See what's new and improved in the June 2023 release. Highlights are provided below, and additional details can be found in the release notes for each ArcGIS solution.
New solutions
3D Buildings3D Buildings can be used to author and maintain 3D content for an organization.
Adopt-A-HydrantAdopt-A-Hydrant can be used to operate hydrant adoption programs that allow volunteers to adopt hydrants and keep them free from obstructions like snow or vegetation.
Adopt-A-TreeAdopt-A-Tree can be used to operate tree adoption programs that allow volunteers to adopt and care for the community's trees.
Bridge InventoryBridge Inventory can be used to develop a bridge inventory and inform stakeholders.
Combined Sewer Data ManagementCombined Sewer Data Management can be used to map combined sewer assets, edit data, view system maps in the field and office, view asset reports, and collaborate with map notes.
Communications Service AvailabilityCommunications Service Availability can be used to share service availability with prospective customers and help staff understand customer interest.
Geonames LocatorGeonames Locator can be used by intelligence groups within military and service organizations to define a glossary of local nomenclature for named places.
Irrigation System Data ManagementIrrigation System Data Management can be used to map irrigation system assets, edit data, view system maps in the field and office, view asset reports, and collaborate with map notes.
Parks and Grounds ManagementParks and Grounds Management can be used to inventory assets, understand asset condition, and communicate changing asset conditions that impact services.
Railroad Crossing InventoryRailroad Crossing Inventory can be used to develop a railroad crossing inventory and inform stakeholders.
Tax Parcel Data ManagementTax Parcel Data Management can be used to develop an inventory of tax parcels from record information and share this information with internal and external stakeholders.
Water Utility Service InterruptionsWater Utility Service Interruptions can be used to inform customers and stakeholders about water service interruptions.
Enhanced solutions
Adopt-A-Stop- A new Adopt-A-Stop site used by the general public to learn how they get involved in the Adopt-A-Stop program.
- A new Adopt-A-Stop app used by volunteers to adopt stops and report that they are clean of litter.
- A new Adopt-A-Stop Manager app used by volunteer coordinators to review volunteer applications, update stop adoption details, and triage reports from the public.
- A new Adopt-A-Stop Dashboard app used by volunteer coordinators to track the effectiveness of the Adopt-A-Stop program and response to rider reports.
- A new Fire Hydrant Inspections map that can be used with ArcGIS Field Maps.
- A new Fire Hydrant Inspections Dashboard.
- A new Fire Hydrant Inspections Notebook.
- A new Fire Hydrant Operability layer.
- A new Public Notification app using the Public Notification Instant Apps.
- A new Recreation Information Manager app to help create and update recreation information shared with the public.
- A new ParksGroundsAssets feature layer to help share recreation information with the public.
- A new Closures feature layer to help share closure information with the public.
- Removed the Recreation Inventory app.
- Removed the Recreation Closure Manager app.
- Added support for planting areas
- A new Tree Editor app used by arborists to add or update trees and planting areas
- Added a tree species roster that can be used by organizations to manage an approved tree species roster by common name, family, genus, species, and cultivar
- A new Species Roster Notebook app used by GIS technicians to update contingent and domain values on the Trees feature layer
- A new 3D Tree Notebook app used by GIS technicians to create and update a scene layer used to visualize trees in 3D