Manage members

After you have invited or added members to your organization, you can manage their accounts. You can modify member profiles and account settings, manage credit budgets, reset passwords, disable multifactor authentication, enable Esri access, disable member accounts, and delete members. Managing members also includes changing their role or user type, and categorizing members by characteristics such as department or location. For information about managing member content, see Manage content.

The actions you can perform when managing members depend on your privileges in the organization.


Use the filters and sort options to help find the members you need to manage. For example, to change the user type for members with the same user type, role, and group membership, you can filter the list to show only members that match that set of criteria. You can also filter by assigned licenses, last login date, login type, and more.

Modify profile

If you have the appropriate privileges, you can modify a member's profile and settings, such as their profile photo, bio, profile visibility, language, and email address.

  1. Confirm that you are signed in to your organization and that you have privileges to update member account information.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or username and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. Click the More options button More options for the member whose profile you want to modify, and click View profile.
  5. On the member's profile page, update any of the following: profile photo, member name, bio, or profile visibility.
  6. To edit the member's settings, such as their email address, start page, language, and units, click View <member name>'s settings and modify the settings.

Change email address

If a member's profile is changed or their password is reset, ArcGIS Online sends the member an automated email notification. You should always verify that ArcGIS Online has the correct email address for all members. You can see a member's email address on the member's settings page and on the Members tab of the organization page. Default administrators can change the email addresses of members if necessary.

Do the following to edit a member's email address on the Members tab:

  1. Confirm that you are signed in to your organization as a default administrator.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or username and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. Click the More options button More options for the member whose email address you want to modify, and click Edit email address.
  5. Type and confirm a new email address for the member and click Save.

Categorize members

As an administrator or a member with the privileges to manage member categories, you can set up hierarchical categories for organizing members in your organization according to characteristics, such as department, location, and expertise. Once categories are set up, members with the privilege to update member information can categorize members in the organization. This allows you and others in the organization to filter the members list by member category to find specific members. A member's assigned categories are displayed on their settings page and can be viewed by the member and those with the privilege to view members.

Set up categories

You can configure member categories on the Members tab of the organization page.

  1. Confirm that you are signed in to your organization as a member with the privileges to manage member categories.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization.
  3. Click the Members tab.
  4. Under Categories, click Set up member categories.

    If some member categories have already been configured, click Configure categories Configure categories to add, rename, delete, or reorder categories as needed.

  5. In the text box, type a category name (using up to 100 characters), and click Save Save.
  6. Optionally, click Add category Add category, type a name, and click Save to create a subcategory.
  7. Repeat the previous steps to create additional top-level categories and subcategories.
  8. Do any of the following to make additional changes to the categories:
    • Click Edit category Edit category, type a different name, and click Save to rename a category or subcategory.
    • Click Delete category Delete category next to a category or subcategory to delete it.
    • Click Reorder Reorder next to a category or subcategory and drag it to a new position in the hierarchy.
  9. Close the Configure member categories window when you are finished setting up categories.

You can now assign the categories you created to members in the organization.

You can have up to three levels of categories in the hierarchy, with a maximum of 200 categories and subcategories in total. For efficiency, it is recommended that you create a comprehensive and complete category hierarchy and naming scheme before assigning categories to members.

Assign categories to members

Once member categories are configured, those with the privileges to update member information can categorize members in the organization on the Members tab of the organization page. Alternatively, you can assign member categories to one or more members during the invitation process or configure your organization to automatically assign a set of default member categories to new members who are added or invited to join the organization.

Do the following to assign member categories on the Members tab of the organization page:

  1. Confirm that you are signed in to your organization as a member with the privilege to update member information.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization.
  3. Click the Members tab.
  4. Use the filters, sort options, and search as needed to find one or more members to categorize.
  5. Select one or more members and click Categorize.
  6. Do any of the following:
    • Check the boxes to select categories and subcategories to bulk assign to the selected members.

      Selecting a subcategory automatically selects all associated categories and subcategories above it in the hierarchy.

    • Uncheck boxes to remove all selected members from a specific category or subcategory.

      When deselecting categories and subcategories, the following occurs:

      • Deselecting a category or subcategory automatically deselects all of its associated subcategories.
      • Deselecting a category or subcategory when no other subcategories are selected at the same level also deselects the associated categories above it and subcategories below it.

    • Click Assign Category on the member card and select one or more categories to categorize an individual member.

      You can assign up to 20 categories to each member. You can also use the Filter categories box to narrow your options.

    • Click the remove button next to the category on a member card to remove a category assignment for an individual member.
  7. Click Done when you are finished assigning categories.

