Report fields

Organization reports are a way for administrators to export important information about their organization's members and content. A variety of report types are available to administrators: activity reports, credit reports, member reports, item reports, item view count reports, and service usage reports.


To learn more about the different types of organization reports and how to create them in ArcGIS Online, see the Supercharge your ArcGIS Online Organization Management with Reports blog article.

Activity fields

Activity reports allow you to download a log of all activity in your organization for a specified time period. The following is a table of fields included in an activity report:



The ID of the subject of the action. The ID can refer to any of the following things: Item, Group, User, Custom role, IdP, OIDC provider, Invitation, Registered app, or Collaboration.


The title of the item that was modified by the action. This field will be populated only for Item ID types.


The type the ID belongs to: an Item, Group, User, Custom role, IdP, OIDC provider, Invitation, Registered app, Collaboration, Collaboration workspace, Collaboration participant, or Collaboration workspace participant.


The ID of the ArcGIS organization in which the action took place.


The name of the ArcGIS organization in which the action took place.


The username of the organization member who owns the item. This field will be populated only for Item ID types.


The full name of the organization member who owns the item. This field will be populated only for Item and Group ID types.


The username of the organization member whose activity was logged.


The full name of the organization member whose activity was logged.


The IP address where the action request originated.


The action taken.


The time stamp for the creation of the activity log in UTC format.


The URL of the request.


The ID of the request.


The ID of the app.


The JSON with supplemental information about the activity.

Credit fields

Credit reports allow you to download a detailed breakdown of credit use in your organization in a .csv file. The rows display credit use by service for each organization member as well as storage credit consumption for the organization itself. The following is a table of fields included in a credit report:



The name of the organization.


Specified start time of the reporting period, in epoch time.


Specified end time of the reporting period, in epoch time.

Credits consumed by

Indicates the source of credit usage in the organization. The values in this field can be a username in the organization that uses one or more of these services, a username and appid in the organization for registered apps that consume credits, or the organization name for storage credit use.

App Title

The title of a registered application in your organization. This column will aid in filtering for only credit-consuming applications in your organization.

File Storage

Storage credit cost of all content, excluding hosted feature layers and content in ArcGIS Notebooks.

Tile Storage

Credit cost for tiled imagery storage.

Feature Storage

Credit cost for feature storage, excluding feature attachments, feature collections, features associated with location sharing, and hosted feature layer views.

Scene Storage

Credit cost for scene storage.

Vector Tile Storage

Credit cost for storing published vector tile layers.

Imagery Analysis

Credits used by raster analysis tools or raster functions.

Imagery Storage

Credit cost for storing hosted imagery layers.

Notebook File Storage

Storage of all content in the ArcGIS Notebooks workspace.

To learn more about credit-consuming activities, including credit use in apps, see Credits by capability.

Member fields

Member reports allow you to download data about the members of your organization in a .csv file. The following is a table of fields included in a member report:



The user's ArcGIS Online username.


The user's first and last name.


The email address associated with the user's ArcGIS Online account.

Profile Visibility

The visibility of the user profile: public, account or organization, or private.

My Esri Access

Indicates whether My Esri access is enabled or disabled for the user.

User Type

The user's assigned user type.


The user's assigned role. This can be either a default or a custom role. Account_user and account_publisher refer to the default roles of a user and publisher.

Available Credits

If your organization enables credit budgeting, this field shows the number of credits available to the user out of the total number of credits assigned to them. If your organization does not enable credit budgeting, this field is populated with NaN (not a number).

Assigned Credits

If your organization enables credit budgeting, this field shows the total number of credits assigned to the user. A value of -1 in this field means that the user has unlimited access to credits. If your organization does not enable credit budgeting, this field is populated with NaN (not a number).

Last Login Date

The date the user last signed in to ArcGIS Online. This field is populated with the value 1969-12-31 15:59 if the user has never logged in before.

Date Created

The date the user's ArcGIS Online account was created.

Add-On Apps

The names of add-on apps for which the user is assigned a license. These licenses are in the Licenses section of My Settings for each user.

# of Items Owned

The number of items owned by the user. This number can include items that are not listed in the user's content, such as offline map areas.

