With a subscription to ArcGIS Online, organizations can manage all of their geographic content in a secure, cloud-based Esri environment. If you have the appropriate privileges, you can access a variety of information and generate detailed reports about your ArcGIS Online organization from the Status tab of the organization page. An interactive dashboard provides details about your organization's credit usage, member status and activity, content usage, apps, and groups. You can also create, export, and save detailed reports of your organization's members and items.
Use the dashboard
The status dashboard includes general information about the organization—such as the subscription renewal date and how many credits remain—as well as interactive, detailed usage information. The dashboard is organized into five sections: Credits, Content, Apps, Members, and Groups.
The available information in the dashboard varies according to the section you are viewing. Many of the charts, tables, and lists include interactive drill-down and drill-through capabilities that reveal specific information as you interact with them. For example, in the Content section, you can choose to only see information about the public items your organization has shared. You can also export credit usage data as a .csv file from the Credits section.
ArcGIS Online stores usage data for the past two years only.
To use the status dashboard, do the following:
- Verify that you are signed in to your organization with the appropriate privileges.
- At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Status tab.
- At the top of the page, click Dashboard.
- Click the section tabs (Credits, Content, Apps, Members, and Groups) to access the information you want.
You can quickly see your subscription ID, system health information, subscription renewal date, Feature Data Store information, regional data hosting location, and other information about your subscription on the Overview tab of the organization page. Default administrators can also create an activity report to generate a detailed log of activity in the organization.
Summary charts show credit usage over time and usage by type. Interact with the charts to see detailed information about credit usage. Click a link next to the Credit Utilization Chart for additional details on storage, analytics, subscriber content, and published content. Adjust the time at the top of the app to change the time period. You can see credit usage activity up to the past 12 months. The default is two weeks.
You can get a quick view of your organization's credit breakdown from the Credits card on the Overview tab of the organization page.
To export the usage report as a .csv file, click the Export Usage Data button . The .csv file provides details on your organization's usage of storage, analytics, subscriber content, and published content. The columns are divided based on the time period you've selected. The dates are in UNIX format.
- Storage—Shows the average amount of features, files, tiles, scenes, and vector tiles your organization has stored on ArcGIS Online over the time period you've selected. Status is updated every hour. Click a link next to the chart for additional details.
- Feature Storage—Shows the average amount of space and credits your organization is using to store hosted feature layers. Feature storage includes database storage for the features and file storage for attachments (added to hosted feature layers after July 2, 2014). To store existing attachments as files, republish your hosted feature layers. To see a list of your organization’s hosted feature layers that use storage credits, click Standard Feature Data Store in the feature storage report and click View item details.
- Imagery Storage—Shows the average amount of space and credits your organization is using to store hosted imagery layers, as well the number of images. Imagery storage includes file storage for the image files, and the storage depends on the layer type.
- File Storage—Shows the average amount of space and credits your organization is using to store files.
- Tile Storage—Shows the average amount of space and credits your organization is using to store your organization's hosted tile layers.
- Scene Storage—Shows the average amount of space and credits your organization is using to store your organization's hosted scene layers.
- Vector Tile Storage—Shows the average amount of space and credits your organization is using to store your organization's hosted vector tiles.
- Analytics—Shows information about your organization's usage of analytics. Status is updated approximately every 10 minutes. Click a link next to the chart for additional details.
- Geocoding—Shows the number of address locations that have been matched in the context of hosted feature layers. Unmatched addresses do not count toward your geocode usage.
- Service Areas—Shows the number of service areas, such as drive-time areas, generated by your organization.
- Closest Facility Routes—Shows the number of routes generated by your organization to find nearby locations.
- Multi-Vehicle Routes—Shows the number of routes generated by your organization to optimally assign stops to different vehicles, find the best stop sequence, and route the vehicles to the stops.
- GeoEnrichment—Shows the number of requests and credits your organization has consumed using GeoEnrichment reports, data, infographics, or business searches.
- Simple Routes—Shows the number of routes generated by your organization to visit stops in the sequence provided.
- Spatial Analysis—Shows the usage of spatial analysis tasks by users and apps within your organization.
- Imagery Analysis—Shows the usage of imagery analysis tasks by users and apps within your organization. Raster analysis tools and system raster functions will display the name of the tool or function in the Operation column. Custom raster function templates will display as Custom Raster Function.
