Configure app items

In addition to registering the apps that you add to the organization, you can configure properties and settings for app items.

Define app properties

Define the app's properties to help people understand what type of app you shared with them and how they can use it.

Follow these steps to define properties for an app item:

  1. Sign in to the organization as the item owner or an administrator.
  2. Open the item page and click the Settings tab.
  3. For web mapping, mobile, or desktop app templates, specify one of the following purposes:
    • Ready To Use—Choose this option if this is not an app template and if there are no configuration options present in the app.
    • Configurable—Choose this option if you are adding a configurable app template. After you save the app item's settings, you can add configuration parameters.
    • Self-configurable—Use this option to deploy an app using an internal app builder.
    • Code sample—If the purpose of the app is to provide an example that others can use to create their own apps, choose Code sample and attach the code to the app item.
  4. For desktop apps, specify the platform of the app.
  5. If the app is a configurable app template, choose JavaScript from the API drop-down list.

    Other API options and the SDK options present for mobile apps are deprecated properties, but they have not been removed because existing app items have these properties set. You do not need to set them for new apps other than configurable app templates.

  6. Click Save.

Share app code

You can attach code (as a .zip file) to your app items. This allows you to provide access to the app's source code when you share a sample or a configurable app.

Follow these steps to add a code sample file to the app item:

  1. Sign in to the organization as the item owner or an administrator.
  2. Open the item page and click the Settings tab.
  3. Click Attach Code and upload a .zip file containing the code sample.
  4. Click Save.

To update a code attachment without resetting the download counter on the item, click Update Code and upload a .zip file with the same name as the original .zip file. To attach a new file, first click Remove to delete the existing file and repeat the steps above to attach a new file. Deleting the existing file and adding a new one resets the download count on the item.

Edit the app URL

If the URL changes for a web mapping, mobile, or application extension app that you added to your organization, you can update the app item's URL to point the app item to the new URL.

Follow these steps to update the URL for an app item:

  1. Sign in to the organization as the item owner or an administrator.
  2. Open the item page and click the Settings tab.
  3. Type or paste the new app URL into the URL field.
  4. Click Save.

Disable other users' ability to make a copy of an app

The organization members with whom you share an app created using ArcGIS Instant Apps can make a copy of your app. The app item that is created in their content initially references the same map or scene and layers that your app does and has the same properties as your app, but the user can change all those settings on their copy without affecting your app.

As the owner of an app or as the organization administrator, you can prevent other users from creating copies of the app.

Follow these steps to prevent other users from creating a copy of your app:

  1. Sign in to the organization as the item owner or an administrator.
  2. Open the item page and click the Settings tab.
  3. Uncheck the box next to the Allow others in your organization to save a copy of this item option.
  4. Click Save.

Manage credentials for registered apps

You can manage the developer credentials that you included when you added the app to the organization.

From the Settings tab of the app's item page, you can manage the following:

  • Reset the app secret.

    Resetting the app secret invalidates all existing app tokens and API keys issued for the app. Apps configured with the secret may need to be updated.

  • Copy or renew the temporary app token.
  • Unregister the app.
  • Alter the privileges that the app is granted.

    If the credential item did not include personal privileges when it was created, you cannot add them when you edit the credentials. For information about types of privileges, refer to the Security and authentication guide in the Esri developer help.

  • Alter what layers the app can access.
  • Update the URL of the data source for embedded OAuth credentials.
  • Update the redirect URLs for embedded OAuth credentials.
  • Update the referrer URLs for embedded API key credentials.

For information to help you manage credentials, see the following related pages in the Esri Developer help:

To access and alter settings, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to the organization as the owner of the app or an organization administrator.
  2. Open the item page and click the Settings tab.
  3. Scroll to the Application section and make the change that you require.
  4. Click Save after each change that you make to the settings.


    Changing more than one setting at a time before you save may result in some settings not being saved.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as needed.