# of Groups Owned

The number of groups owned by the user.

# of Groups Total

The number of groups of which the user is a member.

Login Type

The type of login used to sign in to ArcGIS Online—for example, ArcGIS or OIDC (OpenID Connect).

Member Account Status

The status of a user's account. Account status is enabled unless an administrator has disabled the member account.

Verified Email Status

Indicates whether the member has verified their email address.

Member Categories

If your organization has set up member categories, this field indicates the member categories assigned to members.

Multifactor Authentication

If your organization has multifactor authentication (MFA) enabled, this field indicates whether the member has enabled MFA for their account.

Item fields

Item reports allow you to download data about your organization's content in a .csv file. The following is a table of fields included in an item report:



The title of the content item.

Item ID

The ID of the item, useable in advanced search. For example, id:4e770315ad9049e7950b552aa1e40869 returns the item for that ID.

Item Url

The web address for the item.

Item Type

The item type. Options include Web Map, Web Mapping Application, Feature Collection, .csv file, PDF, and more.

Date Created

The date the item was created.

Date Modified

The most recent date the item was edited.

Content Category

The categories the item has been sorted into. This field is populated if your organization has categories set up and if categories have been used for the item.

View Counts

The number of times the item has been viewed.


The username of the member who owns the item.

File Storage Size

The amount of file storage charged for any service or file, measured in megabytes.

Feature Storage Size

The amount of feature storage charged for the data or table storage of a feature service, measured in megabytes.

Share Level

The share level of the item is one of the following:

  • Private—The item is not shared and is only visible to the owner.
  • Group—The item is private but is shared and visible to one or more groups.
  • Org—The item is shared to your organization and could also be shared to one or more groups.
  • Public—The item is shared to everyone and could also be shared to one or more groups.

# of Groups shared with

The number of groups with which the item has been shared.


The terms used to tag the item.

Number of Comments

The number of comments on the item.

Is Hosted Service

A value of TRUE in this field means the service is hosted. A value of FALSE in this field means the service is not hosted.

Date Last Viewed

The date the item was last viewed. A blank field indicates that the item was last viewed before the November 2022 update of ArcGIS Online.

In Recycle Bin

A value of Yes in this field means the item is in the recycle bin. A value of No in this field means the item is not in the recycle bin.

Item view count fields

Item view count reports allow you to download a list of items in your organization with their corresponding view counts for a specified time period. The following is a table of fields included in an item view count report:



The title of the content item.

Item ID

The ID of the item, useable in advanced search. For example, id:4e770315ad9049e7950b552aa1e40869 returns the item for that ID.

Total view count

The number of times the item was viewed in the specified time period.


Additional fields in the report depend on the specified reporting period duration and view count aggregation. For example, if you specify Month for the duration and Weekly totals for the view count aggregation, the report includes fields called Week 1 view count, Week 2 view count, and so on, with view counts displayed for each week.

Service usage fields

Service usage reports allow you to download data usage information associated with developer credentials for a specified time period. The following is a table of fields included in a service usage report:



The unique ID of the item, used to ensure there are no duplicate records in the report aggregation.


The title of the content item.

Item ID

The ID of the item, useable in advanced search. For example, id:4e770315ad9049e7950b552aa1e40869 returns the item for that ID.


The ID of the app.


The application programming interface (API) key, or permanent access token, that defines the scope and permission for granting your public-facing application access to ArcGIS location services and specific service operations.

Item Type

The item type. Options include Web Map, Web Mapping Application, Feature Collection, .csv file, PDF, and more.

Date Created

The date the item was created.

Date Modified

The most recent date the item was edited.

Content Categories

The categories the item has been sorted into. This field is populated if your organization has categories set up and if categories have been used for the item.


The username of the member who owns the item.


The terms used to tag the item.

Service Type

The service type. Options include portal, tiles, features, scene, vector tiles, and more.

Number of Requests

The sum of requests made to the service.

Cost Factor

The usage request payload that is unique to each service type and used to calculate the total credit cost.


The amount of storage used, measured in bytes.


The amount of bandwidth used, measured in bytes.