- Location-Allocation—Shows the usage of the location-allocation service performed by your organization. The location-allocation service provides developers and ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Desktop users a group of capabilities for performing analytical operations on data hosted by Esri.
- Optimized Routes—Shows the number of routes generated by your organization to visit stops in an optimal sequence.
- Elevation Analysis—Shows the usage of elevation analysis tasks performed by your organization. Elevation Analysis services provide developers and ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Desktop users a group of capabilities for performing analytical operations on data hosted by Esri.
- Feature Reports—Shows the number of features printed in ArcGIS Survey123 feature reports.
- Interactive Notebooks—Shows the number of minutes your organization has used ArcGIS Notebooks using either the Standard, Advanced, or Advanced with GPU runtime.
- Scheduled Notebooks—Shows the number of minutes your organization has used scheduled ArcGIS Notebooks, using either the Standard, Advanced, or Advanced with GPU runtime.
- Interactive Analysis Models (Beta)—Shows the number of credits consumed by connecting to an analysis session in ModelBuilder.
- Subscriber Content—The chart shows usage information about the subscriber content your organization has accessed during the time period you select. Usage information includes total number of requests for the organization and usage information for each member who has accessed the item. All reports show credit usage, but only demographic maps consume credits at this time. Other content lists credits as 0.00 since they do not consume credits. Click the link next to the chart for additional details.
- Demographic Maps—Shows usage information (requests and credits) about the ArcGIS Living Atlas demographic maps published by Esri that your organization has accessed over the time period you selected for your reports.
- Imagery Maps—Shows usage information (requests and credits) about the ArcGIS Living Atlas imagery maps published by Esri that your organization has accessed over the time period you selected for your reports. Imagery maps do not consume credits at this time, so credits is always shown as 0.00.
- Landscape Maps—Shows usage information (requests and credits) about the landscape maps published by Esri that your organization has accessed over the time period you selected for your reports. Landscape maps do not consume credits at this time, so credits is always shown as 0.00.
- Other Subscriber Maps—Shows usage information (requests and credits) about subscriber content that your organization has accessed over the time period you selected for your reports. Subscriber maps do not consume credits, so credits is always shown as 0.00.
- Published Content—The chart shows information on the usage of your organization's tiles and features and your organization's tile generation. You are not charged credits for bandwidth. Status is updated approximately every 10 minutes. Click the link next to the chart for additional details.
- Tile Generation—Shows the number of map image files, or tiles, your organization has created as hosted tile layers.
- Scene Generation—Shows the number of features your organization has created as hosted scene layers.
- Features Usage—Shows the amount of usage (requests) of your published feature content by users and apps within or external to your organization. Calls to get the description in the service directory do not count toward your feature bandwidth.
- Scene Usage—Shows the amount of usage (requests) of your published scene layer content by users and apps within or external to your organization. Calls to get the description in the service directory do not count toward your scene bandwidth.
- Tiles Usage—Shows the amount of usage (requests) of your published tile content by users and apps within or external to your organization. Calls to get the description in the service directory do not count toward your tile bandwidth.
- WFS Usage—Shows the amount of usage (requests) of your published WFS content by users and apps within or external to your organization. Calls to get the description in the service directory do not count toward your WFS bandwidth.
If your organization has opted to show available credits, members can view their credit balance on their profile page.
The Content section shows how members are creating, using, and sharing content. The charts, tables, and map support drill-down interactions that allow you to refine the details. Adjust the time at the top of the app to change the time period. You can see content activity up to the past 12 months. The default is two weeks.
- Content Details—Displays the number of items in the organization into five categories—maps, layers, files, apps, and tools—and summarizes the counts in a bar graph. Select a category to see how many types of that category exist and to view a table with additional details. Click an item name to view a chart with usage details.
- Extent of Content—Displays the geographic extent of all items owned by the organization during the time period.
- Content Summary—Displays the number of new or modified items added to the organization during the time period. Contributors is the number of members who created or modified items during the time period.
- Contributors—Displays the top contributors during the time period and how many contributions each member submitted to the portal.
- Sharing Summary—Displays the distribution of how members are setting share permissions on items during the time period.
- Tags in Items—Displays an ordered list of the tags used in all of the items returned in the current activity report. The tag size is scaled based on the frequency of its use.
- Trending Content—Displays the most frequently viewed items in the organization over the past two weeks.
- Most Popular Content—Displays the top 10 viewed items in the organization since the day the organization was created.
