Listed below are issues you may encounter when working with ArcGIS Online and some recommended solutions. If you don't find the problem you are looking for, and you are a member of an organization, send your issue to your administrator and request that they contact Esri Support. If you have a public account, you can access Esri Community and ArcGIS Blog.
For solutions related to creating an account, signing in, or updating your account, see Account troubleshoot.
- The website isn't working.
- I've encountered a maximum limitation when using the website.
- Why can't I change my organization name?
- Why can't I turn off anonymous access to my organization?
- Why can't I set a credit budget for storage, premium content, and app-related activities?
- When I sign in, I get an error that my SAML certificate has expired. What do I do?
- When I try to access some capabilities in my organization, they are not available.
Activate a subscription
Add members to an organization
Join an organization
- When searching for layers to add to a map, only web layers are listed.
- When searching for layers to add to a map, not all of my organization's layers are listed in the search results.
- The date and time in a pop-up do not match the date and time in the underlying data.
- Dates are formatted differently throughout the map.
- Time does not appear in the date field.
- I can't edit the geometry of a feature in an editable feature layer.
- When I print my map, some layers are missing.
- My map layer did not draw completely.
- The map is missing a legend.
- The map legend is different from the legend I created for my feature layer.
- I can't reorder a layer in the map's contents.
- My web map contains a layer that is no longer available, and an error appears when I load the map. How do I remove this layer so that I can replace it with another one?
- The time slider does not appear in a map with a time-aware layer.
- There is no option to use my layer as a basemap.
- When I use my own basemap, some of the zoom levels in my basemap are missing on the map.
- My basemap is unavailable, so none of my map content appears.
- When I add an OGC WMS or WMTS layer to my map, I get an error that says the layer's coordinate system doesn't align with that of the basemap.
- The aerial imagery I added doesn't display on the map.
- Some layers don't display correctly in the map. It looks like there is a mix of HTTP and HTTPS URLs. Is this mixed content negatively affecting the map display?
- When attempting to add a layer to the map or opening an existing map, I see a message that Map Viewer Classic is unable to establish a secure connection to one or more layers.
- My dataset is too large to add directly to the map.
- Some features are missing when I add my KML document to the map.
- Edits in the feature layer don’t appear in the embedded map or app until the map is refreshed.
- I cannot edit features I've added to my map.
- I receive the following message when editing a feature layer in ArcGIS Online: Cannot overwrite curve geometry with non-curve geometry.
- I do not see an option to configure pop-ups even though I know my service has feature data in it.
- I cannot remove pop-ups on a layer in the map.
- The map pop-up does not display my custom HTML.
- After modifying a service or hosted web layer, the layers in my map are missing or do not function as expected.
- I do not see an option to save item properties on a layer I've updated in Map Viewer Classic.
- Number fields from a .csv file on the web do not import correctly into the map.
- My organization has a Bing Maps key that can be used in maps shared publicly. I see the Bing Maps basemap in my maps but the public sees an ArcGIS Online basemap.
- Symbols disappear when I change symbols in my layer and use an image from an item in ArcGIS Online.
- I am having issues with styling.
- My layers aren't supported in Scene Viewer for ArcGIS Enterprise.
- My layer is only partially drawn.
- My gamepad or SpaceMouse device doesn't navigate in Scene Viewer.
- Point symbols and labels do not appear in the scene.
- My elevation layer doesn’t display correctly in the scene.
- Layers are not ordered correctly in my scenes.
- Some layers don't display correctly in the scene. It looks like there's a mix of HTTP and HTTPS URLs. Is this mixed content negatively affecting the scene display?
Hosted web layers
- I cannot publish a hosted tile layer from a hosted feature layer.
- I cannot publish my .txt file as a hosted feature layer.
- I made my hosted tile layer public, but others still can't access it.
- Publishing a hosted tile layer takes a long time.
- Publishing a service definition (.sd) file on ArcGIS Online fails with the message Unable to publish item. This Item can't be published to Online Service.
- When I try to open service properties for my hosted layers in ArcMap or ArcCatalog, I receive the error message Cannot view or edit service properties. Please try to access the service properties through the server directly.
- My hosted feature layer does not use the same symbology as I defined in ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap.
ArcGIS Desktop
You can check the status of the ArcGIS Online website, Esri basemaps, ArcGIS REST API, feature publishing, and so on. You can subscribe to RSS feeds to be notified about any interruptions in specific services. You can also visit the dashboard at
If part of a page is missing, try clearing your browser cache and cookies. This operation can be different in all browsers. In Chrome, select the option to clear since the beginning of time. In Firefox, select the Everything option. Safari will clear all the cookies and content selected.