    The members are organized into the categories you specified. Members can view their assigned categories on their settings page. Administrators and members with the privilege to view members can also view a member's assigned categories on the member's settings page and can use the Categories filter on the Members tab to find specific members.

Manage credit budget

Administrators can allocate a credit budget that assigns a flexible allocation of credits to some or all organization members. This option only appears when credit budgeting is configured for the organization. Credit budgeting applies to transaction-based services and tools, such as geoenrichment and spatial analysis.

  1. Verify that you are signed in as a default administrator or custom role with administrative privileges to manage credit settings.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or username and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. Select the member or members to whom you want to allocate credits and click Manage credits.
  5. Choose to set allocation to a specific number of credits or no allocated limit and click Save.

Change user types

User types determine which privileges and apps are available to members. Once assigned, user types can be changed by those with the appropriate privileges.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your organization and have administrative privileges to change member roles, manage licenses, and update member account information.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or username and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To change the user type of one member, click the More options button More options for the member and click Manage user type.
    • To change the user type of multiple members at once, check the box next to the name of each member. Above the list of members, click Manage user types.

    You can select up to 100 members at a time. The selected set is maintained while you search and filter all the members in your organization, even across multiple pages. If necessary, click the members selected drop-down menu to review and revise your selection once you've modified your initial search or filter.

  5. In the window that appears, select a user type, select a role (if necessary), and click Save.

    The user type can be changed to one with fewer capabilities if the member satisfies the corresponding requirements. For example, you can change a member from Creator to Viewer as long as the following conditions are met:

    • The member does not own content or groups.
    • The member does not have add-on licenses assigned that are incompatible with the new user type.
    • The member does not belong to shared update groups.
    If the above conditions are not met, the administrator must reassign that member's content and groups, revoke the add-on licenses, and remove the member from these groups before changing their user type.

Change member roles

A role defines the set of privileges assigned to a member. Once assigned, roles can be changed by administrators and those with privileges to change member roles. When you assign a role, it must be compatible with the member's assigned user type.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your organization and that you have privileges to change member roles.

    Changing a member's assigned role to or from the default Administrator role requires signing in as a default Administrator role.

  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or username and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. To change the role of one member, click the Role drop-down arrow and choose a new role.
  5. To change the role of multiple members at once, do the following:
    1. Check the box next to the name of each member whose role you want to change.

      You can select up to 100 members at a time. The selected set is maintained while you search and filter all the members in your organization, even across multiple pages. If necessary, click the members selected drop-down menu to review and revise your selection once you've modified your initial search or filter.

    2. Above the list of members, click Manage user types.
    3. In the window that appears, search for the role you want (if needed) and select it.

      You only see the roles that are compatible with all the user types assigned to the selected members.

    4. Click Save.

Reset password

Organization members who have privileges to update member account information can reset passwords for members. The system sends an email with a temporary password to the member. After the member successfully signs in with the temporary password, they are prompted to change their password. If the member is currently signed in when you reset their password, they are immediately signed out.


You cannot reset passwords for organization-specific (SAML and OpenID Connect) logins.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your organization and that you have privileges to update member account information.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or username and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. Click the More options button More options for the member whose password you want to reset, and click Reset password.

The member receives an email with a temporary password. Once they sign in, they are immediately prompted to change their password.

Disable multifactor authentication

Administrators can disable multifactor authentication on an ArcGIS account. This option only appears when the organization is configured for multifactor authentication and the member has enabled it through their profile page.

  1. Confirm that you are signed in to your organization and have administrative privileges to manage the organization's security settings.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or username and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. Click the More options button More options for the member for whom you want to disable multifactor authentication, and click Disable multifactor.
  5. The member receives an email notification that multifactor authentication has been disabled on their account.

Enable Esri access

Administrators can enable and disable Esri access on member accounts.

A member whose account has Esri access enabled can use My Esri, take training courses, participate in Esri Community, add comments to ArcGIS Blog, and manage email communications from Esri. The member cannot enable or disable their own access to these Esri resources.


The member's full name, username, and email address will be made available to Esri, who may contact or send the member materials through email.

The following steps describe how to enable or disable Esri access for individual members on the Members tab of the organization page. Alternatively, you can enable Esri access for one or more members during the invitation process, or configure your organization to enable Esri access by default for new members who are added or invited to join the organization.

  1. Verify that you are signed in as an administrator of your organization.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or username and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. Click the More options button More options for the member for whom you want to enable access, click Enable Esri Access, and click OK.
  5. To disable Esri access for the member, click the More options button More options, click Disable Esri Access, and click OK.

Disable member accounts

If you are an administrator of your organization or you have the appropriate privileges, you can disable member accounts in your organization.