- Total Content—Displays a summary count of the total number of items in the organization. The maximum number of reportable items is 10,000.
The Apps section provides detailed insight into how ArcGIS apps are used in your organization. The activity information includes apps created with app builders such as ArcGIS Instant Apps, ArcGIS Experience Builder, and ArcGIS AppStudio.
- Apps Activity—Displays the number of apps created or modified during the time period.
- Types—Displays how many of those apps are web apps and native apps.
- App Builders—Displays the types of apps created during the time period in a bar graph.
- Sharing Summary—Displays the distribution of sharing permissions for apps during the time period.
- Instant Apps—Displays the number of each app template used to create apps with ArcGIS Instant Apps during the time period.
- Apps with Premium Content Proxy—Displays the number of requests, credits used, and creation date for apps that contain premium content and have been configured to be shared publicly. The report includes the total number of credits consumed since that app proxy was created. When an app proxy is used to provide access to premium content for anonymous users, the anonymous users can consume organizational credits, depending on their usage of the app. In these cases, the consumed credits are reported in the Subscriber Content > Credits report.
- Popular Org Apps—Displays the most popular apps since the day the organization was created.
- Usage of Registered Apps by Org Members—Displays the usage of registered apps by members during the time period. Usage is tracked for apps registered by your organization and other organizations. Select a specific app and member in Usage by App Name and Usage by Member to update the chart with those details.
- Usage by App Name—Displays the usage of a specific app during the time period.
- Usage by Member—Displays the usage of registered apps by a specific member during the time period.
- Usage of ArcGIS Pro by Org Members—Displays the usage hours of ArcGIS Pro by members during the time period. Select a member in Usage by Member to update the chart with those details.
- Usage by Member—Displays the usage of ArcGIS Pro by a specific member during the time period.
Member information helps you understand the status of your organization's members and their activities. The charts, tables, and map support drill-down interactions that allow you to refine the report details. Adjust the time at the top of the app to change the time period. You can see member activity for up to the past 12 months. The default is two weeks.
- Utilization summary and statistics—Displays various usage information
for the selected member for the time period selected. Usage information includes contributions
and collaboration activities, apps used, and credit usage. It also displays the geographic extent of all
items owned by the selected member. To change the member details report, select a different member by clicking Change Member.
To export the member report as a .csv file, click the download button
in the Credit Utilization Activity This Period table. The .csv file provides details on the selected member's usage of analytics, tile generation, subscriber content, and published content. The columns are divided based on the time period you've selected for your reports. The dates are in UNIX format.
- Organization members summary—Displays the distribution of members by user type, the number of accounts assigned, and the number of user types assigned.
The Groups section provides information about active collaborations by members of the organization.
- Groups—Displays the total number of groups in the organization.
- New Groups—Displays the total number of groups created in the organization within the last 30 days.
- Group Owners—Displays the percentage of members who own one or more groups in the organization.
- Group Contributions—Displays the percentage of groups that provide members read and write access. The difference between this value and 100 percent represents the percentage of groups that are read-only.
- Group Access—Displays the distribution of how members can discover and request group membership.
- Group Owners—Displays members who own the most groups within the organization.
- Group Sharing—Displays how groups are shared across the organization.
- Featured Groups—Displays featured groups within the organization, basic information about the groups, and the number of items within each group.
Create and schedule reports
If you have a default administrator role or a custom role with privileges to create and manage administrative reports, you can generate asynchronous reports with details about your ArcGIS Online organization's credits, members, items, and so on. The activity report includes daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly details about all activity in your organization. The credit report includes a detailed breakdown of weekly, monthly, or quarterly credit usage in your organization. The member report includes current details about each member in your organization. The item report includes current details about each item in your organization. The item view count report lists the view count of each item in your organization. The service usage report includes detailed information about weekly, monthly, or quarterly usage data associated with developer credentials in your organization.
To learn more about the different types of organization reports and how to create them in ArcGIS Online, see the Supercharge your ArcGIS Online Organization Management with Reports blog article.
These reports can be exported as .csv files for further analysis and saved as administrative report items in your organization for future reference. You can also schedule some reports to run automatically.
ArcGIS Online stores usage data for the past two years only.
Create a report
To create a single report, do the following:
- Verify that you are signed in to your organization as a default administrator.
- At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Status tab.
- At the top of the page, click Reports.
- Click Create report and click Single report.
