Monitor item usage

For item owners and administrators, the Usage tab of the item page provides details about how often an item is used, which helps you gauge its popularity. Usage details show the number of times the item has been used for the time period you select (up to a year).

Depending on the item type, usage details can include the number of views, requests, or downloads, and the average number of views, requests, or downloads per day.


Administrators can access additional usage information on the Status tab of the organization page.

The Data updated date that is present on the Overview tab of a hosted feature layer, hosted feature layer view, or hosted table layer item page allows you to keep track of when the layer contents were last edited—features or rows added or deleted or attribute values updated. This date is also present on the sublayer pages in multilayer hosted feature layers. The Data updated date updates when you enable editing on the feature layer.

If usage information indicates that no one is using an item, first review the item’s details to determine if enough information is provided for the item to help people find it. Also determine if the item is shared with the correct audience. If you update the information for the item and it still isn’t used, you can mark it as deprecated as a first step before eventually deleting the item.


ArcGIS Online stores usage data for the past two years only.


Views refers to the number of times the item has been viewed or opened. This gives the item owner and administrators an idea of how often the item is accessed. A view count is provided for a variety of item types, including the following:

  • Maps
  • Scenes
  • ArcGIS Server web layers
  • Apps
  • Tools
  • KML files

For maps, scenes, ArcGIS Server layers, and web apps, the view count is increased by one when you open the item page or open the item in Map Viewer or Scene Viewer. For example, if you open the item page for a map image layer and click Open in Map Viewer, the count increases by two. For other items—such as mobile apps and KML—the view count is increased by one when you open the item; the count does not increase when you open the item page.

  • The view count displayed on the Overview tab of the item page represents cumulative views since the item was created. The view count shown on the Usage tab indicates the time period selected.
  • The number of views displayed in search results may be smaller than the number listed on the item page. The item page has the more accurate number.


For hosted web layers (feature, imagery, tile, and scene), the number of requests, rather than views, is provided on the Usage tab. Requests refers to the number of times a request is made for the data in a hosted web layer. This gives the item owner and administrators an idea of how much the layer is used. For example, a user may open an app that contains a hosted feature layer. Opening the app counts as one view, but multiple requests may be necessary to draw all the features in the hosted layer and are counted individually.


For downloadable file item types such as CSV and shapefiles, the number of downloads is displayed. For registered apps, the Usage tab also displays the number of times users have signed in to the app. Apps that allow access to subscriber content through the organization subscription show usage by credits. You can change the time frame for the credit usage reporting period.

In this topic
  2. Requests