The Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) shape grammar of CityEngine is a unique programming language that you can specify to generate architectural 3D content. You can use grammar-based modeling to define rules, or CGA rules, within CityEngine that iteratively refine a design by creating more and more detail. CGA rules operate on shapes which consist of a geometry in a locally oriented bounding-box (the so-called scope). The following rule derivation illustrates the process: on the left side the start shape is shown and on the right side the resulting generated model is displayed.

Geometry creation
Geometry subdivision
Geometry manipulation
Flow control
Shape attributes
comp | initialShape | material | pivot | scope | seedian | split | trim
Built-in functions
Functions always return a value and do not alter the current shape (with the exception of probability functions which change the state of the shape's random number generator).
Math functions
abs | acos | asin | atan | atan2 | ceil | cos | exp | floor | isinf | isnan | ln | log10 | pow | rint | sin | sqrt | tan
Probability functions
Conversion functions
String functions
count | find | len | splitString | substring
Geometry functions
geometry.angle |geometry.area | geometry.boundaryLength | geometry.{du|dv} | geometry.height | geometry.isClosedSurface | geometry.isConcave | geometry.isInstanced | geometry.isOriented | geometry.isPlanar | geometry.isRectangular | geometry.nEdges | geometry.nFaces | geometry.nHoles | geometry.nVertices | geometry.{uMin|uMax|vMin|vMax} | geometry.volume
File functions
Asset and image functions
assetInfo | assetNamingInfo | assetsSortRatio | assetsSortSize | imageInfo | imagesSortRatio
Occlusion functions
Context functions
Array functions
comp | index | item operator | size
Edge attribute functions
Miscellaneous functions
convert | getGeoCoord | getTreeKey | print | Simple types of operators
Other keywords
CGA utility functions library
String utility functions
findFirst | findLast | getPrefix | getRange | getSuffix | replace
String list utility functions
listAdd | listClean | listCount | listFirst | listIndex | listItem | listLast | listRandom | listRange | listRemove | listRemoveAll | listRetainAll | listSize | listTerminate
File, asset and image utility functions
assetApproxRatio | assetApproxSize | assetBestRatio | assetBestSize | AssetFitSize | fileBaseName | fileDirectory | fileExtension | fileName | fileRandom | imageApproxRatio | imageBestRatio
Match utility functions
Color utility functions
colorHexToB | colorHexToG | colorHexToH | colorHexToO | colorHexToR | colorHexToS | colorHexToV | colorHSVToHex | colorHSVOToHex | colorRamp | colorRGBToHex | colorRGBOToHex
Miscellaneous information
CGA changelog | Annotations | Asset search | Built-in assets | Context and occlusion queries | Euler angles | Texturing