The website has the following maximum limitations:
- Number of groups per user with a public or organizational account—512
- Number of add-on licenses that can be assigned to a member using new member defaults and when inviting a member to join using an account of their choice, a SAML login, or an OpenID Connect login—10
- Upload file size—500 GB
- Maximum number of fields (including all system fields such as shape or object ID), per layer, in a hosted web layer—1,024
- Thumbnail image size—1 MB
- Sign-in time—Two weeks
- URL characters for adding items from the web—1,024
- Size limit for shapefiles (.zip) added directly to Map Viewer Classic—2 MB per file
If your organization is a verified organization, you can't change the organization name. Verified organizations that need to change their organization name must first have their verified status removed.
If your organization is a verified organization, you must allow anonymous access to the organization. Verified organizations that want to disable anonymous access must first have their verified status removed.
As an administrator, you can enable credit budgeting on transaction-based services and tools such as geoenrichment and spatial analysis. Budgeting does not apply to organizational credits used for storage of files, feature layers, and tiles, for app-related activities, or for premium content accessed through a configured resource proxy.
To update to the new certificate, administrators must reregister ArcGIS Online as a trusted service provider through their identity provider. See ArcGIS Online SAML authentication certificate renewal for more information on renewing your certificate.
To use capabilities such as ArcGIS Notebooks, spatial analysis, and imagery analysis and publishing, your organization must have published hosted content, such as hosted feature layers. You must also have the appropriate privileges.
Activate a subscription
If you have difficulty activating your subscription, contact Esri Support.
I requested a subscription for ArcGIS Online, but I am not the one who will administer the subscription for my organization.
The subscription must be activated by the person who will administer it. If that's not you, forward the activation email you received to the appropriate person.
It is recommended that administrators specify one or more administrative contacts to receive email communication from Esri and be listed as points of contact in automatic email notifications sent to members when they request password resets, help with usernames, and so on. This ensures the appropriate individuals are notified regarding these and other administrative tasks.
Add members to an organization
I cannot invite or add members from an ASCII-encoded comma-separated values (CSV) file containing non-English characters.
If your CSV contains non-English characters, for example, characters specific to the French, Russian, Greek, Japanese, or Arabic alphabets, the file must be encoded as Unicode or UTF-8, and not ASCII. You can save your file as UTF-8 or Unicode in Microsoft Windows. Open the file in a text editor such as Notepad, click File > Save As, and choose UTF-8 or Unicode from the Encoding drop-down list shown at the bottom of the Save As dialog box.
Join an organization
Invitations are valid for 14 days. Ask the administrator of your organization to send you a new invitation if the 14-day period has expired.
Your account email must match the address where the invitation was sent. If you create a new organizational account when you join the organization, enter the same email address where your invitation was sent.
If you are joining a trial subscription, you cannot use an existing account. You must create a new account.
I know I was invited to join an organization, but I didn't receive an invitation in my email inbox folder.
Your invitation may have been moved or blocked by your email account. Check your spam and junk email folders. If you don't see the email there, add to your safe senders list and ask your ArcGIS Online organizational administrator to resend the invitation. If you continue to have problems, have your administrator contact Esri Support.
Servers store dates in coordinated universal time (UTC). Web browsers convert the date to local time. For example, if you look at a time field in a pop-up and you are located in California during standard time, what you see is 8 hours earlier (UTC-8) than the time in the data. This offset might affect the date as well. If you look at a pop-up with data from 7/7/2017 12:00 a.m., you see 7/6/2017 5:00 p.m.
When viewing dates in Map Viewer or Map Viewer Classic, you may see different formats on different parts of the map. Map authors can configure the format that appears in pop-ups, forms, tables, and labels. For these and other parts of the map, such as the time slider, the language associated with your account determines the default date format.
Only short date formats display time (for example, 12/31/1999 and 31/12/1999). Time is not displayed as part of the date field for other date formats. To display time for date fields, you must configure the date field in the pop-up to use one of the short date formats and check the box to show time.
If your organization uses the default print service, layers that are not accessible externally, KML ground overlays, and network links without refresh properties do not appear on a printed map. If your organization uses a custom print service, certain types of layers may not appear on a printed map.
