Add a data pipeline

A data pipeline item stores the definition of a workflow that you use in ArcGIS Data Pipelines to read data, prepare it, and create an output layer.

You can create a data pipeline from the Data Pipelines gallery page. Alternatively, you can create an empty data pipeline item from the My content tab of the Content page in ArcGIS Online. Once the item exists in My content, you can open it in the Data Pipelines editor to build a data preparation workflow.

The role assigned to your account must have the following privileges, at minimum, to create a data pipeline item in ArcGIS Online:

  • Create and run data pipelines
  • Create, update, delete (content)
  • Publish hosted feature layers

To add a data pipeline item from My content, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your organization.
  2. On the My content tab of the content page, click New item.
  3. Click Data pipeline.
  4. In the Title field, provide a name for the data pipeline.
  5. Choose a folder in My content where you want to save the item.

    Alternatively, you can choose Create new folder from the menu and type a folder name to save the item in a new folder.

    Folder names cannot contain 4-byte Unicode characters.

  6. If the organization administrator has configured content categories, click Assign Category and choose up to 20 categories to help people find the item.

    You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow the list of categories.

  7. Optionally, type tags that describe the item.

    Separate the terms with commas (for example, Federal land is considered one tag, and Federal, land is considered two tags).

    As you type, you can choose any of the suggested tags that appear; suggestions are generated from tags you previously added.

  8. Optionally, provide a summary that describes the item.
  9. Click Save.

The data pipeline item is created, and you are prompted to open the Data Pipelines editor.

To populate the data pipeline now, click Yes to proceed to the Data Pipelines editor. If you will populate the data pipeline at another time, click No.

When you're ready to define the data pipeline workflow, open the data pipeline's item page and click Open in Data Pipelines on the Overview tab.

Consult the ArcGIS Data Pipelines help for instructions to define a data pipeline workflow.