- From the Report type drop-down menu, select the type of report you want to create.
- Keep the default report name or give it a custom name by selecting the default name and typing the name you want.
- For activity, credit, item view count, and service usage reports, specify a time period, as follows:
- Select a duration for the reporting period: Day (available for activity reports only), Week, Month, Quarter, or Year (for item view count reports only). You cannot select a current or future duration.
- For a daily report, click the Timeframe box and select a day from the calendar. The report starts at 12:00 a.m. GMT on the day you select.
- For a weekly, monthly, or quarterly report, click the first Timeframe box and select a day in the week, month, or quarter that will be covered in the report. The weekly report starts at 12:00 a.m. GMT on the Monday of the week you selected. The monthly report starts at 12:00 a.m. GMT on the first day of the month you selected. The quarterly report starts at 12:00 a.m. GMT on the first day of the quarter you selected.
- For a yearly report, select the year that will be covered in the report. The report starts at 12:00 a.m. GMT on the first day of the year you selected.
- For a monthly, quarterly, or yearly item view count report, specify how you want the view count to be aggregated.
For example, you can choose Weekly totals or Monthly totals when creating a quarterly report.
- Click Create report.
The report is generated and added to the list of reports on the Reports subtab, where you can find and access it at any time. The report is also saved as an administrative report item in your content.
Find and work with reports
Do any of the following on the Reports subtab to find and work with administrative reports in your organization:
- To find a previously generated report, search for the report by name and apply filters to narrow the report list. Sort the list as desired, such as by owner name.
- To export a report as a .csv file, click the Download button
next to the report listing.
- To rename a report, click the Options button
next to the report listing, type a new name for the report, and click Save.
- To delete a report, click the Options button and click Delete. Click Delete again to confirm.
- To view the item page for an administrative report, click the report title. From the item page, you can add and modify information and settings for the administrative report item and, if you have sharing privileges, you can share it with other members of your organization.
Create a report schedule
Reports can be scheduled to run automatically at a specified cadence—for example, weekly or monthly. To create a report schedule, do the following:
- Verify that you are signed in to your organization as a default administrator.
- On the Reports subtab, click Create report and click Report schedule.
- From the Report type drop-down menu, select the type of report you want to schedule.
- Keep the default report name or give it a custom name by selecting the default name and typing the name you want.
- Select a report frequency.
The available report frequency options (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly) depend on the report type selected. For example, credit reports and service usage reports can only be run weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
- For weekly and monthly item and member reports, select the day you want the report to run.
- For Start date, select a date from the calendar.
Reports are generated automatically beginning on the start date you select. Reports reflect information from the previous day, week, month, quarter, or year, starting at 12:00 a.m. UTC.
- From the End drop-down menu, choose one of the following:
- Never—Reports run automatically until the schedule is deleted.
- On date—Select an end date from the calendar. Reports run automatically until the specified end date.
- After number of reports created—Type a number in the text box. Reports run automatically until the specified number of reports have been generated.
- For a monthly, quarterly, or yearly item view count report, specify how you want the view count to be aggregated. For example, you can choose Weekly totals or Monthly totals when scheduling a quarterly report.
- Click Create schedule.
The report schedule is created.
- Click Scheduled reports on the Reports subtab to view a list of scheduled reports.
- Optionally, click the Options button
next to a scheduled report and choose the appropriate option to pause, resume, edit, delete, or change the owner of the report schedule.
You can only transfer ownership of a report schedule to another default administrator. When you transfer ownership, the schedule is automatically paused and must be resumed to continue running.
Your subscription
ArcGIS Online is based on an annual subscription that offers a set of plans from which you can choose. Each plan includes a number of members and credits. Credits are the currency for ArcGIS Online and are consumed when using certain functions, such as spatial analysis, routing, or geocoding. How you use ArcGIS Online determines the number of service credits you consume.
The remaining number of credits and members is based on the subscription your organization has purchased. Additional members and service credits are available as add-on features of any subscription plan. If you are in the United States, you can add members and credits by upgrading your subscription online, by calling 1-800-447-9778, or by contacting your local Esri office. If you are outside the United States, contact your local Esri office.
If your subscription has expired, you can renew it by contacting your local Esri office. Administrators will have limited access to the organization and its resources until the subscription is renewed. Any content previously shared to the public is still available. Administrators can delete it but cannot edit the details or change the sharing status.