Use the Print button in Map Viewer or the Print drop-down menu in Map Viewer Classic to display a printer-friendly web page of your map (with or without the legend).
If you're using Map Viewer Classic, once the print page has finished loading, you can use your browser's print option to print a complete and well-formatted map. If you use your browser's print option directly from Map Viewer Classic without using the Map Viewer Classic Print drop-down menu, many other layers and logos may be missing as well.
Legends for feature layers may not match the legends saved in web maps. This typically happens when you save the layer in the web map with different symbology than that of the original layer. Symbology is saved to the web map when you save the map. Therefore, if you have different symbology saved to the layer and want to display the layer's legend in the web map, you must remove the layer from the web map and add it back.
Layers are always displayed on top of a basemap, and feature layers are always displayed on top of tileset layers (map image, imagery, and tile layers) and KML layers. Depending on the type of layers you have in your map, you may not be able to move them all up or down. For example, if you have one map image layer and three feature layers, you can reorder the feature layers, but you cannot move the map image layer on top of them.
ArcGIS Server services (map image layers), OGC WMS, OGC WMTS, and tile layers can be used as your basemap.
In Map Viewer Classic, the following layers cannot be used as basemaps:
- Layers from a file
- KML documents
- Map notes you create in Map Viewer Classic
In Map Viewer, the following layers cannot be used as basemaps:
- Layers from a file
- KML documents
- Sketch layers you create in Map Viewer
This happens because the map displays the zoom levels of the current basemap, for example, the World Topographic basemap. To see the additional zoom levels in the basemap you added, save your map, close the Map Viewer or Map Viewer Classic page (for example, go to the Gallery), and reopen the map. The additional zoom levels appear. You need privileges to create content to save your map.
Map Viewer Classic can't display layers in a map without a working basemap because the basemap establishes the coordinate system of the map. Once you save a map with a basemap, Map Viewer Classic only uses that basemap; it doesn't revert to a default basemap if yours is unavailable. You can repair your map by using a different basemap as long as the spatial reference of the unavailable and new basemap are the same. For basemaps that are tile layers, the tiling scheme of the unavailable and new basemaps must also be the same. Repair your map by choosing a different basemap from the gallery or using the URL parameter basemapUrl.
When I add an OGC WMS or WMTS layer to my map, I get an error that says the layer's coordinate system doesn't align with that of the basemap.
This error message usually appears when you added layers to your map in Map Viewer Classic and then added an OGC layer that is in a coordinate system other than Web Mercator (the projection of the basemaps in the default Map Viewer Classic gallery). To remedy this, create a new map and add your OGC layer first. If your layer is in GCS WGS84, Map Viewer Classic uses the GCS WGS84 World Imagery basemap. If your OGC WMS or WMTS layer is in a coordinate system other than Web Mercator or GCS WGS84, your layer is used as the basemap. If your WMTS layer supports multiple coordinate systems, you can select the one you want to use.
Tile layers that use aerial imagery may not display on the map if you are using a Web Mercator basemap (which is the projection of the basemaps in the gallery) and the layer is not in Web Mercator. To display the layer, use it as the basemap or display it on top of a basemap that is in the same projection as the tile layer.
Some layers don't display correctly in the map. It looks like there is a mix of HTTP and HTTPS URLs. Is this mixed content negatively affecting the map display?
The specific behavior depends on your browser and browser version.
As of December 2020, HTTP is no longer supported, and references to HTTP URLs no longer work in ArcGIS Online. If you are the owner or administrator of the map, you must therefore update the layers in the map to use HTTPS. For more information about considerations when making changes to your content and workflows, see the Important Updates for ArcGIS and HTTPS Only Enforcement Support article.
You can read more about mixed content from various browser providers.
- Chrome—Support article and blog post
- Firefox—Support article and Mozilla Developer Network article
When attempting to add a layer to the map or opening an existing map, I see a message that Map Viewer Classic is unable to establish a secure connection to one or more layers.
It's possible that the URL you provided is HTTP when your organization is set up for HTTPS. As of December 2020, HTTP is no longer supported, and references to HTTP URLs no longer work in ArcGIS Online. If you are the owner or administrator of the map, you must therefore update the layers in the map to use HTTPS. For more information about considerations when making changes to your content and workflows, see the Important Updates for ArcGIS and HTTPS Only Enforcement Support article.
