

 Create a project

You can create projects, scenes, folders, and files using the following options in CityEngine:

  • Click File > New.
  • Right-click the Navigator and select New.
  • Press Ctrl + N.

After the wizard opens, do the following:

  1. Click CityEngine project inside the CityEngine folder.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Enter project name.
  4. Use the Use default location or click Browse to select a different location.
  5. Click Finish.

    The Navigator displays the new project.

Importing an existing project into a workspace

For unzipped or zipped projects do the following:

  1. Click File > Import/Link Project Folder into Workspace... or Import Zipped Project Workspace....
  2. Select root folder of project to import.
  3. Click Finish.

Import options

You can choose among the following import options for importing:

  • Select root directory — Root directory in the file system to start scanning for projects to import. Type in the full path or Browse to select the path on the file system.
  • Select archive file — Archive (zip) file to scan for projects to import. Type in the full path or Browse to select the archive on the file system.
  • Copy projects into workspace — When selected this will cause the imported project to be copied into the current workspace. If this option is not selected, the project content will be linked into the workspace. This option is not available for zipped projects.

    It is recommended to always turn on the option Copy projects into workspace. Exceptions are limited storage space or collaborative work environments.

  • Add project to working sets — Add imported project to the user defined working sets.

Create a new scene

To create a new scene in CityEngine, do one of the following:

  • Click File > New in the main menu.
  • Right-click the Navigator and select New.
  • Press Ctrl + N.

After the wizard opens, do the following:

  1. Click CityEngine scene inside the CityEngine folder.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Select the project folder.
  4. Enter a file name.
  5. Use the default coordinate system or choose a one by clicking Choose.
  6. Click Finish.

    The scene is added to the project in Navigator.


Alternatively, right-click the project folder in Navigator and select New > CityEngine scene.