What's New in March 2024

See what's new and improved in the March 2024 release. Highlights are provided below, and additional details can be found in the release notes for each ArcGIS solution.

New solutions

Solar Site Data Management

Solar Site Data Management can be used to map solar sites, edit data, view site maps in the field and office, view asset reports and collaborate with map notes.

Enhanced solutions

Community Health Outreach
  • The Health Resource Inventory app and Health Resource Locator app have been updated to use ArcGIS Instant Apps instead of ArcGIS Web AppBuilder.
  • The Healthy Communities ArcGIS Hub site has been updated to remove Healthy Communities Pledge, Healthy Community Outreach Volunteers, and Health Resource Feedback.
  • The Community Health Volunteer Manager app has been removed from the solution because volunteering capabilities are no longer included.
  • The AddictionFacilities, HealthcareFacilities, HomelessnessServices, MedicalFacilities, MentalHealthFacilities, and PublicHealthFacilities layers and views have been updated to include SVG symbology and a new schema that supports the visualization of operating hours.
Fire Incident Dashboard
  • The Fire Incident Dashboard app has been updated to include new gauge and text elements.
  • The Fire Incident Dashboard map has been updated to include new layer properties and to add support for the updated Fire Incident Dashboard app.
  • The FireIncidents layer and views have been updated to include field name descriptions and a new enroutedate field.