Import DXF (Autocad)

This 2019.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

AutoCAD DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) is a legacy format originating in the CAD industry to exchange 2D vector data. CityEngine imports the following entity types for DXF:

  • as shapes: Circle, LwPolyline (must be closed), Polyline (must be either closed or polyface mesh) and Insert.
  • as graph segments: Line, Arc, Circle, Polyline, LwPolyline and Insert.

The importer allows you to browse layers and individual entities contained in the DXF file. One can select the entities to import by using drag and drop.

Import settings

DXF import has the following options:



Press Browse to open a dialog to select a .dxf file to import.

After opening a file, the DXF entities are automatically classified as graph segment or shape and moved to the containers on the right.


In the x- and y- offset fields, one can specify an offset in order to translate the data before importing. This can be useful to center the imported data and to avoid floating point precision problems. By pressing the Center button, the offset of the selected DXF entities is automatically computed.


When changing the set of objects in the entity listings, the offset may also change. Therefore, it may be necessary to press Center again.


A scale factor that is applied to the selected entities.

Entity Listings

In the container on the left side all entities contained in the DXF file are listed. Entities that can be imported as shapes can be moved to the container bottom right. All entities in this container are imported as shapes. Entities can be moved between and inside containers by using drag and drop.


Each entity is marked with an icon on the left side, indicating if this entity can be imported as graph segment, shape, or both.

  • Graph only
  • Shape only
  • Graph or shape
  • Entity cannot be imported

To delete entities on the right side press Del.

Graph settings

Run Generate Bridges Tool after Import

If enabled, the Generate Bridges Tool is executed on a following wizard page.

Run Simplify Graph Tool after Import

If enabled, the Simplify Graph Tool is executed on a following wizard page.

Run Graph Cleanup Tool after Import

Depending on the DXF data it may be necessary to cleanup the graph segments after import. If enabled, the graph cleanup tool is executed on a following wizard page.

Create Street/Intersection Shapes from Graph

If enabled, the shape creation parameter of the graph nodes and segments will be enabled and street shapes are created.

Create Block/Lot Shapes from Graph

If enabled, the shape creation parameter of potentially created street blocks will be enabled and shapes are created.


Presets can be saved and applied.