Learn more about any general improvements, lifecycle changes, and issues addressed in this ArcGIS Solutions release.
General improvements
Adopt-A-Road- The Adopt-A-Road Manager app has been updated to use ArcGIS Instant Apps.
- The Road Volunteer Notebook app has been updated with a new notebook runtime.
- A new Adopt-A-Road web map replaces the Roads and Volunteers web maps.
- The Adopt-A-Tree Manager app has been updated to use ArcGIS Instant Apps.
- The Tree Volunteer Notebook app has been updated with a new notebook runtime.
- A new Adopt-A-Tree web map replaces the Trees and Volunteers web maps.
- The Community Risk Assessment, Community Risk Reduction Activity Reporter, Community Risk Manager, and Community Risk Reduction Outcomes Dashboard web maps and apps have been updated to replace a deprecated Social Vulnerability Index data source with a new version.
- A new Crime Reduction Statistics ArcGIS Pro project resolves an issue in the Generate Incident Statistics tool where summary statistics did not account for the extra day in a leap year.
- The Emergency Information Manager app has been updated to allow editing of evacuation routes.
- The Incident Status Dashboard app has been updated with minor theme enhancements. A new group has been added to share the dashboard and all related feature layer views with appropriate stakeholders.
- The Emergency Management Information ArcGIS Hub site has been updated to remove the Notices and Evacuations app.
- A new Fire Accreditation Analysis ArcGIS Pro project has been updated to replace a deprecated Social Vulnerability Index data source with a new version.
- The sample data has been updated to resolve outdated values for travel attributes in the Network Dataset properties.
- A new Event Operations Planner app supports web tool updates and resolves an issue where road closures could not be created if values in the eventid field exceeded 50 characters.
- The Create Mission Map notebook and web tool have been updated to resolve an issue where the SpecialEvents_approved and RoadClosures_events view layers were not filtering.
- The Batch Staff Loading notebook and web tool have been updated to import event staff from a spreadsheet into existing staffing posts features that share the same value in the unitid field.
- The Watch Alerts Monitor dashboard has been updated to enable filtering by map extent and other attributes.
- The Watch Center ArcGIS Experience Builder app has been updated to include a feature report widget for printing hard-copy watch reports.
- The Watch Center real-time analytic has been updated to prevent the occurrence of duplicate alerts when a critical alert occurs within a watch area. As a result, each of the following items has received a new version due to a dependency on the spatiotemporal feature layer created by this real-time analytic:
- Create Watch Alerts big data analytic
- Watch Alert Statistics dashboard
- Watch Alerts web map
- Watch Alerts Monitor web map
Before deploying a new version of Watch Center, review the Update Watch Center help topic.
- The Water Utility Network Expanded solution item includes the following enhancements:
- The rules have been adjusted to improve utility network connectivity.
- Pump and Service Meter asset groups have been added to WaterJunctionObjects for nonspatial representation.
- The Treatment Plant, Interconnect, and Intake asset types have been separated into their own asset groups to allow field definitions and cartographic options at the subtype layer.
- The data dictionary details have been updated to provide comprehensive information.
- The Water Utility Network Essentials solution item includes the following enhancements:
- The field display order has been adjusted to ensure that data displays correctly.
- The rules have been adjusted to improve utility network connectivity.
- A service meter has been added to WaterJunctionObjects for nonspatial representation.
- Data Reviewer cutback rules now include a filter to evaluate water mains for relevance.
- The Treatment Plant, Interconnect, and Intake asset types have been separated into their own asset groups to allow field definitions and cartographic options at the subtype layer.
- The symbology for Service Valve / Backflow Valve has been modified to enhance visual representation.
- Descriptions for group templates have been added to provide clearer editing guidance.
- The data dictionary details have been updated to provide comprehensive information.
Lifecycle changes
Help documentation for solutions moved to the Mature lifecycle phase can be found on the Archived help page.
- Community Health Assessment has been moved to the Mature lifecycle phase. Capabilities have been replaced with Rapid Needs Assessment.
- Invasive Pest Inspections has been moved to the Mature lifecycle phase. Capabilities have been replaced with Invasive Pest Management.
- Parcel Drafter has been moved to the Mature lifecycle phase.
- Walkout Survey has been moved to the Mature lifecycle phase.