Large datasets should be published as hosted feature layers. When you add a shapefile, GeoJSON, .csv, .txt, or .gpx file directly to Map Viewer, the features are stored in the web map, which increases the amount of data that must be downloaded each time the web map is opened. Publishing your data as a hosted feature layer allows the features in the dataset to be requested as needed rather than being stored in the web map.
When you add a text file (.csv or .txt) while signed in with an organizational account, 4,000 features can be added directly to the map. When you add the same text file while signed in with a public account, or when you are not signed in, 250 features can be added directly to the map. Datasets with more features than this must be published as a hosted feature layer.
When you add a shapefile or GeoJSON file with point data, 4,000 features can be added directly to the map. When you add a shapefile or GeoJSON file with polygon or line data, 2,000 features can be added directly to the map. Datasets with more features than this must be published as a hosted feature layer. Shapefiles larger than 2 MB and GeoJSON files larger than 10 MB must be published as a hosted feature layer regardless of the number of features.
When you add a KML document to Map Viewer or Map Viewer Classic, features from placemarks, network links, ground overlays without refresh properties, folders, and extended data are displayed. Other features are not supported at this time. To learn more about supported KML elements and functionality, see the Considerations for using KML in your map section in KML.
When you add, update, or remove features in a layer that contains fewer than 2,000 polygons, 4,000 points, or 250,000 vertices, the edits don’t appear in the embedded map or app until the map is refreshed. You can set a refresh interval on the layer to keep the map synced with the latest data while the map is open.
I receive the following message when editing a feature layer in ArcGIS Online: Cannot overwrite curve geometry with non-curve geometry.
When a hosted feature layer or ArcGIS Server feature layer contains true curve features, the layer owner or organization administrator can configure the layer to prevent the curves from being edited from clients that cannot create true curves. If the feature layer is editable but is configured to disallow editing true curves from clients that don't support it, you can edit other, features that are not true curves in the feature layer, but to edit true curve features, you must use ArcGIS Pro.
ArcGIS Online supports a limited set of HTML tags. Unsupported HTML is filtered out and will not be displayed.
After modifying a service or hosted web layer, the layers in my map are missing or do not function as expected.
If the layers in your ArcGIS Server service or hosted web layer have been reordered, removed, or the schema has changed, maps or layers referencing the service or layer may not function as expected. To resolve the issue, remove and re-add the service or layer and reconfigure the layer settings. If you make changes to fields in the service or hosted web layer, pop-ups in the map or layers referencing the service or layer will not include the field changes. To include the field changes, you must reconfigure the pop-ups.
You can only save item properties on layers you have added to Map Viewer Classic.
If you are adding a .csv file from the web that uses periods as decimals, but your profile or organization language is set to a system that expects commas for decimals, number fields may not display correctly. The decimal characters in the file should match the format your system language expects. For example, if your system is set to English, your file should use periods as decimals. If your system is set to French, your file should use commas as decimals.
My organization has a Bing Maps key that can be used in maps shared publicly. I see the Bing Maps basemap in my maps but the public sees an ArcGIS Online basemap.
Bing Maps retires on June 30, 2028 and will be replaced by Azure Maps. See the Microsoft Azure documentation for information about migrating from Bing Maps to Azure Maps.
Verify that your organization has configured a Bing Maps key for public use. If it has a key and the public does not see a Bing Maps basemap in your map, resave your map.
To change symbols with an image in an ArcGIS Server map service that supports dynamic layers, you must include the image file name in the URL to the item. For example, if the item URL is and the image name is chrysanthemum.jpg, you must use the following URL:
See a list of styling considerations.
Often layers are released in ArcGIS Online before ArcGIS Enterprise. Here are Scene Viewer layer types with release information for ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online:
Layer | ArcGIS Enterprise version | ArcGIS Online release |
OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) | Supported in a future release | February 2025 |
Oriented imagery layer | Supported in a future release | November 2024 |
Catalog layer | 11.4 | June 2024 |
Media layer | 11.4 | June 2024 |
3D tiles layer | 11.4 | February 2024 |
Scene layer : voxel | 11.0 | March 2022 |
OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) | 11.0 | September 2021 |
Scene layer : building | 10.7 | December 2018 |
OGC Web Map Service (WMS) | 10.6 | September 2017 |
OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) | 10.5.1 | December 2016 |
Scene layer : point cloud | 10.5.1 | December 2016 |
Vector tile layer | 10.5.1 | December 2016 |
Scene layer : integrated mesh | 10.5 | June 2016 |
Scene layer : point | 10.4 | November 2015 |
Scene layer : 3D object | 10.3.1 | March 2015 |
Elevation layer | 10.3.1 | March 2015 |
Feature layer | 10.3.1 | March 2015 |
Imagery layer | 10.3.1 | March 2015 |
Map Image layer | 10.3.1 | March 2015 |
Tile layer | 10.3.1 | March 2015 |
A layer may have too many features for Scene Viewer to display at one time due to performance reasons. When this occurs, a message appears in Scene Viewer warning that the layer is only partially drawn. To see the omitted features, zoom in and move around the scene.