Disabling a member account prevents the member from consuming organizational resources. This can be useful while you transfer their items to a different member. Members whose accounts have been disabled cannot sign in to the organization, consume organizational resources, create content, or administer the site. They are still members and count toward the number of users in your organization. Disabled accounts are automatically disabled for Esri access.

If the member owns content or groups, you must transfer their content and groups to a different member when you delete the member account.

You can disable individual member accounts or disable them for a selected set of members (up to 100 at a time).

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your organization and that you have privileges to disable member accounts.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or username and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. Check the box next to the name of each member whose account you want to disable. Above the list of members, click the More menu and select Disable member account (or Disable member accounts if multiple members are selected).

    You can select up to 100 members at a time. The selected set is maintained while you search and filter all the members in your organization, even across multiple pages. If necessary, click the members selected drop-down menu to review and revise your selection once you've modified your initial search or filter.

  5. To enable one or more disabled member accounts, select the member or members, and above the list of members, click the More menu and select Enable member accounts.

Delete members

If you are an administrator of your organization or you have the appropriate administrative privileges, you can delete members when you want to remove accounts from your organization. Only members with the default administrator role can delete other administrators.

If you are deleting a single member who owns content and groups, you must either transfer their content and groups to a different member, or delete their content and groups. If you are bulk deleting members, you can either transfer or delete their content. You cannot transfer groups when bulk deleting members; their groups will be deleted. If the member has licenses assigned, the licenses are automatically revoked when you delete the member. For some Esri products, such as ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Drone2Map, licenses must be checked in by the user before you can revoke them.

Deleted members no longer have access to their organizational account or any content or groups they previously owned. If the organization prevents anonymous access, they cannot access the organization site.

When you delete a member with an ArcGIS account that has Esri access enabled, you can either remove the member from the system completely or retain their Esri account after deletion. If you keep Esri access for the deleted member, their account is still available to use with Esri web resources such as My Esri and Esri Community. This option also converts their ArcGIS organizational account to a public account; however, they will not have access to any content or groups that became associated with the organization.

Deleted members with organization-specific (SAML and OpenID Connect) logins can no longer access the organization and, if they had been enabled for Esri access, no longer have access to Esri web resources. Deleted members can still use these logins to sign in to their organization-specific information systems.

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your organization and that you have privileges to delete members.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Members tab.
  3. Search for members by name or username and apply filters to narrow the members list. Sort the list as desired, such as by name or last login date.
  4. Ensure that the licenses of add-on apps such as ArcGIS Pro that are assigned to the member have been checked in.

    When you delete the member, these app licenses will be automatically revoked. If they are still checked out, you won't be able to delete the member.

  5. Click the More options button More options for the member you want to remove from the organization and click Delete member. To delete multiple members, check the box next to each username you want to delete. Then click the More drop-down menu, and click Delete members.
  6. If the member owns content or groups, either transfer ownership of their items to another member and delete their groups, or delete their items and groups. Do one of the following:
    • Click Transfer content, search for and select the member you want to transfer ownership to. The new owner must have privileges to own content and groups. Optionally, search for and select or create a folder for the transferred items. If you are bulk transferring, groups will be deleted. Click Next.

      If you are bulk transferring content, you can choose to create a folder for each previous owner and specify the prefix for the folder name under Content folder settings. Optionally, you can create a single folder to transfer all content.

      You can review the list of items and groups being transferred by clicking the View all button View all.

      When you transfer the ownership of an item shared with one or more groups, the new owner must be a member of all groups with which the item is shared. In addition, the Who can contribute content? setting of each group must allow the new owner to share items with the group. For example, if the item is shared with a group that only allows the group owner or group managers to contribute content, the new owner of the item must be that group's owner or manager.


      Changing layer ownership changes ownership of the file from which the layer was created. When you change the owner of a hosted feature layer, ownership changes for its dependent hosted layers as well. However, you cannot change the owner of a hosted feature layer that has dependent layers in the recycle bin. Either restore the dependent layers or, if they are not needed, delete them.

      Changing the owner of a layer does not change the owner of the maps and scenes in which the layer is used. Similarly, changing the owner of maps and scenes does not change the ownership of the layers inside them, nor does it change the owner of the apps in which the maps and scenes are used.

    • Click Delete content and then click Next.
  7. If the member has Esri access enabled, optionally check the Keep Esri access check box.

    If you check the box, the member's account is still available to use with Esri web resources such as My Esri and Esri Community. Turning on this option also converts the member's ArcGIS organizational account to a public account.

  8. When finished, click Delete member.
    Only administrators can delete other administrators.

    The members are deleted from the organization and their groups and content are either transferred to the specified member or deleted. Any add-on licenses are revoked and available to assign to other members.