Essential shape operations overview

This 2019.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Shape operations are the actions that you can apply to shapes. Below is a list of essential operations with descriptions.

  • You can find a list of all available operations in the CGA reference.


Extrudes the input shape to a given height.

Lot --> extrude(13) Mass


Used to place, orient, and size the scope and geometry.

Mass --> s('0.75, '1, '0.75)

Component split

Splits a shape into its sub-components, for example, a volume into its faces.

Block --> comp(f) { side : Facade | top : Roof. }

Subdivision split

Splits a geometry along scope-axes.

Facade --> split(y) { 1 : Facade. | ~3 : Floor  | 1 : Facade. }*
Floor  --> split(x) { 1 : Floor.  | ~2 : Window | 1 : Floor.  }*

Insert assets

Loads an asset and inserts it in the current scope.

Window --> i("window.obj")