3D symbology affects the number of features shown. Also, changing to complex 3D symbols, such as from cubes to trees, can cause fewer features to be drawn since trees require more vertices to be rendered.
Scene Viewer supports navigation for most gamepads and 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse devices. Support for navigation with devices other than a standard mouse depends on the operating system, browser, and device. The following are the officially supported devices by operating system and browser:
- Chrome—Gamepad (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4); 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse
- Firefox—Gamepad (Xbox 360, Xbox One)
- Edge—Gamepad (Xbox 360, Xbox One)
- Chrome—Gamepad (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4); 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse
- Safari doesn't support gamepad or 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse navigation in Scene Viewer.
- You may need to restart your browser after connecting the device to enable navigation.
- To navigate with your device, ensure the Scene Viewer browser window is active.
Some systems can automatically switch between integrated graphics and dedicated graphics cards to render 3D graphics. Scene Viewer works best with a dedicated graphics card; therefore, in your graphics card driver settings, make sure the per-application settings for your web browser are set to the dedicated graphics card. See Scene Viewer requirements for more information.
If you see benching, a step-like appearance of the elevation surface, in your elevation layer created from a cached elevation image service, you may need to lower the compression value and max error of the service to better match the resolution of the elevation data. You can configure these settings from ArcGIS Desktop.
Scene Viewer has a built-in hierarchy for ordering layers. The viewer displays your layers in the order listed below. Within each of these groups, you can order the layers in the scene.
- 3D-enabled layers—This includes 3D data with z-values and 2D data that has an Elevation mode setting of Relative to ground or Absolute height.
- Dynamic map services and 2D feature layers with an Elevation mode setting of On the ground.
- Hosted tile layers and cached map services.
For example, a dynamic layer of United States hurricanes always displays on top of a tile layer or cached map service of United States population density, even if the hurricane layer is at the bottom of Contents.
Some layers don't display correctly in the scene. It looks like there's a mix of HTTP and HTTPS URLs. Is this mixed content negatively affecting the scene display?
The specific behavior depends on your browser and browser version.
As of December 2020, HTTP is no longer supported, and references to HTTP URLs no longer work in ArcGIS Online. When you attempt to open an HTTP-based layer in Scene Viewer that's on HTTPS, a message may appear stating that Scene Viewer is unable to establish a secure connection to the layer. This applies to layers you add to your scene and layers in existing scenes. If you're the owner or administrator of the scene, you must therefore update the layers in the scene to use HTTPS. For more information about considerations when making changes to your content and workflows, see the Important Updates for ArcGIS and HTTPS Only Enforcement Support article.
You can read more about mixed content from various browser providers.
- Chrome—Support article and blog post
- Firefox—Support article and Mozilla Developer Network article
Hosted web layers
You cannot generate map tiles for a hosted tile layer published from a hosted feature layer if the hosted feature layer is configured with certain styles and saved to the hosted feature layer item.
In general, the time it takes to render the tiles for a particular map is based on the spatial extent of the map to be cached and the number of layers in the map, as well as the load on the system at the time the map is being processed. The system is designed to scale automatically (by adding machines) as the load increases. However, lags are possible in cases in which the system experiences drastic load.
The map caching system running in the cloud partitions a map into spatial extents that are rendered in parallel. If your data contains many extents, the entire process may take minutes or hours to complete. The process is asynchronous, which means the caching process continues if you close the ArcMap session from where the initial publication was performed. You can use the resulting cached map layer from the web or from another ArcMap session you start at a later time.
Publishing a service definition (.sd) file on ArcGIS Online fails with the message Unable to publish item. This Item can't be published to Online Service.
Service definition files for ArcGIS Server web services are different from service definition files for hosted layers. What you connect to when you save the service definition file determines what type of service definition file is created.
When you save a service definition file in ArcMap, you must choose My Hosted Services for the Choose a connection setting to save a service definition file that can publish a hosted tile layer. You cannot connect to an ArcGIS Server site or choose No available connection.
In ArcGIS Pro, if you connect to ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal when you create the service definition file, the service definition file can be used to publish hosted layers only. If you connect to a stand-alone ArcGIS Server site when you create the service definition file, the service definition file can be used to publish ArcGIS Server web services only.
Web browsers cannot display some of the more complex cartographic symbols used when authoring a map in ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap. Most symbol types are available, but some symbols may be downgraded when you publish them. See Author maps to publish feature services in the ArcGIS Server help for more details about which symbols are supported. Make any required changes to your map symbology prior to publishing.
Your organization may not allow sharing outside the organization or you may not have privileges to share outside the organization. Check with your administrator.
If the organization prevents anonymous access to its URL (and you have the privileges), public maps, item details, and groups can still be shared. To share public maps, use the short URL in the Map Viewer Classic Share window or on the map's item page; to share item details and groups, use the Facebook or Twitter buttons. These options create a link that uses the URL instead of the organization's URL.
When a map is shared through Map Viewer Classic using the public URL (, ArcGIS World Geocoding Service is the only available locator. If you want Map Viewer Classic to include your organization's own locators, share the map using your organization's URL (for example,
If you experience a time-out when syncing a distributed collaboration, divide the items between multiple workspaces in the same collaboration. This splits the large sync task into smaller sync tasks.
When I add a secure ArcGIS Server service as an item, the item page is missing part of the credentials section.
If you do not see the username and password fields or the options to store or not store credentials, or if you see an error when attempting to add the secure service, there may be an issue with your SSL configuration. The ArcGIS Server site providing the service for which you are attempting to store credentials must support HTTPS and have a valid certificate signed from a well-known certificate authority. To help diagnose problems with your SSL certificate installation, you can use an SSL checker such as SSLShopper. For additional troubleshooting, contact Esri Support.
Setting an extent that crosses the 180th meridian is not supported. Define a new extent that excludes this meridian.
You will only be able to invite a user to your group if the following conditions are met:
- The user you are inviting has an ArcGIS Online account.
- The user you are inviting has the privilege to join groups.
- The user you are inviting has the same type of account that you have. For example, if you have an organizational account, you can only invite users with organizational accounts to join your group.
- The profile of the user you are inviting is not set to private. To invite someone from your organization to the group, their profile must be visible to the organization. To invite someone from another organization, their profile must be visible to the public.
- If you are inviting someone from another organization, the group cannot be a shared update group, unless they are members of an organization that is in a partnered collaboration with your organization.
- If you are inviting someone from a partnered organization, the group cannot exceed a maximum of 100 different organizations.
Groups that allow group members to update all items in the group are called shared update groups.
At this time, shared update groups are intended for updating item details and the contents of maps, apps, and scenes. Some updates are reserved for the item owner or administrator (such as moving, sharing, or deleting an item, changing ownership, and updating the item by overwriting it). However, members of shared update groups also have elevated privileges, such as the ability to edit the contents of hosted feature layers, append and update a hosted feature layer using the content of a file, alter editor tracking settings, enable or disable attachments, and alter the layer's schema. Therefore, proceed with caution when adding members to this type of group.
Only the owner (or administrator) of the item can perform the following actions on the item (not all actions apply to all item types): delete, share, move, change owner, change delete protection, publish, register an app, overwrite data in hosted feature layers, and manage tiles in hosted tile layers.
Currently, most ArcGIS apps do not support updating items shared with a shared update group. To determine whether this capability is supported in a specific ArcGIS app, refer to its product documentation. Additionally, you cannot create an offline area for feature layers that are shared to a shared update group.
Administrators can share a member's item with any group if the item is shared with the public or with the organization. However, you can only share a member's private (unshared) item with a group if at least one of the following conditions is met:
- The member who owns the item is the owner or manager of the group.
- The member belongs to the group and the group allows all group members to contribute content. See Create a group for information about group settings.
If you're unable to share a member's private item with a group, do any of the following before sharing the item with the group:
- Resolve either of the above conditions for the member who owns the item.
- Transfer ownership of the item to another member who meets at least one of the above conditions.
- Change the sharing level of the item from Owner to Everyone (public) or Organization.
ArcGIS Desktop
When opening a package that has been shared with a group but not made public, you are prompted (through a pop-up dialog box) to enter your ArcGIS Online username and password. The dialog box includes an option to save your login information, which allows you to open shared packages without reentering your username and password.